Pinhead Bill O’Reilly Blames Muslims for 9/11


Bill O’Reilly sparks walkout on ‘The View’

Ree Hines writes: Television host, political commentator and professional instigator Bill O’Reilly from  FOX GOP NEWS visited “The View” Thursday morning, but shortly after he joined the regulars on stage, two of the women walked off.

During a heated discussion about Park51, the proposed Muslim community center often referred to as the Ground Zero mosque, O’Reilly stated that “Muslims killed us on 9/11.” His argument, which moderator Whoopi Goldberg declared to be “bullshit,” inspired both Goldberg and co-host Joy Behar to simply get up and leave their own set.

Barbara Walters later commented that while she loves her colleagues, “We should be able to have discussions without washing our hands and screaming and walking off stage.”

When given her own opportunity to confront O’Reilly, Walters was able to convince him to apologize for his remarks. Kind-of-sort-of. Ish.

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