G.I. Pin-Up Girl Needs Votes to Help Veterans in Need


Gina Elise, our vivacious and super caring Calendar Pin-Up Girl needs our help.  She’s in the running for a $50,000 Pepsi Refresh grant that will allow her to make a Veterans and Military Hospital Tour across the USA to visit our hospitalized Vets’ bedsides, to bring them to cheer & appreciation gifts.

Gina Elise - G.I. Calendar Pin-Up GirlYou can vote once a day!  Here’s how;

Visit www.pinupsforvets.com and click on the link near the waving flags at the top of my homepage OR text 103020 to Pepsi (73774) every day.

She needs our help so would you be so kind as to send this article to your contact lists, blog about it, talk about it at the water cooler and gently force your co-workers to vote?

Heck, tell your local grocery store checker as you’re paying for your 2% milk and cage-free eggs and write it on your deposit slips at the bank so the tellers see it, pass out flyers at your VFW and American Legion Post meetings, mount a bullhorn to the top of your car and sing about it as you drive through your local town center, put a bumper sticker on your car, Facebook it, Tweet it, MySpace it, write the link in facepaint on your forehead at the next homecoming game, set your phone alarms to go off so you remember to vote every day!

And…what do you get for all of this work?

If Pin-Ups For Vets wins this grant, you will have made Veterans across the USA very happy and let them know they are appreciated! Currently, Gina is in 166th place out of 495.  Let’s move this project up where it belongs–#1 spot.

Thank you so much for helping Gina help our Veterans

Gina Elise - Pin-Up Girl
What’s better than a visit from the tooth fairy? A visit from a pin-up girl bearing gifts, thanks, and hugs! Pinu-Girl Gina Elise on Photo Shoot