The Red Diary Caper: When the Kennedys Killed Marilyn Monroe


60 Years Later The Mystery of her Death Fades While Truths Emerge Pointing Directly to a Political Murder and Cover-Up

by Johnny Punish

It is said that with the number of drugs found in Marilyn Monroe’s system the day she died on August 4, 1962, at her home in California she would have needed at least 50 Sleeping Pills taken in a very short period but there was NO water glass OR water found in her locked bedroom where they say she died. Add in that there was also no pill residue found in her stomach and we have a full-blown cover-up.  But by who? why?

Recently Netflix, for the 60-year anniversary of her death, released a documentary called “The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes”

In this new spin on the mystery, self-proclaimed researcher Anthony Summers explores the mystery surrounding the death of the movie icon through previously unheard interviews with her inner circle that was taken over many years; over 1000 interviews.

But unfortunately, he spends the first 1 hour and 15 minutes presenting tapes with people talking to Marilyn way before she died. I suppose he wanted to set up her character, the kind of person she was. But it only left very little time for details on the day she died. And in fact, he spent so little time on the facts and evidence of that fatal day that we did NOT get an accurate or definitive picture of what happened. We need a timeline and did NOT get it. It was a huge missed opportunity by NetFlix.

Nevertheless, there are a ton of interviews and information on the facts and evidence of this case that is online and in videos on YouTube. It just needs to be professionally put together into a realistic timeline so that we can see exactly what happened and when.

For example, exactly where was Bobby Kennedy minute by minute?

Do you mean to tell me that the government has no clue where its Attorney General was and when? Come on! These hidden facts would clear up a lot of this B.S.

The official cause of death is suicide by overdose on drugs. But no one who takes a big picture look at the facts and evidence believes it.

Authorities say she died of a barbiturate overdose late in the evening of Saturday, August 4, 1962, at her 12305 Fifth Helena Drive home in Los Angeles, California. She was 36 years old. They say her body was discovered before dawn by housekeeper Eunice Murray, at 3am on Sunday, August 5.  But that’s not true.  Eunice has changed her story over and over again.

No matter, Marilyn was one of the most popular Hollywood stars during the 1950s and early 1960s. She was considered a major sex symbol at the time and was a top-billed actress for a decade; the most famous woman in the world.  Monroe’s films had grossed $200 million by the time of her death. She called herself a waif but, in fact, she was and remains the biggest starlet the world has ever known.

The Timeline

What we do know is that Monroe spent the last day of her life, Saturday, August 4, at her Brentwood home.

In the morning, she met with photographer Lawrence Schiller to discuss the possibility of Playboy publishing nude photos taken of her on the set of Something’s Got to Give.  She also received a massage from her personal massage therapist, talked with friends on the phone, and signed for deliveries. Yep, that sounds like a person ready to take their own life!

Present at the house in the morning was also her housekeeper, Eunice Murray, and her publicist Patricia Newcomb, who had stayed overnight. According to Newcomb, they had an argument because Monroe had not slept well the night before.

At 4:30 p.m. PDT on Saturday, August 4, Monroe’s psychiatrist Ralph Greenson arrived at the house to conduct a therapy session and asked Newcomb to leave. Before Greenson left at around 7 p.m., he asked Murray to stay overnight and keep Monroe company. At approximately 7–7:15, Monroe received a call from Joe DiMaggio Jr., with whom she had stayed close since her divorce from his father. He told her that he had broken up with a girlfriend she did not like, and he detected nothing alarming in Monroe’s behavior. At around 7:40–7:45, she telephoned Greenson to tell him the news about the breakup of DiMaggio and his girlfriend.

Monroe retired to her bedroom at approximately 8 p.m.

She received a call from Rat Pack actor Peter Lawford, who is married to John and Bobby Kennedy’s sister, who was hoping to persuade her to attend his party that night. Lawford became alarmed because Monroe sounded like she was under the influence of drugs. She told him to “Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president, and say goodbye to yourself, because you’re a nice guy”, before drifting off. Unable to reach Monroe, Lawford called his agent Milton Ebbins, who unsuccessfully tried to reach Greenson, and later called Monroe’s lawyer, Milton A. “Mickey” Rudin. Rudin called Monroe’s house and was assured by Eunice Murray that she was fine.

Actor Peter Lawford with his brother-in-law, Robert F Kennedy, Attorney General of the United States

But was Lawford lying?

Supposedly, at approximately 3:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 5, Housekeeper Eunice Murray woke up “sensing that something was wrong” and saw light from under Monroe’s bedroom door, but she was not able to get a response and found the door locked. Murray telephoned Greenson, on whose advice she looked in through a window, and saw Monroe lying facedown on her bed, covered by a sheet and clutching a telephone receiver. Greenson arrived shortly thereafter. He entered the room by breaking a window and found Monroe dead. He called her physician, Hyman Engelberg, who arrived at the house at around 3:50 a.m. and officially confirmed the death. At 4:25 a.m., they notified the Los Angeles Police Department.

But later, the Eunice Murray story was changed to earlier in the evening. Something is not right here.

Deputy coroner Thomas Noguchi conducted Monroe’s autopsy on the same day that she was found dead, Sunday, August 5. The Los Angeles County coroner’s office was assisted in the inquest by psychiatrists Norman Farberow, Robert Litman, and Norman Tabachnik from the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center, who interviewed Monroe’s doctors and psychiatrists on her mental state.

Based on the advanced state of rigor mortis at the time her body was discovered, it was estimated that she had died between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. on August 4.

The toxicological analysis concluded that the cause of death was acute barbiturate poisoning; she had 8 mg% (mg/dl) of chloral hydrate and 4.5 mg% of pentobarbital (Nembutal) in her blood and a further 13 mg% of pentobarbital in her liver. The police found empty bottles of these medicines next to her bed. But no water or glass to drink the pills. Really? So she swallowed 50 pills dry eh? There were no signs of external wounds or bruises on the body.

The findings of the inquest were published on August 17; Chief Coroner Theodore Curphey classified Monroe’s death as “probable suicide”. The possibility of an accidental overdose was ruled out because the dosages found in her body were several times over the lethal limit and had been taken “in one gulp or in a few gulps over a minute or so”.

At the time of her death, Monroe was reported to have been in a “depressed mood”, and had been “unkempt” and uninterested in maintaining her appearance. No suicide note was found, but Litman stated that this was not unusual, because statistics show that less than 40 percent of suicide victims leave notes. In their final report, Farberow, Litman, and Tabachnik stated:

Miss Monroe had suffered from psychiatric disturbance for a long time. She experienced severe fears and frequent depression. Mood changes were abrupt and unpredictable. Among symptoms of disorganization, sleep disturbance was prominent, for which she had been taking sedative drugs for many years. She was thus familiar with and experienced in the use of sedative drugs and well aware of their dangers …

There is nothing like hiding a crime under the weight of the victim’s mental health. Cover-up?

They claim, in our investigation we have learned that Miss Monroe had often expressed wishes to give up, withdraw, and even die. On more than one occasion in the past, she had made a suicide attempt, using sedative drugs. On these occasions, she had called for help and had been rescued. It is our opinion that the same pattern was repeated on the evening of Aug. 4 except for the rescue. It has been our practice with similar information collected in other cases in the past to recommend certification for such deaths as a probable suicide. Additional clues for suicide provided by the physical evidence are the high level of barbiturates and chloral hydrate in the blood which, with other evidence from the autopsy, indicates the probable ingestion of a large number of drugs within a short period of time: the completely empty bottle of Nembutal, the prescription for which (25 capsules) was filled the day before the ingestion, and the locked door to the bedroom, which was unusual.

Who paid these guys? Did anyone check their bank accounts? Or were they forced, by powerful forces, to write up this bullshit?

In the 1970s, claims surfaced that Monroe’s death was a murder and not suicide. Due to these claims, Los Angeles County District Attorney John Van de Kamp assigned his colleague Ronald H. “Mike” Carroll to conduct a 1982 “threshold investigation” to see whether a criminal investigation should be opened. Carroll worked with Alan B. Tomich, an investigator for the district attorney’s office, for over three months on an inquiry that resulted in a thirty-page report. They did not find any credible evidence to support the theory that Monroe was murdered.

In 1983, Thomas Noguchi published his memoirs, in which he discussed Monroe’s case and the allegations of discrepancies in the autopsy and the coroner’s ruling of suicide. These included the claims that Monroe could not have ingested the pills because her stomach was empty; that Nembutal capsules should have left yellow residue; that she may have been administered an enema; and that the autopsy noted no needle marks despite the fact that she routinely received injections from her doctors.

Noguchi explained that hemorrhaging of the stomach lining indicated that the medication had been administered orally and that because Monroe had been an addict for several years, the pills would have been absorbed more rapidly than in the case of non-addicts. He also denied that Nembutal leaves dye residue. He noted that only very recent needle marks are visible on a body, and that the only bruise he noted on Monroe’s body, on her lower back, was superficial and its placement indicated that it was accidental, and not linked to foul play. Noguchi finally concluded that based on his observations, the most probable conclusion is that Monroe committed suicide.

So Noguchi says it wasn’t suicide and then says it was suicide? Give me a break

The only surviving photo of Marilyn Monroe with Bobby and John F. Kennedy

So what really happened?

Well, we know that both Jack and Bobby Kennedy were sleeping with Marilyn. But it’s clear, from her own words to friends, that it was Bobby Kennedy that she loved. She was hurt that he told it was over. Clearly, Bobby Kennedy was at Marilyn’s house that day. At the time, he was the Attorney General of the United States of America, and he had all the power behind him. They were facing down the Cuban Missle Crisis and Marilyn was a huge weak point in their armor that could be exploited by their enemies. They had to drop Marilyn because she was opening her mouth and threatening to expose the affairs publically. That’s a huge no-no.

In my view, that’s where she blew it. If she kept her mouth shut, then none of this would have happened. But she had to go.

But who killed her?

Well, Bobby was there that day. The helicopter company in the Netflix video confirms he has been whisked away in the middle of the night to San Francisco, far away. This would give him an alibi. From the Ambulance driver and the ambulance company owner, we know that Marilyn actually died on the way to the hospital but that she was returned to the home afterward and placed in her bed, on her stomach and a lovely staged photo was taken.

So all the “official” accounts are bullshit. Set up!

Somebody called for an ambulance. And once she passed, somebody told the ambulance to take her back home. Once home, somebody stagged the scene. But who and why?

We also know that Bobby and Jimmy Hoffa were at one another’s throats and the Mafia, who put the Kennedys into office, were being targeted by the Kennedys after they got into office. They wanted the Kennedy’s out. If they exposed the Marilyn Affair, that would sink the Kennedys.

So what really happened?

The infamous Marilyn Monroe perfectly stagged death bed scene

Was it Bobby Kennedy that killed her?

The C.I.A. had been bugging Monroe’s home since June of that year and reported in a previously classified document that Monroe kept a “Book of Secrets”, commonly known as the “Red Diary” whereby she jotted down her experiences with Kennedy’s

B-Movie actress Jeanne Carmen, a Monroe friend who said she partied with Marilyn, John, and Bobby Kennedy, said Marilyn just wanted to keep notes so that she could keep up with the educated men in conversation. The Red Diary was first exposed to Bobby when Jeanne, Marilyn, and Bobby were at a beach house.

While Marilyn was in the shower, Jeanne said she saw Bobby pick up the Red Diary and he got super angry, red-faced.  It was soon afterward that Bobby disconnected from Marilyn soon she would be dead.  Jeanne says Bobby was always fun-loving and jovial, not like his stoic brother.  But on this occasion, she says she saw it.  She saw what people actually said about them; that they were monsters.

B-Movie Actress Jeanne Carmen

It is noted that John and Bobby Kennedy were notified by the C.I.A. of this “red diary” in July of that year. So they ended it with Monroe.   They could NOT afford the controversy. But Marilyn she was distraught. She felt used. “They are not going to get away with it again,” Monroe told Carmen.

Carmen says it was John F Kennedy who sent Bobby to go “talk to Marilyn” and end this relationship with her and get her “red diary”.  It is surmised that Marilyn was really in love with Bobby and that would soften the blow, Marilyn would shut up, calm down and hand over the red diary.

Carmen says Monroe told her that she was going to expose them and tell of the affair. But she did NOT live to tell that story.

Now, according to a 1992 interview conducted by researcher Donald Wolf of Monroe’s House Handyman Norman Jeffries, the son-in-law of housekeeper Eunice Murray, he says Peter Lawford and Bobby Kennedy showed up at the Monroe house between 3-4 pm. Lawford told Jeffries and Eunice Murray to go to the store and go buy something. He said the message was clear. They were to leave and get outta there.

Upon their return approximately 30 minutes later, they found Monroe distraught. They called Doctor Greenson to come to help her. Marilyn made numerous phone calls. One of them to Joe DiMaggio Jr around 7:30 pm. DiMaggio Jr. reported she seemed ok and upbeat.

Carmen says she spoke to Monroe that night around 9:30 pm.  Monroe wanted Carmen to bring her a few sleeping pills because she was very nervous and needed help to sleep. Carmen said no and her phone rang afterward. She did NOT answer thinking it was Monroe calling to beg her for the pills.

Soon thereafter, José Bolaños, a boyfriend of Marilyn called around 10 pm. It is believed he was the last person to speak to her over the phone. Bolaños said, in the middle of the call, there was a disturbance. Marilyn put the phone down and said she would come back but never did.

Norman Jeffries, Marilyn’s house handyman, with this mother-in-law, Eunice Murray who was Marilyn Monroe’s Housekeeper.

It was about that time that Jeffries said Bobby Kennedy returned with two men he did NOT recognize. It was around 10 pm. Jeffries and Murray, again, are told to disappear. And when they returned, they saw Monroe in the guest cottage laying on the daybed comatose. Jeffries thought she was dead because she had turned blue. She did NOT appear to be breathing. He says she died at about 10:45 pm there in the guest cottage.

Jeffries says that within 30 minutes the house was swarming with Police. He said that engineered the suicide cover-up scene. Her body moved from the guest cottage to the main house, a locked bedroom, pills put next to her bed, face down naked, her hand clutching the telephone. Curiously, the police never interviewed Jeffries. What was this a Hitchcock movie? Geez us. I continue

Later that Sunday morning, Bobby Kennedy is seen at church services with his family in San Francisco. His official story was that he was NEVER in Los Angeles.

Wait! What? Hold on! Former Beverly Hills Police Officer Lynn Franklin, who was on duty that night said on camera that, at 12:10 am Sunday, on Olympic Blvd, he pulled over a Lincoln Continental going at high speed. It was Bobby Kennedy with Peter Lawford driving. He said, there was a third person in the car, whom he later identified as Dr. Greenson.

Beverly Hills Police Officer Lynn Franklin

And Coroner Thomas Noguchi admitted on camera that this was NOT a typical suicide and so he used the words “probable” to describe it.   In other words, he left it open because he could NOT definitely rule it a suicide.

In the video “Elliot Mintz Interviews Dr. Thomas Noguchi: The Death of Marilyn Monroe“, Noguchi says “We did NOT close the case as a suicide. We did use the term “probable suicide”.” Noguchi also says in this interview that “The last person Marilyn Monroe called by phone was Bobby Kennedy”.  But he did NOT say if Bobby was the last person show spoke to Marilyn by phone.  He only said it was the last person Marilyn called by phone.  As stated, José Bolaños, says he was the last person who called her on the phone.  It’s not corroborated.

He also said and confirmed by John Miner, former L.A. District Attorney who represented the bridge between the District Attorney’s Office and Coroners Office, that all the tissue evidence he kept except for the liver and blood work was destroyed or went missing, never to be found.

To be exact, you can watch Dr. Noguchi in his own words at the 5:21 mark of this video below;

Noguchi says on camera “There was nothing to indicate that is suicide without any question. There was NO suicide note, …not typical suicide scene.”

Former L.A. Deputy District Attorney Miner said “I should have called for a criminal investigation but Almost all the evidence had been destroyed, removed.”

According to Miner, all the tissue that Dr. Noguchi carefully preserved and put into jars except for liver and blood were thrown away OR disappeared.

Noguchi said “by the time I found out that the specimen has been disposed I was surprised”

They knew they were dealing with Marilyn Monroe and so everyone should have been extremely careful and that did NOT happen. No one seems to know why or what happened.

In fact, Miner says lots of evidence was destroyed and went magically missing. Miner confirms that the evidence on the body suggests the body was moved after death. Miner confirms that the level of supposed oral intake of drugs does NOT scientifically stand up.

There would have been undissolved capsules in her stomach. But nothing was there. Miner says, and Noguchi confirms, that her colon was discolored consistent with a possible toxic enema with barbituates. Miner does NOT know who killed her. But he knows she did not kill herself.

Eunice Murray with the great icon superstar Marilyn Monroe

Eunice Murray!  What is the Truth Eunice?

So where is the testimony from Housekeeper Eunice Murray?

Well, within 2 weeks of Monroe’s death, she fled to Europe. And so did Marilyn’s publicist.  Eunice Murray allegedly departed for Europe on August 17, 1962, according to a private detective. This was done, according to the detective, to keep her away from the press because of her shifting stories.

After Marilyn’s death, Eunice seemed to have lived a life away from the spotlight for the most part. She died on March 5, 1994, at the age of 92, in Tucson, Arizona, leaving behind three daughters. Eunice’s cause of death, however, has remained unknown.

In 1983 Anthony Summers the author of “GODDESS”. Joined forces with Ted Landreth, a former CBS executive who had tried for over three years to convince an American television network to document the true Marilyn Monroe Tragedy. Summers with his investigator’s background in British journalism persuaded the BBC to produce the documentary Say Goodbye to the president, which contained interviews with “ Jack Clemmons” “Robert Slatzer” “Eunice Murray” and many of the other people involved. A totally unexpected revelation occurred during Murray’s interview in 1985.

“Initially the interview was quite conventional, in that Mrs. Murray never departed from the story she had recited through the years,” Ted Landreth recalls.” “ However, after the last of the interview and the camera and the lights were turned off, Mrs. Murray made some astounding remarks. Fortunately, The sound tape was still rolling, and we included her comments in the documentary.”

Johnny Punish’s NEW RELEASE “Movie Star” is a song about a special fictitious romantic relationship Punish had in High School with the young Norma Jean as he realizes that she is on her way to being the great Marilyn Monroe. Now on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Soundcloud, and all digital platforms

Below is a video testimony by Eunice Murray.

But her words contradict the facts and her stories have changed many many times.  Why?

Summers that conducted the interview remember;

“As the camera crew was starting to clear up, she said suddenly, “ why at my age, do I still have to cover up this thing?”

I asked her what she meant, and then she astonished us by admitting that Robert Kennedy was indeed at Marilyn’s house the day she dies and that a doctor and an ambulance had come while she was still alive..”

Mrs. Murray then was asked about Kennedy- Monroe relationship.

Murray: Well, over a period of time I was not at all surprised that the Kennedys were a very important part of Marilyn’s life…and eh….so that I was just a…I wasn’t included in this information, but I was a witness to what was happening…

SUMMERS: And you believe he(Bobby) was there that day?

MURRAY: At Marilyn’s house?


MURRAY: Oh, sure!

SUMMERS: That afternoon?


SUMMERS: And you think that is the reason she was so upset?

MURRAY: Yes, and it became so sticky that the protectors of Robert Kennedy, you know, had to step in and protect him…

When Summers asked Murray why she hadn’t told the truth to the police in 1962, she responded, “ I told whatever I thought was good to tell.”

The highly praised BBC production “Say Good Bye To The President”- won numerous awards and was nominated in England as the best television documentary of 1985, but American networks refuse to broadcast it. mmm… I wonder why?…

Clearly, this official story is complete bullshit and the Red Diary remains missing.

Below is a different video testimony by Eunice Murray.  But her words contradict the facts and her stories have changed many many times.  Why? Why is she changing her story over and over again? Why protect all the conspirators?

So who killed Marilyn?

Well, by all the evidence emerging, it sure seems like Bobby Kennedy and Peter Lawford were there. It’s not entirely clear but it seems that the good doctor, Dr. Greenson may have been the one to administer the toxic drugs. It’s hard to imagine that Bobby or Peter would know how. Since Greenson was in the car with them at 12:10 am, he must have been part of it. When they interview Greenson’s son, he says he knows but won’t talk about it.

So no definitive proof but the evidence sure points squarely to the Kennedys and a massive cover-up.

To be fair, there is a 2nd theory that the Mafia did it but that’s for another post.  And some say the CIA did her in. And that could be true as well. But it sure seems that Bobby Kennedy was the culprit here in a RED DIARY CAPER gone wrong.
