In Arizona, Tea Party Fails Another Test for Validity


Tea Party Can’t Find Its # 2 Pencil in Arizona

In Arizona this past week, they passed a “Show Me Your Papers Law” that basically says law enforcement can stop anyone based on “suspicion” and ask for proof of citizenship.  I know, I know!  Urgh!

Being that I am basically in support of the Tea Party premise that we should have small government and less intrusion, I thought to myself that this was the perfect time for the Tea Party to demonstrate its commitment and stand against this Nazi-Germany-Esque legislation and for less government instruction.

But as of this writing, I have heard nothing from them.  Not a peep.  I even emailed them asking for their position and nothing.

I may NOT be a political giant or some political geek wonk but I know B.S. when I hear it especially when it fails the Test for Validity.   In fact, I wrote about this in February called “Fear Grips Tea Party as Nation Marches into the Future“.  I was hoping I was wrong on the test but sadly, they keep failing it.

What is the Test for Validity you say?  Well, the “Test for Validity” is a gambit used by Roger Dawson, a world-renowned negotiator and author of the best-selling book Secrets of Power Negotiating, to bring out the real truth in a statement or negotiation.  He says this about the test.

The Test for Validity is used to weed out false objections so that one can figure out what the real issues are in the negotiation.

He says “Don’t let other people give you their problems. Dawson says “International negotiators will tell you that when the other side tries to give you what is essentially their problem, you must test for validity right away to determine what exactly is their real objection or issue and if, in fact, it is real.

A Man at a Tea Party Rally in Texas! Is this the Tea Party?

In this case, it’s not a negotiation but a test of their true commitment to what they say they are for; a test of their premise.  If they pass, then they are truly committed and stand on the highest level of integrity and we can judge them on that and either stand with or against their agenda.

This has nothing to do with whether you or I agree with the premise being peddled.  It’s only to test it to make sure that what we are being told holds water.

And sadly, we are being duped by the Tea Party because they DO NOT PASS the test.

Again, this saddens me because I really think the premise they peddle has merit but based on their NO REACTION to what is probably the biggest government intrusion into all of our lives, the  “Show Me Your Papers” law, one can only conclude that they are NOT really for less government intrusion but for something else they are hiding.

Okay, so what are they for?

Well if they are too embarrassed to stand for what they really believe or are trying to hide it by throwing us red herrings, then, we the people, need to challenge them more and keep testing until they reveal their real intentions!

Hey Tea Party!  Get out your # 2 Pencils, we will continue to test you until you get real with us!