Johnny Punish Boycotts Arizona Over Jim Crow Nazi Apartheid Illegal Worker Round-Up Law


As you may know, I have been blogging about the NAZI-JIM CROW-APARTHEID law going down in Arizona this past week.

Personally, I am for enforcement of laws on both sides of the border and demand the U.S. begin enforcing its current laws on the books. Moreover, I demand the USA deal with the 20 million illegal alien challenge created by decades of “looking the other way” in a humane and dignified way which means “don’t blame Juan the dishwasher”! Leaders need to apologize for this long standing neglect as it has put brother against brother! We don’t need this! Not now! Not ever!
Nevertheless, please know that our business will be boycotting Arizona immediately.

I am sending out emails to leaders in Arizona informing them that we will NOT be doing business with them until they back down from RACISM and RACIAL PROFILING laws against U.S. Citizens. Sending an message that costs is a great way to get their attention.

In my view, the USA needs to take action by giving work permits to all in U.S. illegally and offer paths to citizenship for those that seek it. Deportation of 20 million is NOT an answer no matter how romantic it sounds to a racist who denies responsibility for this mess and wants to stick it to the brown people.

Furthermore, for future workers, they need to long standing humane and respectful work permit program so that U.S. businesses can hire Mexican workers when needed and take this black market clash from the dark ugly underworld into the light! These are NOT drug dealers. They are dishwashers and tomato pickers! We all need to know the difference!

Finally, the USA needs to befriend Mexico, their # 1 neighbor and 2nd largest trading partner. She needs to Mexico on her highest priorities list as a matter of National Security. A successful Mexico equals a successful USA. We need economic cooperation and support from leaders on both sides with a long term plan for success.

Love, Unity and Cooperation is 1000 times more powerful than racism and hate.
Embrace your neighbor and let’s end the finger pointing!

I encourage you to also join in and send a political and economic message to ARIZONA that Jim Crow Apartheid Nazi RACISM and RACIAL PROFILING laws are NOT acceptable in the free world of 2010.

Johnny Punish

Together Everyone Achieves More