Yesterday in a Georgia courtroom, former US President’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows testified for 5 hours to get his trial moved from state to a federal court. This idiot took the stand to testify in a massive Hail Mary risk to get his trial moved to federal court.
Yeah, he blabbed and basically confessed in order to get the trial to federal court where he could then make a motion to claim immunity whereby he would claim that he was acting as a federal employee of the White House and thus not subject to indictment.
Will this strategy work?
Not likely because he was there trying to overthrow the election for his Sore Loser boss. It had nothing to do with the duties of being a federal employee. In short, trying to overthrow the US Government and usurp The US Constitution is just NOT part of that job description.
Nevertheless, let’s assume he succeeds and the judge grants his motion to move the case to the federal courts. He will then claim immunity forcing the court to send it to the Supreme Court where our lovely Federalist Judges are ON THE TAKE. And Meadows knows it! Trump Knows It. Ahhhh Shangra-La!
On cue, those mental morons in black robes will approve the request because they will be ordered to by their Federalist handlers who are funded by the richest most powerful people in the world.
So what does that mean?
Well, that sets up a precedent for Trump to pull the same crap as every other U.S. President who follows in the future. They will be immune from everything!
Now for those that are all about the Biden Crime Family guess what?
That means Biden too! So you won’t get your pound of flesh all thanks to Mark Meadows and Herr Trump, America’s Greatest Sore Loser!

Now, does Meadows and Trump care? Of course not! It’s all about them.
They don’t care what happens to others after they have been raped and pillaged. They are Machiavellian predators; no time to think about the future….it is always their power orgasm and America has nothing to do with it.
More Popcorn!
Enjoy The Trump Circus!
That’s an extreme stretch & assumption. Thankfully, my life is just too busy to figure it all out. Too complicated!