VT RADIO: Trump Circus 2023, Episode 1 with Jack Heart

VT Radio Host Johnny Punish speaks with Jack Heart about Donald Trump, RFK Jr and more


Special Guest Jack Heart joins host Johnny Punish. Together they discuss the ongoing chaos that is Donald J. Trump and his 8-year-running TRUMP CIRCUS.

Jack Heart, pen named George Esposito, is known for his extensive research and writings that provide high-quality information and authentic alternatives to mainstream narratives on a wide variety of subjects. His life experiences make for a highly intriguing perspective.  He manages his blog of truth at;  Jack Heart Esoteric Evolution

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Sore Loser – Johnny Punish – The Donald Trump Song from Johnny Punish on Vimeo.

A Statement By Johnny Punish

I stand with the USA and with Republican Steve Schmidt and every American that stands with the Democratic Republic of the USA and its grand ideals. Yes, it’s never perfect and sometimes messy. And yes, I complain about many many things that VT readers care about. I do and do so with ferocity. But, at the end of the day, I stand with the US Constitution. And I exercise my right to vote!

Yes, maybe I am just one person out of 320 million but still, it’s important. It’s far better than anything else out there.

And I am a Good Sport too! So when my vote does NOT win the day, I accept it as part of the bargain. I don’t try to cheat and overthrow the government as a way for my ideas to win the day. NO, instead I advocate and engage. I sell and do my best to influence the next vote. So sometimes it does NOT go my way! OK, but that’s the deal I made with Democracy. Period!

And to those who make fun of Democracy and cheer when people they like try to break the bargain and pretend that is ok, well, be ready to live in a world without your right to vote, without a say. So be very careful what you ask for because you may just get it.

NO! Not me, I choose The Constitution that is over 235 years old and NEVER one fleeting Sore Loser Orange Extremely Weak Man who wants to be King or any King for that matter no matter what party they are in! I stand with the USA! Period!

Source: YouTube


  1. Who knows if Yale College students Trump nominated FBI boss Christopher Wray and Ron DeSantis were selected by Skull & Bones, described by Anthony Sutton as source for later operatives of “The Order”? Ex-NSA and ex-SJ Dr Douglas Gabriel
    and Mike McKibben present their research on student affiliation of DeSantis to a club which is door to Knights of Malta.

    German university students generally don’t know Franz von Papen, Knight of Malta, arranged for certain state university theological departments and philosophy chairs to be controlled by Roman Catholic hierarchy, Heidegger wrote the Curia is teuflish. With later Pius XII von Papen composed Reichskonkordat 1933. Which German university website refers to the enforcement of this legal agreement between Dritte Reich and Holy See
    on their faculty members?

  2. I was accused of taking too many “black pills” because I said Trump was a damn Zionist!