They Want To Kill Americans: The New Book from U.S. Soldier and Ukraine Warrior Malcom Nance



New York Times bestselling author, Malcolm Nance, offers a chilling warning on a clear, present existential threat to our democracy… our fellow Americans

“Malcolm Nance is one of the great unsung national security geniuses of the modern era.” ―Rachel Maddow

To varying degrees, as many as 74 million Americans have expressed hostility towards American democracy. Their radicalization is increasingly visible in our day-to-day life: in neighbor’s or family members’ open discussion of bizarre conspiracy theories, reveling in the fantasy of mass murdering the liberals they believe are drinking the blood of children. These are the results of the deranged series of lies stoked by former President Donald Trump, made worse by the global pandemic.

The first steps of an American fracture were predicted by Malcolm Nance months before the January 6, 2021 insurrection, heralding the start of a generational terror threat greater than either al-Qaeda or the Islamic State. Nance calls this growing unrest the Trump Insurgency in the United States or TITUS.

The post-2020 election urge to return to a place of “normalcy”―to forget―is the worst response we can have. American militiamen, terrorists, and radicalized political activists are already armed in mass numbers and regularly missed in the media; principally because Trump’s most loyal and violent foot soldiers benefit from the ultimate privilege―being white.

They Want to Kill Americans is the first detailed look into the heart of the active Trump-led insurgency, setting the stage for a second nationwide rebellion on American soil. This is a chilling and deeply researched early warning to the nation from a counterterrorism intelligence professional: America is primed for a possible explosive wave of terrorist attacks and armed confrontations that aim to bring about a Donald Trump-led dictatorship.

ABOUT MALCOLM NANCE: Malcolm Wrightson Nance (born September 20, 1961) is an American author and media pundit. He is a former United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer specializing in naval cryptology.

United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Malcolm Nance

Nance is an intelligence and foreign policy analyst who frequently discusses the history, personalities, and organization of jihadi radicalization and al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS), Southwest Asian and African terror groups, as well as counterinsurgency and asymmetric warfare.

Schooled in Arabic, he is active in the field of national security policy particularly, in anti- and counter-terrorism intelligence, terrorist strategy, tactics, torture, and counter-ideology in combating Islamic extremism. In 2016, he published the book, Defeating ISIS: Who They Are, How They Fight, What They Believe, and published The Plot to Hack America the same year.

In 2014, he founded and became the executive director of the Terror Asymmetrics Project on Strategy, Tactics and Radical Ideologies (TAPSTRI), a Hudson, New York-based think tank.


  1. This guy so full of shit.
    “end this war”
    “Ukrainians are ready to attack”
    “Ukrainians like to fight” (kill)
    etc etc etc
    “Recommit yourself to the love of America”
    Fuck what a stupid dick
    Defend what is “true and right”
    Fuck him and the horse he rode in on too.

  2. I was a bit lost in the video. Home-boy Nance here wants to send “Ukraine as many Himars as they need.” So, Home-boy Nance wants to send Ukraine the entire U.S. military arsenal to neo-nazis? Why do the words neo-nazi and home-boy sound a bit odd together? I guess this is the new modern ‘sophisticated’ African-American liberal neo-nazi? Is that even correct now to say African-American when referring to ‘racial identity? Will I lose my job?

    “If I were President of the United States, I would say 50 HIMARS, 50 MLRS… All the rockets that they could use, given it to them now, Politics be damned!” – Home-boy Malcolm Nance, err Chief Petty Officer Malcolm Nance.

    So damn frustrating trying to explain reality to Americans. First, one needs to understand the trillionaire families like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. and how they rule DC, and then how they control Israel. Then one needs to understand how they are all Satanists. Then you need to understand all the DUMBs in the USA, and how EBE groups give orders to these Satanists to control international policy.

    This stupid American just thinks if Ukraine destroys the Russian army, we will defend freedom and democracy. Just so sad the nation is full of this shit. It’s why we have babies getting covid jabs now, a President who tries to ban our guns every week, and a nation full of brainwashed morons who think if we all become transgender we will save the rainforest.

  3. Sorry Mr Nance but there was no “insurrection” in Washington DC. Only a dress-up picnic for the intelligence operatives with nothing else to do. I do agree that there are forces within our country that want to kill us. And we have seen the enemy and it lives and breathes in the beltway.

  4. … would you cut this guy a slack, he is a MSNBC lackey who’s trying all he can to sound relevantly intelligent & patriotic! One of them MSM poppet show poppets. I wonder how much money made him sing like a canary.

  5. Well, look the nice side of a Trump-led dictatorship, he tell good jokes and he’s not so boring like sleepy Joe.

  6. Both Punish and Nance are apparently prostitutes shills for our Talmudic Overlords who sexually abuse and sacrifice children to their demon god, want to depopulate the earth by over 90%, and create a paradise on earth for themselves and hell on earth for their few surviving slaves.

  7. I don’t G.A.S. about Trump.. his weakness and poor choices damaged America and he betrayed Americans who supported his campaign. If he runs again win or lose it will further divide and inflame America. Here’s the shtick.. There is no insurgency or Trump insurgency. Except in these articles? January 6th was just a rowdy demonstration and peaceful except for the killer elite Washington cops. It needs to be acknowledged that some people there may have wanted the flawed election overturned? Most weren’t there for Trump they were there for themselves and all America wanting a proper accounting of the election. Thanks.

  8. Shrimpton’s half brother from the hood.
    Methinks Mr. Nance is enjoying the smell of his own farts in the photo.

  9. As soon as I saw the endorsement by RacHell Madcow, I knew this guy was a woke, neoliberal house n!gga

  10. Clown Nance made a big show in his uniform and his Ukrainian patch going to Ukraine to kill Russians. I wonder how long he spent in Ukraine, how was he received by the Nutzies, how many Russians did he kill or disable. It always amazes me how in spite of having zero rights in the country where he was born, serving in the military, a racist COP would not think twice about beating the crap out of him or shooting him, but he just feel like making an ass of himself by going to Ukraine to kill Russians.

  11. Darrell, Prostitutes for Talmudic Overlords? Super Funny! I can’t speak for Nance but I can assure you, I have never gotten paid to get fcked by Talmudic Overlords and/or their clientel! Maybe I am in the wrong business! $$$$ Somebody is making money and it’s not me! Dammit!

    The book is mostly talking about the divide in USA between WHITE NATIONALISM and the rest of America. I know you have a bias towards Nance but take a closer look because these divisions have NOT gone away at all and we are headed for CLASH that will hurt everyone in the USA. It’s not good at all. Consider it.

  12. “The Nerds at Popular Science have studied the events on 9/11 and these Conspiracy Theorists are all wrong”
    ___Rachel Maddow

  13. It’s amazing that anyone could call 1/6 an ‘insurrection’ when Trump asked for ‘20,000 National Guard troops’ to fight off his troops and no one was armed!
    (A good method of identifying shills!)