U.N. Gets The Full Greta! “How Dare You…”

Greta Thunberg blasts world leaders in emotional speech at U.N. climate summit: 'How dare you'


Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg on Monday opened the United Nations Climate Action Summit with an angry condemnation of world leaders for failing to take strong measures to combat climate change.

Thunberg, visibly emotional, said in shaky but stern remarks at the opening of the summit that the generations that have polluted the most have burdened her and her generation with the extreme impacts of climate change.

“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you,” she said.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” Thunberg said.

Days after millions of young people took to the streets worldwide to demand emergency action on climate change, leaders gathered for the annual United Nations General Assembly were to try to inject fresh momentum into stalling efforts to curb carbon emissions.


“When KING OF THE CRUSTY OLD MEN with NO FUTURE meets THE REAL FUTURE it looks like this!  Trump is almost over with one leg already 6 feet under while Greta has another 100 years to Go! My Money is on Greta!”  Johnny Punish



  1. Well done Greta. The big problem for you my dear is if AOC was correct, you only have 11-1/2 years to live. The alleged facts and figures Greta spoke of must have been determined in a vacuum, otherwise there is bias. The Kyoto Agreement is crude manipulation propagated by people whose ideological agenda it serves. Were one to desire doing so, there is much to argue regarding causes, yet little would be accomplished in doing so. So here we are. Those that declare a consensus that global warming is real do so with bias… er, forgive me, it is no longer global warming, it’s now climate change. The fall equinox just occurred, I’d better prepare for more climate change.

  2. This girl seems brainwashed; a form of child abuse. Got to love the puppet masters… roll out adolescent girl; she has hissy fit on stage; this magically shames anthropogenic climate change deniers, the MSM can’t get enough of it,…despicable!

  3. Thank you Mr. Punish for posting this very brave “calling out” of the powerful of this world and all the adults who are in denial. A courageous and wise young woman who sees what most adult cannot or refuse to see.

  4. I don’t hear her talking about fraking, Ariel spraying, fluoride in the water, sounds like she has been taught by the Travistock Instutute of human development.
    Go back to school and learn some basics, empty head.
    We also was told by so called experts that oil will run out by the year 2000, DUH!!!
    Climate change is just another jew tax.

  5. Given that over a 100 years ago Nikola Tesla offered the world free energy and his patron ensured that that would never happen, and what with the claims of VT sponsored Kersh regarding the same, plus the multitude other claimants of having over-unity devices, the real problem is the people failing to wake up to the true reality in all its various expressions.

    There is no publicity or resources for the proponents of truth, but only for those pushing lies, wars and subjugation of their fellow inhabitants of planet Earth.

    Such is the nature of these end times.

    To find truth, one profits by going within.

  6. Where’s the beef? If someone has anti-gravity propulsion, or “zero point” energy generation, show it! Stop selling “the masses” short for not believing the claims of something, rather than the existence or demonstration of the same.

  7. Lets just for a moment consider this. A teenage climate change activist from Russia with a more than a solid support at home, and a supposed fan of Putin speaks passionately in the UN. To use the CIA norms of assertion – highly unlikely. Or just as likely as granting visas to the Russian senators to attend a UN session. This is, just in my opinion, how globalism works. As for the climate change, which is definately an important issue, science to the scientists! Let them speak some sense into the minds of the deciders. Kids to school! Her parents must be proud of their, not her, accomlishment.

  8. More like a show with a specific purpose. This girl and her speech (Stanislavsky would say – I do not believe it!) Made absolutely no impression on me.
    Environmental issues on the planet, of course, are important. And remember the performance of the girl from Ossetia, when Georgia attacked them? And the report and testimonies of children and adults from Syria about what is happening there in reality? Nobody gave them a rostrum at the UN. Residents of Donbas, who are bombarded every day, why not at the UN?
    P.S. Нахрен мне ваш климат, когда на глазах у мирового сообщества гибнут люди! Их убивают ни за что…