GUILTY! Sad Day for United States of America, Let Hearings to Impeach Trump Begin

With true sadness, we demand US Congress immediately begin hearings to impeach the peoples EMPLOYEE Donald J. Trump!


by Johnny Punish

This is truly a very Sad Day for every American! Clearly the people’s employee Donald J. Trump has committed crimes against the people of the United States.  This is NOT funny or a time to rejoice. It’s a truly sad moment when all of us need to come to grips with fact that our Employee, Donald J. Trump has committed a serious crime against our USA and system of government that has stood for over 242 years.

With today’s guilty plea by Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen and his direct confession to the judge that he was directed by Trump to commit crimes and …with Trump’s former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort’s guilty verdict on 8 federal counts, there is just NO DOUBT that Donald J. Trump has committed a crime against the United States.  The only question is…. what is America going to do about it?

This is still the USA and so Trump is NOT above the law. Plain and Simple.

With true sadness and great care, we the people demand our US Congress immediately begin hearings on campaign financing violations by the peoples EMPLOYEE Donald J. Trump with intent to IMPEACH!

I strongly encourage all U.S. Citizens to contact their congressman and demand action to begin process to impeach Donald J. Trump immediately – especially all Trump voters.

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Memo to Trump Voters:  I know this hurts.  You’ve defended the man and his policies.  I  get that!  You may have loved or liked many or all of his policies but still he’s NOT above the law.   So you’re faced with a choice … defend a dead man walking or our country? It’s that simple.  Pick one!

The good news is …..this is NOT in indictment of your person.  You did your best.  Millions voted for this man to lead the country.  However, he failed the country in total and that’s not acceptable to any of us.  Plain and Simple.

So you can believe in the policies of Trump but we cannot break the law. It’s that simple. We all need to find another employee to represent our country going forward. He must go!  But first, he gets his day in court…. so let the hearings begin!


  1. Ok so , although i agree that he must be impeached and removed from office asap , than what , who or what choice is there from the zionist aipac selection is there to select and appoint from ..? all or most WH- pentagram – house of reps and senate subservient ass bending traitors , are in the a hole of hellsrael via aipac..

  2. Israel did 9/11/01 with the aid of Bush, Cheney, the four star generals who obviously stood down and didn’t lift a finger to defend the country, and whores in Congress, many of whom are dual citizens with the cesspool Israel. The U.S. Attorney or Attorney General or someone with authority should arrest all these criminals and try them and jail them too. I agree with impeachment of Israel lover Trump but this massive problem did not begin with him. Also, impeachment is far too slow and ineffective. A better remedy for removing a president must be approved, like treatment of them like any ordinary person instead of royalty. The Founders were wrong on that one.

  3. C’mon, let’s stop the talk. Where has talking got anyone in a 21st Century’s post-truth era? No rule of law honest people can respect. Only laws put in place to neutralize those that worked in the past. No legislative body of any kind to enforce them. This because we have allowed a foreign power to lobby away all of American people’s power, and these foreign lobbyists used our government as a mouthpiece for their agenda. We did not stand up for our rule of law when Bush was making road tar out of the remains of those that died in 9/11. Citizen United Act that makes corporations PEOPLE! Who or what in their right minds would allow this type of law to be written? Hence, the only laws we have now protect the corporations. Only the corporations have rights. And Wethepeople have been reserved to symbolically display the ineffectiveness of what we call the LAW that protects our humanity. No law to protect us leaves us only as the “walking dead”. As a human, we have no rights in the current laws. Now we get a good chance to see what our silence has done; what kind of country we have created and left for future generations; why western civilization will go down in flames and come up as something else. I cringe to think what that might be!!

  4. In typical liberal fashion, Johnny says we should impeach a guy with whom he disagrees.

    He says some other guy pleads guilty to something. He doesn’t say to what. They never do.
    He says that this guy who just decided to plead guilty says that Trump made him do it.

    The liberal doesn’t mention any crime, shows no evidence, but calls for impeachment.

    Johnny Punish is a global citizen activist (LOL), bunch of things that don’t matter. He is educated at UNLV and Cal State (where apparently he didn’t graduate). His garbage music is ignored worldwide.

    Fred Costello is a Citizen of the United States of America. Global citizenship doesn’t exist. Fred is a USAF Veteran, former Cryptologic Linguist Specialist–Russian–attended DLI and finished in the top 10% of a class that Johnny couldn’t get into let alone through. Fred SERVED during the Cold War–when the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics pushed their socialist poison onto the stupid youth of America evidenced by some guy hiding behind the pseudonym Johnny Punish who claims no Citizenship of the United States of America.

    Gordon why would you allow this garbage article on VT?

  5. Seen from Europe, this operation of impeachment looks more like a very seditious offensive of the Jewish mafia conspiracy hiding under the name of NWO. We all know how this mafia of capital act. Basically, the law- under the effect of their corruption- ignores their own crimes. We are so used to it that we do not notice it anymore, especially since they also own all major medias. But the use they make of justice has reached another level: the one of a tool. To defeat an opponent, these people know how to apply a justice that is nothing more than a weapon to their exclusive service. And the solemn speech they use to launch their offensive ,makes it impossible to accept as a customary justice action .

    Whenever a criminal is not destroyed by the state protection services, it is mathematically inevitable that this criminal reaches the highest places in that state. A policeman who stops at the trafic lights can not catch a bandit who does not .
    This sums up the idea of american justice overseas and the global threat coming from this ultimate conspiracy for WWIII since 911 seditious action .

  6. I feel for our Troops right now, I truly do. My CIC was Tricky Dick Nixon, and we all know what a scumbag he was. But it was the not knowing if he was going to declare Marshall Law, that kept us on pins and needles. I pray Trump is removed immediately for the sake of the United States of America,
    a Country I love and served.

  7. The indictments of Duncan and Collins are also very telling. These were the first two guys to endorse Trump, because they were already in hot water, and were hoping to slide through it all by supporting someone they knew was also crooked. Their eagerness to endorse is demonstrative of both themselves and Trump, and how it was obvious to many, that financial criminals find great hopes having Trump as president.

  8. Another Liberal Idiot without a clue.
    Shut up already with this nonsense.
    These charges were about Russia….right, it was the Russians who made people vote for Trump, instead of the real criminal empire, the Clinton’s.
    Your no better off than you were two years ago when your girl Hillary was a “Lock”….remember?
    Meanwhile life goes on without about 15% of the population that agrees with you and Lying Media.
    Liberals always think they are correct, so why bother with any critical thinking, or even allow any other opinion to enter the mental abyss you are swimming in….good luck with that.

  9. Its high time to reclaim our democracy from the corrupt tyrants like 5 time draft dodger Trump who huffs and puffs but is never in the line of fire. As a retired career peace officer who spent many years patrolling one of the most violent public housing projects in the nation and raised in a highly combat decorated military family I resent the sewer that our country has been swept into. We have foreign powers like Russia and the despot Putin rigging our elections and hacking into our power and military systems and elections and the country remains relatively indifferent. Its time to raise up and voice our dissent and get this country turned around and headed back into a direction of REAL democracy and away from the multi billionaires like Bush who would commit huge atrocities against his own people and send our heroic soldiers into a senseless war based on total lies or Trump with the same agenda. This country can be great again we just need to band together and get it done and throw out the autocrats and their minions most of whom have never been tested on the battle field and just line their pockets at the expense and blood of our true warriors.