TrumpBots? OMG! Now what? Even TrumpBot media spinners are throwing their hands up in disgust on this one! Really! Come on! Care to give this one a try? No? I know! It’s hard to do with a straight face right? Look, if you have not seen yesterdays bombshell video and heard the audio by now, well here’s a summary;
In the 2005 recording from Access Hollywood, Trump, then newly married to Melania Trump, spots a young woman through a bus window while in conversation with Billy Bush, at the time an anchor for Access Hollywood, and others. “Whoa, whoa,” he said to Bush about the woman’s appearance. “I gotta use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her.”
Earlier in the conversation, Trump recalls talking about trying to woo a married woman.
“I moved on her actually, she was down in Palm Beach and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try to fu$k her, she was married … and I moved on her very heavily,” Trump is heard saying.
“I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture and I told her ‘I’ll show you where you can get some nice furniture,'” Trump is heard saying. “I moved on her like a bitch, and I could not get there, and she was married. And all the sudden I see her and she’s got the big phony tits, she’s totally changed her look.”
The kicker was the admission that he engages in sexual assault; “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” he said in the 2005 conversation. “Grab ’em by the pussy.”
OK, where do I start?
So yesterday morning started off typical. Trump doubled down on his DNA is NOT evidence and tried to re-litigate the old Central Park Five case claiming they are guilty despite the DNA evidence as outlined by Ken Burns’s documentary “The Central Park Five” that Trump clearly did NOT see. But why bring that up now? How lame is this strategy? Why engage in alienating more voters he so desperately needs to win? For a guy that prides himself on success, it’s just bizarre! But still a normal day in bizarro stupid strategy Trump land.
Anyway, while Toxic Trump was engaging in more stupid strategy, the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was signing the Survivors Bill of Rights Act for sexual assault victims. Hey, a good deed! Excellent job Mister Speaker! Good Energy Props! Of course, this as Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence 2020, was giving a directive to Christian Evangelicals to pray for Trump so that God’s will can be done in the form of savior Trump.
And then, BOOM! Hurricane Trump came barreling on the United States of America in a Political Category 10 October Surprise Storm that is quickly becoming the final death blow to a vulgar misguided candidacy that started off with the Right Message but was defeated by the Wrong Messenger
Whomever was behind the release of this video and its timing matters not. Was it Hillary? A Super Pac? The GOP? Putin? We just don’t know yet. But what we do know is that there is just no way to write this script any better and certainly no way to spin one’s way out of this one. It is exactly what it is.
In fact, it is fitting that the USA is about to elect the first woman president that is clearly running against the USA’s most famous misogynistic sexual assault predator.
“Hey Tarantino! Did you write this script? Cause it looks you wrote it! Blood, gore, destruction, zombies, hurricanes, racists, bigots, and a billionaire sexual predator who tried to “fu$k” married ex-Access Hollywood’s host Nancy O’Dell while his 3rd wife Melania was pregnant with Master Baron Trump. Nice Job! But who’s playing Trump? Is that Fallon? Alec Baldwin? What? That’s actually Trump! Holy Shit!”
You know I truly feel for those who stand with the strong belief that government is broken and globalization is out of control because it is. And those hopes were exemplified and articulated early by Trump. It was the right message! But then, he devolved back into birtherism, racism, bigotry, making fun of disabled people, and misogyny; exposing himself as being the wrong messenger for a right message. Tragic! This has got to hurt. In fact, it’s a major set back for government reformation; not only in USA but around the world. Sincere well intentioned anti-globalists and broken government activists simply backed the wrong messenger. It was a bad mistake to stand with this devolved 20th century relic!
While I am delivering Trumps political eulogy today, it’s possible that Dead Man Walking Trump can get a reprieve from the people but he will have to deliver an unbelievable knock out punch tomorrow at the 2nd debate by getting Hillary to confess she is actually Son Of Sam, Bin Laden, and Adolf Hitler or it’s over!
What was exposed yesterday was a bridge too far for everyone except those with the last name DIE HARD TRUMPBOT NO MATTER WHAT! Plain and Simple!
Consider that GOP House Speaker Ryan just canceled joint meeting with him today in Wisconsin. Reports say Trump was dis-invited by Ryan (un-confirmed). Ryan simply cannot be seen with a pariah. It’s a political death blow! Plus his wife probably beat him over the head with his “You can’t let that asshole in our house” stick!
Earlier last night, Political Corpse Trump said Pence 2020 would stand in for him in Wisconsin blaming his no-show on his need to practice for the debate. Opps! Sorry Trump, stand-in 2nd stringer Pence 2020 won’t be attending the Wisconsin event either. No confirmation yet on if he was dis-invited or if Pence 2020 decided to run for the hills to avoid being questioned in public just like he did yesterday when he was at a restaurant honoring a hot dog his boss signed earlier in the month.
Oh and now GOP Governor of Utah and Utah Senator Chaffetz just dis-endorsed him. Utah Mormons will follow suit and NOT vote for Trump turning Utah blue. A Death Blow! And now GOP Colorado leaders are doing the same. Colorado looking blue folks! North Carolina? Florida? Pennsylvania? Ohio? You’re up next!
GOP Senator Kelly Ayotte from New Hampshire just tweeted she’s not voting Trump anymore! She’s done!
Ladies and Gents, the mass evacuations have begun. Hurricane Trump is becoming an every man for himself toxic storm. GOP down ticket pols are grabbing life jackets and kicking anyone who tries to take it from them. This is an all out real reality SURVIVOR show! Hurricane Trump is a real political disaster of the massive kind. The destruction has been earned for sure and will cost us all dearly. Its not funny! Its’ sad and pathetic!
It is becoming clear that down ticket GOPers simple cannot afford to hitch their ride to this toxic sexual assaulter. Their self interest is governing their actions. Their survival mode has kicked in! The storm surge has taken them over!
Worse, Christian Evangelicals are now at the crossroads too!
I mean, would Jesus say ‘When You’re a Star … You Can Do Anything to Women. Even grab their pussy”? Really? I mean before they were looking the other way. Pence 2020 even had them praying for The Lords Savior Trump before the vid came out aiming to make this a spiritual cause. Yeah! He was trying to put the Sexual Assaulter Trump election in the context of GODS WILL. Opps! That’s was just before “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, Grab ’em by the pussy.”? Ooooppss! Nearly 100 Evangelical Leaders Draft a Petition to Denounce Trump. It’s moving fast!
I mean they heard it with their own ears and seen it with their eyes. I feel for them because they follow the teaching of Jesus and this vile predator clearly is antithetical to their beliefs. I think this important voting block runs from Trump quickly. They have NO other choice now or they have to answer to Jesus on why they vote for a sexual predator. They may NOT vote Hillary but they will NOT collectively vote for for sexual assault predator who prays on married women. It is a bridge too far!
Now there are a few “Christian” TrumpBots who argue that Trump is redeemable. They say Christian forgiveness means we must accept his apology and give him a chance.
OK, I did watch his recorded scripted read apology video late last night. And of course, it was forced! It was not sincere and scripted by his handlers who probably had to make him do it over and over and over and over again until they got a take that looked as close to sincere as they could possibly get.
But let’s say I give the Christian forgiveness thing a try. Okay, apology accepted Trump! But clearly, you have a mental problem Mr. Trump. We cannot hire you here at the United States of America Voter Human Resources Department. No sir! But what we can do is put you in the rehabilitation program at the hospital for sexual assault predators and get you the help you need. And also enroll you in the Narcissist Anonymous Program for Sad and Pathetic Sociopaths. Now that’s empathy! That’s real forgiveness! That’s care! Care is NOT electing a mentally unstable sick man to President of the United States of America.
Are you feeling me? Or still trying to find a way to defend Trump against Trump?

Okay, so clearly more POLs will evacuate Hurricane Trump as I write. The list will grow like a snowball. But stay tuned folks because Trump The Arrogant is defiant. He said so himself. He is determined to show up Sunday night in his tar and feathered outfit because he’s Trump and Trump is totally unable to comprehend that he’s a giant social pariah.
So Sunday Night is his last hope!
I say he goes Kammikaze on Hillary but falls under the weight of his own vile vulgar socio-pathetic narcissism sending every down ticket Republican scrambling for political life jackets. And then its officially game over! There won’t even be a 3rd debate!
Nah, I think the GOP will give him the Bob Dole and let him ride out into the sunset taking his electoral landside loss medicine. He will claim the system was rigged but GOPers will call him a sore loser and try to save themselves and their future. It’s a major set back for everyone indeed big time!
As for Hillary, well, all she has to do is let the audience beat him down. She can just watch the carnage and take her seat at the first woman president of the United States who endured an election against America’s worst most vile misogynist condescending idiot stupid jackass in modern history. Ironic Huh?
As for her papers just leaked by wiki-leaks and Podesta hack of his gmail? It won’t play to voters as much as the character disqualifier “Grab ’em by the pussy.” Nice Job Donald!
About Johnny Punish: Former punk rock lead singer from 90s underground band Twisted Nixon (1996-2002) Johnny Punish is now pushing his artistic boundaries into the 21st century creating diverse music that matters. In addition, he’s also engaging around the world as a global social justice political activist, eco-activist, socially responsible businessman, and syndicated writer. Since 2000, Punish has produced his own music from his home studio using the latest technologies that allow for expansion of ideas and new directions exploring the tough themes that pop artists have to run from.
To share his music, Punish has created the record trilogy “The Strange Story of Johnny Punish, Volumes 1,2, and 3″; a collection of his solo music from 2000-2016. His music is available on on Itunes,, and all digital platforms. As a cyber journalist and activist, Punish has penned over 300 articles on freedom, liberty, and justice around the world writing opt-eds for and other truth telling web sites.
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