TRUMP 2016: Enjoy Last Great Election on Race in U.S. History


trump racism 1

by Johnny Punish

I know it does not feel like it but we are witnessing the beginning of the final death blow to the white nationalist movement in the United States of America ending 400 years of white anglo-Euro rule in the Americas.   This is the last gasp folks!   Enjoy It!

To TrumpBots reading this, I am very sure they are already yelling at the screen right now saying “Go to hell Punish, we’re NOT racists” blah blah blah.   But hear me out first!  I am NOT against you.  I just think you’re fighting a global demographic tidal wave and it’s about to drown you for good.  But don’t worry you’ll learn to love the new colorless world that is about to emerge.

Here are the actual facts that support the tidal wave killing race elections in the USA:

Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement is clearly a call out and a yearning for yesteryear where white supremacy reigned and people of color were 2nd class citizens.  Ya’ll remember those white only water fountains right?  How’s bout them back of the bus colored people?   It may have worked then for some but that time has come and gone.

Look this is a Neo-Fascist White Nationalist Movement to put the old rightful owners back in charge.  Plain and Simple!  Own it!

The challenge for the supporters of this movement is that it’s simply too late.  The demographics of the United States of America and world have shifted becoming more brown, more beige, more colorless then ever before.  And its moving super fast towards a world of rainbows and all colors making everyone look beige not white.  This is real demographic truth!  And there is NO stopping it; nothing!  No law and no hero with orange hair and a golden toilet can stop the future.


We saw this demographic change when Barack Obama was elected in 2008.  We we were all shocked a bit and full of hope for our future.  But these last 8 years have been no bed of roses right?  I mean the USA has had to endure 8 years of attempts to de-legitimize the nations first non-white male President pretending it was this or that when it simply a black leading our tribe which was not cool for many.

I mean evolving forward is never easy.  It is painful.  Some make the transition fast and easy, some come along a slower pace, and some fight till the very end while they grit their teeth as the tidal wave of the future hits them so hard they can’t recognize anything around them anymore.   For the sake of this article let us refer to the latter affectionately as TrumpBots!

And that’s where Election 2016 comes in.

The last old warriors, the last fighters for white supremacy, white power, and a return to a world to which they understand are giving it 110%.  The effort is amazing!   They want to rule the tribe again in a way they used to know.  And this is exactly what we are seeing manifest itself in the TrumpBot movement.  It is really that simple!  Yes it’s primal plain and simple; very tribal!   Come on folks…don’t make it complex.   It’s just human nature!

Oh sure they claim it’s broken government, the economy, immigration, Muslims, or Crooked Hillary or whatever they want but take an actual look at the Trump demographic and it tells no lies;  mostly white over 40 non-college educated; the exact demographic that one would expect to find in a movement looking backwards in a world where they no longer recognize or know and feel like they don’t fit in.

Now fast forward to the 30 and under millennials.  They are 70% against the TrumpBot movement.  That’s right!  Millennials are overwhelmingly rejecting this 20th century retro movement.

Why?  Because they want the future not the past and they simple don’t know that world the over 40 crowd yearns for and talks about.  They grew up in a world with the internet, smart phones, and listening to music because they liked not because it was “white” or “black” but because it was good in Mp3 not on an 8-Track.  They just don’t see color as the divider their 20th century ancestors did and don’t accept this backward vision of the future.

Look this subject is NOT easy to digest because it’s painful.  No Joke!  Many older white folk really feel pain.  They see their past world slipping away.  And its scary.  I mean older people hate change as it is but this?  Whoa!   This is more than change for them.  They feel their whole existence is being erased.  And to some extent, it is being erased.  But that’s evolution!  So let’s have some empathy okay!


I mean it’s actually simple to explain. You see people want their tribe to be led by someone like them; someone they know and understand.  It’s that simple folks.  Please don’t defend or get offended because that’s human nature not just in USA but everywhere around the world.  And its not exclusive to white people. It’s all people like what they know and fear what they don’t know or understand.

The actual conflict comes in the huge information age generation gap.  The old know what they know. And the young, well, they look at the over 40 people and say WTF?  The gap is bigger than ever before and it has become an all out clash.

Now here’s the kicker and where evolution and competition will kill this dying on the vine movement after this 2016 election.

But first, we will all have to endure the next 83 days until the election.  It’s going to be super ugly!   Trump will lose.  Being the nasty extreme narcissist that he is, he won’t concede.  He is already setting us up for his last self-serving face saving “its’ rigged” performance.  He won’t be polite, civil or nice.  It’s not his nature folks.  He’s a nasty guy.  You know it and I know it.  Expect it!

Instead Trump will call it rigged, come up with phony stats, and demand his supporters fight back to save his good name.   They will rise and riot for this selfish 5 time deferment billionaire anti-American coward.  It will get violent and people will die because this war is personal to the TrumpBot white warrior.  They instinctively know that this is their last chance to reclaim their past.   The US Government will have to call in the National Guard and even the US Military and put down the old folk 20th century rebellion.  But when it’s all over, the demographics will win the day as it always does because evolution has no sides folks!  Its kind of like the sun, it shines on all of us not just some and never stops even if we are scared, hate it, or wish it would just go away.


So yeah Trump will lose and the GOP will get their leverage back and a new GOP will emerge.

This new GOP 2.0 will be forced to finally accept that a movement based on race has no future in the USA.  It’s just not a winning strategy; comprende amigos?

Cooler heads will prevail making Election 2016 the final nail in the race movement coffin.  And when in 2020  an old TrumpBot wearing that worn out dirty red baseball cap with the Trump mantra “Make America Great Again” on its face demands a white movement agenda again,  the angry rational crowd will politely take them away and put them into the corner for bad ideas gone wrong because it didn’t sell in 2016,  it won’t sell in 2020 and it will never ever sell again.  Its’ over!

In fact, I will say it right now!   GOP 2.0 will win election 2020 and do it selling a brand new unified true vision for the 21st century America that far exceeds anything the DEMS sell.  Yes, I think they will make a complete 360 degree turn becoming the party of all Americans sending the left over relics to a marginal dying 3rd party; really!   Let’s see if I am right.  I mean, 4 years ago I predicted a false savior for GOP this cycle and  I was right so…..

Anyway, the good news for the USA is NOTHING STOPS EVOLUTION!
The bad news for the old 20th century folk trying to “Make America Great Again” is that NOTHING STOPS EVOLUTION!

In the end, the old guard will die off and young will take over. And our future generations will look back at Election 2016 as the last great election on race in America. Good Riddance! One Love Ya’ll.   Is the NFL on yet?

I invite your passionate respectful civil comments.