SONG: GOP Circle Jerk Starring Donald Trump

A song dedicated to the GOP and Donald Trump


GOP Circle Jerk 2016 is a punk rock song dedicated to Republican Election 2016 brought to you by Donald Trump and his Nine Dwarfs funded by the elite super PAC donor class. Performed by Johnny Punish and the Red Flag Riot.

Can you see Jeb Bush sucking on teet of the bankster
There’s the GOP Fox News town blues circle jerk
And Christie made a speech
Their brainwashed minds went to the beach
And somebody get TV Whore Donald Trump off of the stay age

Can you see Scott Walker sucking on the teet of the bankster
The R N C perv suck me off freaky show
Every Koch Brother they gotta blow
To get on Megan Kellys debate show
And somebody get Billionaire Donald Trump off the stay age

La La La La La
Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah
And somebody get Clown Act Donald Trump off the stay age

Did you see Rand Paul get a hose up his ass by a bankster
There is no end to the fed let’s all circle jerk
Corruption is so lame but money criminals love the game
And somebody get Democrat Donald Trump off the stay age

La La La La La La
Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah
They got the future on the line
Hitlery Clinton doesn’t rhyme
And somebody get Democrat Donald Trump off the stay age

Song was written by Johnny Punish. Charles Javier III, and Alexander Lozano