Israeli Pirates Loot Indigenous Peoples as Music Plays On


by Johnny Punish

Yesterday, Israel choose to retaliate and freeze tax payment monies to its indigenous peoples after they asked for their day in court at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in pursuit of justice in the genocide murder of thousands including hundreds of children.

It was one of the ugliest faces shown by the lost criminal state of Israel which continues to disgrace its own existence, citizens, and US taxpayers who pay for her by engaging in crimes against humanity and the complete abuse and torture of the indigenous peoples.

Israel will withhold critical tax revenue and seek ways to bring war crimes prosecutions against Palestinian leaders in retaliation for Palestinian moves to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), Israeli officials said on Saturday.

It should be noted that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced earlier this week that Palestine seeks to join the ICC in the Hague to pursue war-crimes charges against Israel. The move is meant to pressure Israel into withdrawing from the territories that Palestinians demand a future state. It follows a failed motion last week in the U.N. Security Council to set a 2017 deadline for a Palestinian state to be established in land occupied by Israel.

Imagine that?  Ask for a legitimate day in court and get rewarded with a freakin hammer!  Nice going!  If there were any questions as to who is the pirate and who is the looted, well, that barely lingering question just gave us the answer and it was extremely loud and clear!

Now Momma always said to watch what they do and not listen to what they say….. and look what they are doing!   I mean, it would be an amazing joke if it was not so serious right?

Now watch these pirates try to rationalize their crimes as they continue to demonize the indigenous peoples who request and plead for justice.  Here’s what their disgraceful inhumane psycho-predator spokesman said to RT  a few days ago on the ICC bid;

As the indigenous peoples continue their pursuit for dignity the disgraceful abhorrent behavior from the socio-pathic euro-junta-criminals in Israel and they’re paid for assigns within the US Government i.e…

Traitor Lindsey Graham who pretends to represent the United States citizens as a Senator while he shills for his Zionist masters is done against a people who just want to live, work, go to school, and play life’s music.”

I mean Gaza may be a war zone, but everyday life for its inhabitants has to continue. You can see the humanity that these sociopaths discount in the documentary WE TEACH LIFE SIR; a must-watch for human beings and a DO NOT WATCH for torturers, murders of children, psychopaths, serial killers, and phony leaders named Netanyahu.

The amazing documentary follows young students of a Gaza City music school who have lived through three major military conflicts since 2008. They have survived the destruction, endured the horror of shelling, and seen people die firsthand. Some have even come close to death themselves. But despite their experiences, they remain hopeful that peace will eventually come. Until then, they seek comfort in music.

It is for them that we, the members of TEAM PEOPLE, must stand with and not the evil doers in Armani suits who pretend that they represent humanity while continue to commit the ugliest most heinous crimes against all of us!