Buggy Whip Deals in an Automobile World Fail All of Us
This week, U.S. State Department head John Kerry is meeting with Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate another peace between the two. So there he goes again, for the umpteenth time to make peace.
As Kerry tries to move the parties, he faces the same old challenges. We are dealing with men who hold on to 20th-century dogma that is NO longer relevant for a new 21st-century Middle East. So while they give it the ole good effort, the reality is that no one at these meetings has a real plan for all of us.
The Israelis hold on to their failed dream of a Jewish-only state that can never be while Palestinians hold to a world where Palestine exists without any Euro Jews living on their lands. Neither has a realistic view of the world or a vision of how special the Middle East can be if they would just step back and drop their buggy whip dreams and replace them with a modern automobile.
What I mean is if this was 1900, they would be negotiating how many buggy whips to buy while the younger people invest in that weird contraption called the automobile. In short, the next-gen automobile is coming and they are talking about buggy whips.
Now, first, there will never be peace possible while these old men hold on to 20th-century game plans and thinking. Frankly and sorry to say, but these old men need to go away. Their exclusionary wall-building visions have failed the world and are an utter disgrace. They better hurry and retire before the future judges them very badly.
The hope for the future lies in the new generations. In fact, when the Facebook generations take over leadership, things will change dramatically.
Think about it!
50 to 100 years from now, after living in a fully connected world without the current failed 20th-century dogma lingering over their heads, the Middle East will be a new place; unrecognizable from today.
Not only will Israel completely change but all the states in the Middle East will be amazingly different. In fact, all the states within the Middle East are all up for a new vision, a new paradigm
In a new 21st century world, the complete and utter failure of old dogma will force such things.
Theodor Herzl, the good-intentioned Founding Father of the Racist Exclusionary Apartheid State of Israel
You might want to check out a new vision for the Middle East called the Middle East Union. This alternative think tank has a completely new vision for this part of the world.
As for the USA and Kerry brokering anything this week?
Sadly, the USA cannot ever be a leader when they only represent the interests of one chosen side.
There are 350 million people in the Middle East today.
By 2050, some say we may have over 600 million people there.
The only future vision that can empower forward is something big, something unique, something empowering for all
A Global Promised Land so to speak
The dreams of Theodor Herzl and his Zionist game plan simply have no future. It’s about to expire. So why invest in this buggy whip ideology?
And at this time, at this point, the USA has no vision for the coming reality for all. In short, it has NO VISION for the 21st century. It is just trying to hold on the failed status quo. So how can they broker any peace deal with no vision of what they aim to achieve?
Leadership on this issue will come from a different place, from somewhere unexpected. I believe in the children and their children. But I don’t believe in the ideas of these 20th-century old men!In the future, there will be NO Jewish, Christian, or Muslim people. There are only people.
So invest your energies in this new paradigm or suffer the wrath of history as it puts those who continue to lead with jaundice in the ugly dustbin.
Attention to all….get on board now!
Unity and mutual respect for one another are the only way.