ELECTION 2016: Should Israeli Run for U.S. President?


ZIONIST PARTY should officially become the 3rd U.S. Political Party

by Johnny Punish

Zionists who control the U.S. money supply have been very careful to not expose themselves so blatantly. Usually, they put up a token leader that U.S. citizens can accept without rioting but now, they are just going balls out and putting it out there in public.

It’s official, the U.S. is run by global banksters. Deal with it!

So it got me thinking….what’s next for the U.S.A.?

Well, since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is so loved by his U.S. Congress whom he pays off via his lovely un-taxed un-registered foreign lobby group posing as an American agency called AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, it seems logical to me that he takes the next overt step and run for U.S. President.

I mean, when Netanyahu spoke in front of his people in the U.S. Congress, they gave him a standing ovation fit for a king. That Obama guy that Netanyahu can’t stand got a polite clap but Bibi? Wow! That guy is popular in the land of the purchased sycophant whores that refer to themselves as elected public officials.

So why not? I mean, the American taxpayer already gives more to Israel than any state in the USA right? It is more than the 51st state, it’s America’s # 1 state.

And since Israel already produces more drones than any state in the world, it would be a perfect fit for us to have our first truly drone president who is officially a declared foreigner who represents the global banksters – in your face ya’ll!

I think the delusional right-wing Christian peanut gallery would absolutely love it. Think about it. Bibi can promise them that Jesus will save them.  They will send money!  Praise the Lord!

I mean, these good folk can fund his campaign and send him whatever is left in their pockets after Bibi’s Banksters robbed them on the last train that passed through Main Street.  So why not?  I mean if one is going to be raped, make it good right?  Yee ha You’ll.


Now, maybe Bibi can officially hire campaign managers like the esteemed Jimmy Swaggert and his mummified partner, the polyester king, Pat Robertson. These clown shills can go on TV and cry telling Americans that Bibi needs them and that god said to send him money. It will be easy pickings!

As for the rest of America, who gives a shit? I mean, if they protest, Bibi can just send his drones to kill them. I mean, the U.S. President has the right to kill any American he feels without explanation. So yeah it works.

And if they try another Occupy Wall Street, come on……just another beat down!

So yeah, if we’re going to go balls out in America, then lets go all the way and sink this bad boy into the hands of those who care only for their agenda and not the interests of the American people.


I think the bigger question might be who can we get Bibi to pick as his Vice-President?

For me, I love Israeli Defense Force veteran, Current Chicago Mayor, and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel.  He has the pedigree and knows how to manipulate the office for his people.

But some of my friends think that Zionist Eric Cantor would be perfect.  I like him.  Under his Zionist shield, he has that down-home accent that plays to the Right Wing Christians and that means cash baby!

And some say that Israeli Super Hawk Tzipi Livni would be the dream pick cause after Netanhahu’s term, she can then run and become our first woman U.S. president.   I mean, she’s like Wonder Woman!  Plus she’s hotter than Hillary.  She would beat down Hillary with her Uzi full stop! She’d be an amazing pick!

So I say, Benjamin Netanyahu for U.S. President in 2016!
L’Chaim America!

What say you?