X Factor Star Simon Cowell Raises Money for Israeli Defence Force (IDF)

Newly Minted Zionist Simon Cowell to Visit Israel and Join the Anti-Humanity Cause of Eretz Israel Against We Ja People!


Former American Idol Reality Star Simon Cowell Chooses 20th Century Dogma of Occupation, Humiliation, and Tyranny Against Indigenous Populations over Human Rights, Dignity and Long Term Sustainability!  Another One Bites the Dust!

by Johnny Punish

Want to know how some of the elite spend their time and money?  Well, just take a look at the latest Hollywood whores; Haim Saban and former American Idol star and current X Factor star Simon Cowell.   Last month, Simon, the newly minted Zionist, enjoyed an evening at a Friends of the IDF Western Region Gala at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

Yep, the guy who so appropriately, on American Idol, reached out to support the impoverished in Africa has done a complete turn and now stands with tyranny, occupation, and the continued hell that we all suffer at the hands of his new family; the Hollywood Zionists for IsraHell!  Geez us…WTF!

Yep friends….this is where the action goes on behind the scenes!  These are those smoke-filled rooms we’ve all heard about.  And you wonder why we cannot extricate this ugly anti-human tumor from our global stage?  Come on Simon!  WTF!

Is Simon merely another ignorant Hollywood Zionist recruit aiming to protect his investment in greed and uber-profit power ambitions by joining up with the once great power brokers or is he an actual warrior for the cause?  Without an interview with the U.K. import, it’s hard to know.   I mean he may just be an idiot or intellectual ideologue who will die for Eretz Israel.  Maybe it’s time to ask him directly!

I mean, I just sent him an email asking for an interview so he can explain why he’s donating to the Army that’s already funded by the unwilling U.S. Taxpayers via the AIPAC-dominated U.S. Congress full of global whores, thieves, and criminals?  Let’s see if he will have the balls to respond and explain himself to the public.  It’s a challenge indeed!
As it stands, Saban and Simon Cowell donated $2.3 million and $50,000 respectively, and the event raised NIS 70 million in total.

The almost 1,200 attendees enjoyed a rare singing performance from another ignorant stupid follower Lionel Richie.  And don’t get me started on Lionel Richie!  Cause this guy needs an education!  But I digress.

Anyway, Saban said the following….‘The Jewish and Israeli community in Los Angeles appreciates and embraces the soldiers of the IDF, and will continue to do everything [possible] in order to give thanks to them and strengthen them in whatever is needed”.   Whatever is needed?  WTF does that mean?

Anyway, Simon, the new Zionist didn’t stop there.  As a cost of joining and showing his Zionist love, he was even willing to embarrass himself by singing the Power Rangers theme song for – wait for it – $1 million.   Yeah!  Check out the video below.  I mean Simon does his best bending over for the apartheid state of Israel which will probably insure his future Hollywood successes for years to come don’t ya think?  Dance Simon dance!  $$$$$$$  Cha-Ching!

Also, check this out….according to Hollywood Jew, Simon also plans to visit Israel later this year and become Jewish too!

“Big name attendees were also scarcer this year, though Israeli mega-producer Avi Lerner was there, as was Electus founder Ben Silverman. The shiniest star in the whole lot, though, was the real “American Idol,” Simon Cowell, who sat gleaming in a corner with his very pregnant girlfriend (Jewish divorcee Lauren Silverman, with whom Cowell had an affair while she was still married) and from where he publicly pledged $50,000 to the Israel Defense Forces.

That’s right: Simon Cowell, critic extraordinaire, is officially a Zionist; and, on his way out of the gala, told me his plans to become Jewish and visit Israel later this year.”

I wonder if that includes a trip to the euro settlements and a gracious pat on the head of those dirty little Palestinian indigenous animals they aim to extricate.  Here, check out my song THE OCCUPATION.  I think that says it all for Mister Simon.

To me, Simon proves his own saying that If you’ve got a big mouth and you’re controversial, you’re going to get attention. Well, Simon, you got it! Welcome to the dirty world of selling your soul for rock n roll where money, greed, and uber ambition trump any sense of humanity indeed.

I suppose this disgusting position he has taken and my expose here is NOT going to get me an invite to try out on the X Factor right? LOL!  Oh well, it’s a great big world out there and my dignity is NOT for sale like some on the mean streets of Hollyweird.