Kissinger Is Dead! Finally!


War Criminal Henry Alfred Kissinger is Dead! He was born on May 27, 1923, and died yesterday, November 29, 2023; 100 years old!

What took him so long? Back in 1996, my fellow Twisted Nixon bandmates and I wrote the song “KISSINGER IS DEAD” as a metaphor for the end of the 20th century. Obviously, Henry refused to cooperate. What took this prick so long? And why is the world still fucked up?

Anyway, I like the way VT’s Dr. Kevin Barrett wrote about Henry this morning. So read it here below and don’t forget to support his work and subscribe to his substack.

But first, click on the song and get fired up!  Just make sure you’ve had your coffee first because this one is pure punk rock from 1996!  That’s me in the beret screaming and yelling! Enjoy!


By Dr. Kevin Barrett

In the illustrious culmination of his 100-year career, Henry Kissinger arrived in Hell today and was immediately appointed Satan’s National Security Advisor.

Kissinger will spend the rest of eternity devising futile diplomatic ruses and stratagems aimed at enhancing Hell’s nonexistent chances of defeating Heaven.

At a press conference announcing the appointment, Satan said that even though he knows he doesn’t have a chance in Hell of succeeding in his long-standing Global War on God (GWOG), he nonetheless hopes that Kissinger, by injecting notes of gravitas and realpolitik into the Kingdom of Hellfire’s infernally hopeless strategic and diplomatic efforts, will at least make the doomed enterprise more interesting.

Portrait of Kissinger as a Harvard senior in 1950

Back on Earth, American President Joe Biden expressed hope that Kissinger’s mission to Hell would open up a new chapter in US-Hell relations. “Since we just paid Israel to murder 20,000 Palestinian civilians, and provided the weapons, the Devil must be looking fondly on America at this critical juncture in our history,” Biden said. “We have high hopes that Henry Kissinger will soon broker an agreement inaugurating a new era in which America and Hell work closely together to achieve our common goals. As I’ve always said, ‘If Kissinger can go to China, he damned well can go to Hell.”

Kissinger and President Richard Nixon discussing the Vietnam situation in Camp David, 1972 (with Alexander Haig)

Asked about his impressions of Hell, Kissinger quipped: “I’ve been to some Third World countries seeking nuclear weapons where things got almost this hot.” He added that when he arrived in Furth, Germany, as a US soldier right after World War II, he wondered where all the Jews had gone. Smiling wickedly, the Gehennan immigrant who instantly rose to become National Security Advisor quipped: “Now I know.”

Kissinger, shown here with Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong, negotiated rapprochement with China.


Henry was an American politician, diplomat, political scientist, and geopolitical consultant who served as United States secretary of state and national security advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

Kissinger was a Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938. In the United States, he excelled academically and graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1950, where he studied political science under William Yandell Elliott. He earned his Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy at Harvard University in 1951 and 1954, respectively.

Kissinger played a prominent role in United States foreign policy between 1969 and 1977, pioneering the policy of détente with the Soviet Union, orchestrating an opening of relations with China, engaging in what became known as shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East to end the Yom Kippur War, and negotiating the Paris Peace Accords, which ended American involvement in the Vietnam War. After leaving government, he formed Kissinger Associates, an international geopolitical consulting firm. Kissinger wrote over a dozen books on diplomatic history and international relations.

Kissinger’s legacy is a polarizing subject in American politics. He has been widely considered by scholars to be an effective Secretary of State and condemned for turning a blind eye to war crimes committed by American allies due to his support of a pragmatic approach to politics called Realpolitik.

For his actions in negotiating a ceasefire in the Vietnam War, Kissinger received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize under controversial circumstances.

Kissinger is Dead

by Twisted Nixon


Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
That’s what we said

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Better dead than red


You one of those fools who believe the feds are fighting for you
Or are you one of those thugs who vote for them so you can sell your drugs
Either way you know you’re gonna crack
Stick the knife in Kissinger’s back

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
That’s what we said

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Better dead than red

You one of those gents who think mules differ from elephants
Can’t you see the government is sold
To the highest bidder and the one with the gold
Now you know The Cold War is Dead
Let’s hang him high
Gimme Kissinger’s head

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
That’s what we said

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Better dead than red

Come You Fuckers Let’s Get Crazy

Are you a Gen-Xer clown who works for The Clampdown
Can’t you see the government is sold….ahhhhhh-ohhhh
Now you know the Cold War is dead
Let’s hang him high
Gimme Kissinger’s head

Four score and seven years ago
Our parents gave our country away
Well let me tell you the 20th century is dead
It’s time for you and me to take control and push us through the 21st century
Let me tell you Woodrow Wilson is dead
The League of Nations died a long time ago
Nixon is dead
Roosevelt is dead
Ronbo’s got Alzeimhers
And Kissinger is dead

So join with me when we say

You one of those kind who thinks that we out of our mind
Speak the truth
Take the action to save our youth
Join the Crusade just you and me
In the service of each other we’ll set ourselves free

Free, Free, Free
Just you and me

Free, Free, Free
Just you and me

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
That’s what we said

Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Kissinger Is Dead
Better dead than red

Well Kissinger is dead
And if you don’t like it you don’t like it you don’t have to
We’re not the enemy
Good night!

©1996 – Success Spear LLC – Written by Johnny Punish, Ben Madrid, Mike Henry and Gary Richter.  Produced by Paul Hampton