VT RADIO: Korruption USA

VT's Mark Dankof joins host Johnny Punish to drop kick the extreme corruption in the US system


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VT’s Mark Dankof joins host Johnny Punish to dissect the extreme corruption that is embedded into the US political and government system.  Together they slam the system and offer empathy for the collective American victims who are brainwashed to believe the other side is the enemy.

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VT’s Mark Dankof was the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth. Mark is the host of The Dankof Report for the Republic Broadcasting Network and the London version of The Dankof Report heard on the first Tuesday of each month for ACH and broadcast by RBN, Rense Radio, Free Speech Radio, and EuroFolkRadio.


  1. Right on! Only the TRUTH will set US Free! The Agents of the Israel Lobby AIPAC-ADL and dozens of other Jew-Zionists Organizations, the Enemies Within, are driving, dictating, controlling the US Foreign and DOMESTIC Policies! The late Congressman from Ohio, James Traficant said; ‘The US Congress is a Brothel!’ Mr. Traficant was right on the MONEY! Money Talks! Money Makes the World Go Around! For telling the TRUTH, Mr. Traficant was ‘pushed’ out of the way by the ‘Powers That Be’, under his on tractor, and died 3 days later in a hospital! ‘Accidents’ – ‘Assassins’ wait for you, if you make an attempt, to be a ‘Truth Teller’, a PATRIOT!

  2. Well said… yeah, it’s tough out there speaking truth to power! Lots of obstacles and political land mines…powerful corporations and people dont’ like their deals messed with.