VT RADIO: Is The China-Russia-Islam Triumvirate The New Super Power?

VT's Senior Editor Dr. Kevin Barrett speaks openly about the new emerging global power


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Host Johnny Punish asks VT Senior Editor Kevin Barrett if China, Russia and Islam is the New Triumvirate Global Superpower?

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).

He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host. Archived Articles (2004-2016)
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Johnny Punish:
Here we go. Okay, we’re on VT radio with Dr. Kevin Barrett. Lots of things happening in the news today. First, we got the Russian blogger to blow up in Russia, and the Wall Street Journal reporter was arrested for spying in Russia. We got the Trump arraignment coming this week. And of course, today we really wanna talk with Dr. Barrett about the Russia-China Islam triumvirate, the new superpower. But before I do that, I wanna say a big shout-out to Jeff Shepard, Yule, and Vaisha Lewand. I appreciate your willingness to encourage different viewpoints. They’re new members of VT. They joined us on BuyMeACoffee.com slash VT Media. They’re definitely helping us out. As you know, we’re banned by everybody in the world, thanks to the Global Disinformation Index. So we don’t get advertising dollars. They try to cut off our financial legs. And VTForeignPolicy.com costs money. There are server costs. There are costs to develop. There are all kinds of costs involved. Plug-in costs. The internet’s not free anymore. It used to be 20 years ago, but not anymore. So we need help paying for that So if you feel inclined and like what we’re doing, please support us at buy me a coffee comm slash BT media that would be greatly appreciated Without further ado. I want to talk to dr. Kevin Barrett right now. Dr. Barrett, What do you think about this Russian blogger blow-up in Russia the Wall Street Journal guys arrested? I mean, are we next?

Yeah, it’s kind of an ill omen, isn’t it, when they start blowing up bloggers. I guess we’ve technically been bloggers. That’s what we would be called. Like Seymour Hersh is also called a blogger. We’ve been called that for decades now. So

Johnny Punish:

it’s one thing to be called things. I’ve been called a lot worse than a blogger, but it’s another thing to have them coming to blow you up. So check out my window and see if any drones are coming. I don’t see any yet.

Johnny Punish:
Right. Well, at our age, what are we going to do? You know, we’re not going to run and hide. We’re going to still talk the truth because that’s what we do at VT. But yeah, it’s dangerous work out there, right? We get death threats, all kinds of weird emails and who knows what, right? So what do you think is happening out there? I mean, do you think this Wall Street Journal guy in Russia spying for the United States? What do you do? Do you know anything about that? I haven’t done my deep dive yet.

Well, of course, the American mainstream media claims that it’s preposterous. Of course, he’s not a spy. That’s pretty much what the headline I saw this morning in the Washington Post said. But they would say that, whether or not he was a spy. So is there any possibility that he might be a spy? Well, I suppose the Washington Post would say, oh, no, of course not, because here in America, our media would never even think of spying. But of course, that’s ridiculous. We all know that you know, Carl Bernstein wrote about the CIA, according to, was it, William Colby, owning everybody of any significance in the mainstream media. We learned about Operation Mockingbird, the single most successful program ever created by the Central Intelligence Agency. It was founded by Cord Meyer, who had formerly been a peacenik and was then recruited by Alan Dulles, and he succumbed to Dulles and to alcohol and became an embittered alcoholic for the rest of his life, but he was a genius. So he put together this CIA program, that infiltrated and steered the mainstream media and became the most successful CIA program in the agency’s history. He also was involved in killing President Kennedy. Apparently, he was especially enthusiastic as a participant, perhaps because his ex-wife Mary Meyer was having an affair with Kennedy and indeed became the love of his life during the last year of Kennedy’s life. So anyway, yeah, the media is just riddled with spooks. In fact, the whole mainstream media basically is spooks. So frankly, if you just started arresting American mainstream media people as spooks, you know, you’d be at least half right.

Johnny Punish:

So, what am I gonna say? I’m not saying anybody should. I don’t think we should be running around arresting people randomly just because the organizations they work for are totally controlled by American intelligence, but you know, I can understand how the Russians feel.

Johnny Punish:
Right, exactly. You know, we just have a bad history of that in journalism and spying in the CIA. It’s just a fact. So for them to say that, you know, he’s definitely not a spy, I mean, come on. Let’s just take a long deep look at that and see what’s happening. Now this Russian blogger apparently was blown up in, I think it’s Moscow, I believe it is, or somewhere. And they’re not sure who did it or if there’s a woman who did it. Do you know anything about that?

Yeah, I think some woman has been charged and this blogger was apparently a very strong pro-war guy. So it sounds like the same sort of thing that the Ukrainian Secret Service did when they murdered Daria Dugina, Alexander Dugin’s daughter, and were perhaps trying to kill him as well. That is, they are going after people whose ideas they don’t like. And I think the Ukrainians are by far the worst at that. I mean, even the American government is actually pretty restrained in terms of going after people whose ideas it doesn’t like. Otherwise, we wouldn’t even be here.

Johnny Punish:
Right, right.

So yeah, the US government really only kills you if they have a reason to. I mean, if your influence reaches a certain level like Malcolm X or Martin Luther King or Paul Wellstone or whatever, yeah, then they’ll kill you. But just because you’re mouthing off in ways they don’t like, they usually will just try to ignore you, and leave you alone. De-platform you, make it impossible to make a living.

Johnny Punish:

all sorts of assets to throw rotten fruit at you, call you an anti-Semite, yada, yada, yada. But they usually don’t just come and kill you. But the Ukrainians, they’re maniacs. Ukrainians are just filled with hatred. The nationalist side of Ukrainian politics has been hijacked by propagandists who specialize in whipping up paroxysms of hatred. And the Ukrainians just absolutely hate the Russians. They hate everything about Russians, and they hate the ideas of Russians they don’t like and they’re willing to kill them. In fact, they’re just drooling to kill them. And they torture the Russian POWs they catch. They torture the Ukrainians who are naive enough to think that they can express their actual views. Half the Ukrainians are Russians and Russian sympathizers, they’re ethnic Russian, and they’ve all been terrorized into silence. And whenever one of them speaks out, they get tortured, taped to lampposts, and so on. So the nationalist Ukrainians are absolute maniacs and lunatics, and they’re the ones running around. They have a huge death list on the internet. We might even be on it. I don’t know. It’s so big you can’t even keep track. So to me, this probably is the Ukrainian government and it’s Nazi goons who probably did this.

Johnny Punish:
Now, I want to segue to this week, we’re having the Trump arraignment as it relates to foreign policy in any way, because that’s what we cover foreign policy. But this is big news. I mean, this is big international news, right? The former president of the United States is gonna face a judge on Tuesday morning, which will, will air sometime on Tuesday. So it’ll probably get the mugshot and probably get fingerprinted. And then here comes the circus. What’s your feeling about what’s gonna happen this week?

You’re right. It is a circus and it probably is going to play into Trump’s hands, you know, puts him back in center stage and that’s what he likes and makes him look like the victim, which is what all of his supporters, you know, they all feel like victims and they see Trump as the sort of image of their own victimization. And, you know, they’re not entirely wrong. And it’s almost as if there’s some kind of conspiracy among the anti-Trump wing of the establishment to verify these feelings among Trump supporters I mean, that’s how they got him elected president by attacking him so much. They gave him endless free publicity and now they’re doing it again. So, hey, maybe Trump will come back in 2024. Thanks to the idiocy of his haters.

Johnny Punish:
Okay, in reference to foreign policy, we can go into Trump’s past, and his history. Personally, I can’t stand the guy. I don’t know a lot of VT foreign policy readers like the guy. I don’t. So I make my feelings known. I find him to be a con man. I can’t stand his moral character. But that’s just me. Everybody’s entitled to their opinion. But as it relates to foreign policy, if he gets elected, how does that change American foreign policy?

Well, I hate to say this, but having Trump in the office really couldn’t change it for the worse. And that’s really saying something. But actually, the thing about Trump is, I’m not a big fan of him personally, to say the least, and he’s the worst sellout to the Zionist occupation of America in the history of the American presidency, which is really saying something. I mean, Johnson

Johnny Punish:
No kidding.

conspired with the Israelis to kill Kennedy and then conspired to murder the servicemen on the USS Liberty. Now, that’s pretty bad. But when Trump sold out to the Israelis during his term and moved the embassy to Jerusalem, did everything they told him to, murdered Soleimani, tried to get a war going with Iran, just clicked his heels, snapped to attention, saluted and followed Israeli orders. That was even probably equally or more disgusting than everything Johnson did. And the other presidents aren’t really all that much better either, of course. So, yeah, I’m not a big fan of Trump, and that’s of course his weak point. However, Trump is, he is a con man, but he’s a different kind of, he’s not the worst con man in that, most politicians are con men one way or another. of them, their shtick is like Bush’s after 9-11 was, you know, let’s, we have to just go out and kill all these people, right? It’s the axis of evil. And so he conned everybody into murdering, you know, a couple of tens of millions of innocent people. And that’s just hideous. That’s a horrible con. And a lot of politicians do that with Trump. A lot of his con is based on this appeal to dispossessed, ordinary Americans who see that their country is being stolen from them and that country has been destroyed by a bunch of spoiled nincompoops and traitors and scumbags. Now, of course, if he would go one step further and name the Zionists, that would be helpful, but his con has a lot of truth to it. He resonates with a legitimate America-first critique of the American empire that says, what are we doing surrounding the world with 800 military bases trying to prop up the dollar so we can loot the world? We have the resources, we have the human resources, we have the capital, we have everything we need to rebuild an industrial base and actually make real stuff and be productive here in the United States, rebuild our infrastructure, and shut down our empire. The only reason we need to rip off the world by floating this toilet paper dollar and forcing people to give us real goods and services in exchange for it, or we’ll kill them with our military that’s bigger than the next eight countries combined, is that we follow that stupid path to empire. But we can prosper without an empire. shut down those military bases and end our military budget or dock it down 90 at least 95 percent really we have no border problems at all we we don’t need probably even one percent of what we spend on our freaking military and so trump he hasn’t gone quite that far in fact he increased the military budget quite a lot but he channels this anti-empire cinema what are we doing surrounding the world with military bases why do we need a nato alliance and that stuff is all correct and he pushed back hard He’d go harder in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria, not very effectively. But, so his con has a lot of truth and, you know, a correct analysis behind it. So for that reason, I don’t hate him or, you know, despise him as much as I would despise politicians with a more destructive con, such as George W. Bush, for example.

Johnny Punish:
You know, I would say the bad outweighs the good. He’s a flawed character as a messenger. You know, Mahatma Gandhi was an outstanding messenger, right? He’s the father of India. He’s revered worldwide as the father of India, non-violence, etc., etc. Didn’t go after billions of dollars in his pocket. So he was the right messenger for India at the time. I’m not suggesting it was perfect, but I’m suggesting that Donald Trump may have good messages on NATO and things like that, but he’s such a flawed character that his message gets lost under the weight of his own morally flawed character, his porn stars, his billion-dollar deals with the Saudis, you name it, on and on and on. It’s just like, come on man, I mean, stay focused, stops doing this nonsense so you can get the message across. I mean, it’s just ridiculous. I mean, we just need a better messenger than that. Is


Johnny Punish:
there is a better messenger out there somewhere in America, political land, that can communicate anti-war, things like that, that are going to help humanity as opposed to this guy who just wants golden toilets and billion dollar deals and Saudis for his grandsons you know what I mean?

Yeah, I would hope there are a lot of better messengers. I mean, I wrote in RFK Jr. in 2020, and there’s a movement to draft him to run in 2024. And hey, if he won, you know, I would come back to the U.S. from my self-exile in Morocco for his inauguration. So yeah, there are definitely better people than Trump out there.

Johnny Punish:
Right, and I think that’s what we need to start looking for. You know, he’s an old man, he’s approaching 78, I think, I think he’s that old, something like that. But we need a younger generation that can communicate, in my view, communicate the better policies of Trump and get rid of the nonsense of Trump, the ridiculous circus of Trump. I think if they can do that, I think the Republican party can actually win an election. But I don’t think they can win an election like this. I really don’t. that can’t stand Trump. I mean he’s just all over the place pissing everybody off. So I think it’s a real problem because we need a better way forward for America, right? I mean that’s how I feel.

Yeah, I agree. I mean, I think even Tucker Carlson would be a huge improvement on Trump. You know, and

Johnny Punish:

he’s kind of an America first kind of guy, too. But, you know, the thing is to be a successful politician, you know, you have to be kind of slick and, you

Johnny Punish:

know, appealing on TV and stuff. And so there is a limited supply of people with that kind of talent. Let’s face it, Trump does have that talent,

He’s pretty much an agent of chaos, not really an agent of improving things.

Johnny Punish:
Right, you know, that started with Reagan, the TV president. I mean, obviously, JFK got a TV in the first debate, right? But I think it was Ronald Reagan that turned it into a media star. What do you think about that?

Yeah, there’s a whole history there, of course, where the first presidential debates that were televised was Kennedy versus Nixon in 1960. And that changed history. I guess Nixon had a bad makeup artist. And so he ended up, you

Johnny Punish:

know, with a five o’clock shadow and this, you know, scowl painted on his face. And so he was obviously the bad guy and people recognize that you know, he’s got the black hat on with bad makeup. He’s the bad guy. They voted for Kennedy.

So, yeah, it’s, it’s kind of, you know, it’s been show business ever since, but it just gets worse and worse all the time.

Johnny Punish:
Right. Well, let’s segue now to your article that you posted on vt4policy.com, which is Russia China Islam Is that the new superpower? Go ahead and tell us what’s up with that. I mean, tell us how what’s going on. Is it the new superpower? Yes or no?

Yeah, I’d say yes. And it’s funny that you know, I just published this and then Ron Unz picked it up right away and headlined it and came out the next day, which is this morning, with his piece along the same lines, only he’s not stressing the Islam side of it. He’s stressing the Chinese economic power side of it. And that’s probably correct in terms of a raw power analysis. You know, what we’re seeing here is that the United States has deindustrialized and, you know, service economy, we are not mining and producing in factories and doing productive work. The one productive sector that we have really is agriculture. Good thing we have that. We get a fair bit of oil out of the ground. But when you do purchase power parity analyses of different economies, suddenly the situation where the US supposedly dominates the world disappears. And suddenly China’s economy is something, I don’t know, three, four times bigger than the American economy. Russia, it turns out, is not this tiny little backwater, but it’s bigger than Germany in terms of real adjusted purchasing power parity, meaning the actual productive economy, where you’re not just counting all of this nonsense, people playing in casinos and all of these kinds of relatively non-productive service kinds of jobs, which are all very wonderful, but they’re not actually producing real economic benefits. So if you make that adjustment and you see that the US has totally lost its control, an economically predominant position that it held after World War II. And so the politics are just really catching up with the economics. And that means that China is inevitably going to be the world’s biggest power. And Russia right now is playing the tough cop, challenging the decrepit old empire militarily in Ukraine. And then the Islamic world is poised for a comeback when the multipolar world chases the Western imperialists who have been really hard on the Islamic world dividing and conquering with a vengeance. And of course, the extreme example of that was the 9-11 false flag that was designed to launch a permanent war on Islam by creating this illusion that Muslims had blown up the World Trade Center when it was actually their Zionist enemies who’d done that. And so once the war on Islam is over because the Western imperialists won’t be able to afford it anymore, and that’s with China as the sort of the center of the world again, the Islamic world will be left alone and will be free to follow its own inclination, which is towards more and more unity. That is, polls have shown that about two-thirds of people in Muslim-majority countries want to unite into a caliphate or an umma or, you know, a Muslim nation. And that’s far more than Europeans who really want to be in the EU. And then there’s a common language of Arabic for a great, you know, a lot of, or at least the historical Muslim heartland. And then all educated Muslims are supposed to learn Arabic. And if that civilization really returns big time, they will. And there’ll be a common language for Islamic civilization as well. So I think there’s a bright future for Islamic civilization thanks to the decline and fall of the West and its leader, the US, and the emergence of this Russia-China axis with an China as the center of gravity of the world.

Johnny Punish:
But let’s talk about the US for a second because do you really think the US is going to let that happen without any response? Oh sure, be the superpower, we’re not going to do anything. I mean what are we expecting from the US in the coming years to respond to this?

Well, that really depends. But if you look at the closest historical comparison, both close in time and in terms of its resemblance to the situation, it would be the British Empire after World War II. And the Suez Crisis showed that the British Empire was over because it couldn’t pay its bills anymore. Now, the US Empire is wildly coyote over the cliff, and it doesn’t realize that there’s nowhere to go but down. at which point it won’t be able to pay its bills anymore either. And when an empire can’t economically support itself, then it crumbles. And it has to bring the troops home, which is what the British did. They let their colonies go in the 1950s. And that’s what the US is going to have to do as well.

Johnny Punish:
So you expect the US to shrink its bases around the world, call, you know, close that base, close this base. Is it gonna be a mission creep or it can be one big collapse? How do you see it going?

Yeah, that’s a good question. It really depends on whether the politicians in charge are crazy enough to keep gambling and playing these zero-sum games and these games of chicken like they’re playing right now with the Russians in Ukraine. That war is totally unnecessary and it’s totally counterproductive from the US standpoint, just like the war on Islam triggered by 9-11 was totally counterproductive and unnecessary. And if these lunatic neoconservatives were basically just propagandists with a relatively superficial understanding of the realities of geopolitics, and stay in power, then it could get really, really nasty because they’re living in the land of their own fantasies. As Karl Rove said, we’re an empire now, we create our own reality. So in their minds, they’re legends in their own minds. They’re still running the world. They can do anything they want. They can bomb anybody. They can pick on Russia and push NATO right up to Russia’s borders and put offensive nuclear weapons right up to the borders of Ukraine and so on and so forth. And they can threaten China around Taiwan and they could keep spending all of this toilet paper money gradually, you know, the basis for it is eroding and it’s maybe totally eroded as we speak. But they don’t realize that because they’re living in their own fantasy land. And if those people stay in power, then, you know, the worst case, of course, would be a nuclear World War Three. But there’s also the possibility that the people in charge or some of the people in charge will be realistic enough or non-psychotic enough to recognize reality like the Brits did in the 1950s to draw down the empire or even just end it. But yeah, I would think that it wouldn’t look like Afghanistan and Saigon with helicopters leaving the embassy in all of these military bases. But it would probably be a slower and more gradual process, assuming that you know, the clearheaded prevail in the US.

Johnny Punish:
very interesting. You know it reminds me of after nineteen, I think it was 89 when the Russian, excuse me, the Soviet Union fell. I believe it was Bush I. He said something to the effect that we really didn’t have any enemies so we had to start creating enemies because we were the empire, we were the superpower after the Soviet Union fell and it’s been what 30 years now but now it’s gradually moving in a different direction and here we are faced with Russia and China making the Iranians. And so deals are happening outside the purview of the United States. Is that a correct assessment?

Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, Brazil is now dumping the dollar too. And so most of the world is rejecting the US sanctions on Russia. So the Russian economy has been harmed less by these sanctions and the war than the Western economies. And so that’s really, it would seem to be a turning point. I don’t see how Humpty Dumpty can put it all back together again, because it’s the whole world that is moving away from this unipolar orientation. the decline of relative US economic power and the rise of power elsewhere, starting with China.

Johnny Punish:
Talking about the US think tanks that actually operate the government, they’re the ones who operate Biden and Trump and all these think tanks out there, how are they going to change their minds? I mean, right now they’re still full of arrogance and we don’t have to listen to anybody, we can do whatever the hell we want. How are they going to adjust to control the US government to get this mission creep so that way standard of livings for the United States peoples is stable as opposed to crashing? any US people’s is a crashing of the standard of living. It’ll be horrific. I mean, you can’t just follow that fast and expect nothing to happen. So what do you think about these think tanks? Are they going to change or are they going to continue on their path to destruction?

Well, I guess the job of the think tanks is to invent some line of bullshit to support the current policies. So the policies, though, are probably, you know, there may be some real scrambling to contain the economic catastrophe if the dollar crashes fast. And how they’re going to deal with this, I don’t know. But again, the key thing is to get the neocons out of power, because the neocon impulse will always be to demonize somebody, blame it on a scapegoat, and rally people for hatred. method and that could lead to immense bloodshed, whether civil war in the US or nuclear war abroad. So we’re way overdue for a purge of the neocons. The concept of purge got a bad name from people like Mao and Stalin. But if ever in history any country ever needed a purge, it’s the United States of America today. After those neocons orchestrated 9-11 and then drove the empire off a cliff, at some somebody with you know, two synapses rubbing together is going to have to notice this and we really need to just eliminate these neocons from all positions of power ASAP because they are a clear and present danger to the United States and to the world

Johnny Punish:
I agree with you on that, but here we are, we’re looking at if Trump gets indicted, well he’s already indicted, but if he gets arrested tomorrow, which will be today on the thing, they got the Santas behind them. I mean, this guy is even more pro-Zionist, right? He’s already kissing the Zionist ass. Where are we going to come up with some leaders that are going to have some common sense here? Where are they coming from?

Yeah, well, you know, DeSantis, I think, is maybe a little smarter than Trump in certain respects. Well, he’s clearly a smarter man than Trump. And so it’s hard to know, you know, to what extent he is always going to be willing to make adjustments to govern in a way other than constant confrontation, which is Trump’s method or non-method. So I would actually think a DeSantis regime would be more stable than a Trump regime and likely to make real policy choices. I don’t think he’s a neocon and whether he is, I don’t think he’s a true believer in that. So who knows where, you know, maybe he’s, he would get into that kind of situation where he owes the Zionists. And so he has to keep going along with, with their stuff. But the Zionists are becoming irrelevant as the U.S. empire in the West fall, you know, the Zionists, they’re the last Western settler colony and They’ll make deals with them. China will make deals with Israel and stuff. But scratch the surface of the Chinese mentality and you’ll see that they really have no use for that history of colonialism, which impacted them as well. So in this new world, there’s not really going to be a place for Israel, which is getting more and more radical and unhinged all the time. So even if DeSantis gets elected and keeps selling out to Israel, it’s not going to matter eternal capital of Israel and it’s fine if the Zionists want to blow up the Alexa Mosque and put up a blood sacrifice temple or whatever that he can say whatever he wants but the world is changing and the real powers in the world including in that region probably won’t accept that ever-increasing extremism and something’s gonna have to snap and it’s going to be the so-called state of Israel.

Johnny Punish:
Wow, that’s pretty big news because we’ve had, since World War I, we’ve had the European Zionists investing in the US Congress to buy up our Congress, right? So that’s how we got into World War I. And of course, the State of Israel was created with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, right? The English gave that. And of course, fast forward to World War II, and boom, there you go 1948. up with Truman and here we go. Are you saying this is about to end sometime soon?

Yeah, I would think so. I mean, I would think that when the period of Western global domination ends, then the last Western settler colony will also end. And whether it ends the way South Africa did or the way Algeria did, it’s still going to end.

Johnny Punish:
Now the Zionists pre-World War I, as far as I’m aware of, invested, they were actually negotiating with the Ottoman Turks to try to get a Judenstaat, a Jewish state somewhere. Ottoman Turks offered them, Uganda I believe it was, they were talking about Argentina as well, till they lost the war, the Ottomans lost the war, and then they retract and then refocused on England to negotiate with them. So do you think the Zionists will be renegotiating as they start not the place to invest their money, their power, but are they going to renegotiate with China, Russia, and other peoples, other governments, and other people in power to keep their Zionist state? Do you think that’s going to happen?

Well, they’ll certainly try to, but because they’re becoming increasingly radical, unhinged, extreme, and detached from reality, I don’t think they’ll be very successful at it. And also, I don’t think that China, for example, which is where the real power is going to be, is at all sympathetic to Zionism. The way that Protestants in the West during the period of Protestant ascendancy in the West were sympathetic because they shared the same narrative. same sacred mythic narrative and they could sort of plug into that and the Jews going back in all of their biblical homelands and so on that sort of worked in a culture where the Old Testament was so powerful and also of course the economic power of the Zionists played a role as well. Well yeah they still have a certain amount of economic power but it’s mostly in the West and again so declines as well. And so what are they going to say? I mean, they’re a tiny little country. Yeah, they’ve got, you know, they’re, they’ve got a fair bit of economic power because of the power of the West. But as that declines, what are they going to have to go offer China, says China, please prop us up? And China is going to be trading and getting energy from the rest of the Middle East. And China has its own history. Again, as I said, they have no use for colonialism and Western

Johnny Punish:

or Russia or any of the other non-Western countries are ever going to make the kind of deal propping up Israel that the Western countries did.

Johnny Punish:
That would be an incredible, incredible change, wouldn’t that be? I mean, it’s incredible.

Yeah, well, I mean, I’ve seen it come, I’ve been kind of saying this for years, and I just see this endpoint that I’ve seen coming for decades actually, getting closer now.

Johnny Punish:
Now as a human being, as a person who cares about every human being on planet Earth, I happen to pledge allegiance to every human being on planet Earth. I don’t pledge allegiance to any flag or any nationalism, that’s just me personally. So as a human being, I’d like to see the children of the world, the children of the Middle East have peace and have good jobs and good schools and places to go and freedom to worship as they wish as opposed to killing each other for religion or things like that. been promoting the Middle Eastern Union, you know, the area where everybody can have free travel instead of these borders, these English-French borders that were created by Sykes-Picot a hundred years ago that don’t make sense. Is it possible, you see that it’s possible that we can have a Middle East Union or something to the effect of free travel for everybody in the Middle East, go work where you want to, worship as you please, take care of our children, and not this nonsense of hurting other for the sake of politicians who want to get rich. What do you think about that?

Yeah, that sounds like a really good kind of vision to pursue. And it would be great. I mean, one way to try to get towards that in the context of the Collapsing Zionist Project would be for countries like Morocco, for example, where I’m headed, to continue to invite Moroccan Jews who left, and in many cases were driven out of Morocco by Zionist terrorism to return to Morocco and live as equals. And we would hope that those people are humbled a little bit by their experience at the point, you know, once Israel starts collapsing and they maybe they don’t want to stay there anymore, maybe they’ll learn a little humility so they’ll be good neighbors to their fellow Moroccans. And that, you know, Morocco’s policy has been to welcome them back with open arms. If you’re a Moroccan Jew, you went to Israel, and you decide you want to leave Israel and come back home, you know, well, Bismillah, you know, it’s so that policy. you know, extended throughout the Middle East would be great. And it could turn this, you know, apparent sort of horrific, scary, bloody collapse and the Jews being driven into the sea, all this sort of, you know, the specter of horror at the end of Israel into something really positive.

Johnny Punish:
You know, during the Ottoman Empire for I think it was 700, 800, 1000 years, Jewish people lived in the Ottoman Empire and you didn’t hear much about, there’s not much in history talking about the oppression of the Jewish people. That occurred actually during the European acquisitions and things like that. Would that be a correct assessment?

Yeah, that’s true. That’s true of Islamic Spain as well and Islamic lands in general. And I think part of the reason is that in Islam, there’s this idea of protecting all the religions and allowing them autonomy and a certain degree of sovereignty, not full sovereignty, because ultimately there’s sort of the Islamic community is in charge. But part of their role and being in charge is to make sure that the Christians can run their own deal. can run their own deal. And so these communities flourish. In many cases, the Christian and Jewish communities were more prosperous than the Muslim communities. Although it was kind of ironic, one of the reasons that you got the conversion to Islam was that the really prosperous Jews and Christians, their taxes could be a little lower if they became Muslim. And of course, that’s not how it’s supposed to be. In Islam, the Zakat tax is supposed to on the non-Muslims, but in reality, the way it got implemented was that in some cases you actually paid a little more if you’re part of this really super prosperous non-Muslim minority. And so some of those people would then convert to Islam to pay lower taxes. But yeah, Islam has taken relatively good care of the minority communities within its borders, historically, which is more than can be said of a lot of other civilizations. And so it wouldn’t be any big stretch for that to happen again.

Johnny Punish:
Well, I’d certainly like to see that happen because again, we all need freedom of worship. There are eight billion of us on planet Earth and not all of us agree on spirituality or what we believe in in terms of spirituality. I think if we have freedom of that and without oppression, I think that’d be a better place to live. And I think the Middle East would benefit from that, including the Israelis, the Jewish people in Israel, the Christians, the Muslim people in Israel, and all over the Middle East. I’m hoping for that. I hope that moves forward. out there the quote-unquote Johnny punish who’s been accused of being an anti-Semite whatever the hell that means is not true what is true is that I want every child and every family to live well healthy and to have prosperity in their own communities without being oppressed I just don’t want you killing each other I just don’t want to see people punching each other in the face over religion it’s ridiculous.

You must be an anti-Semite to say a thing like that.

Johnny Punish:
Yeah, right. Anyway, let’s go forward, Kevin. I know you’re moving to Morocco. What are you planning to make the move?

sometime next fall, inshallah.

Johnny Punish:
Okay, fantastic. Tell us about how our listeners can support you right now directly. How do they do it, Kevin?

Well, probably the best way would be to go to truthjihad.com. And that takes you to a nice Landix site. And then you’ll see my rubrics, one of which is False Flag Weekly News. And so you click on False Flag Weekly News. And then you can click on the latest False Flag Weekly News show. And there, you’ll see at the very beginning of the list of the things we talk about on the show, I think number two or three in this week would be the fundraiser for the show. specifically the fundraiser for this project that we’re doing in Morocco so you can learn about it and hopefully contribute to it that way.

Johnny Punish:
Yeah, everybody listening out there, please support Dr. Kevin Barrett on his efforts at the false flag. Weekly news, let’s do that, and let’s reach out because again, this kind of media is not being supported by advertising. It’s not being supported by the mainstream media advertising corporate people. We are doing this from our homes and from our secret lairs hidden away. And I guess you’re in Madison, Wisconsin right now. I’m hiding out in Baja, California, Mexico. right? The CIA knows that. They can find this easily, right?

Oh, you spilled the secret.

Johnny Punish:
Yeah, it’s a big secret,

Here come the drones, or they blow up bloggers now.

Johnny Punish:
Yeah, well, you know, they know my IP even though I use VPNs, all kinds of stuff. They got it all figured out. But anyway, so I want to say thank you for being on VT Radio today, Dr. Kevin Barrett. Fantastic conversation. As always, I want to wish you a great week. Let’s get out there and keep talking, keep spreading the truth. Let’s see the world from all sides and let’s go to vtforeignpolicy.com. Let’s rock and roll.

Sounds like a plan.

Johnny Punish:
Okay, Kevin, see ya.

Yep. Bye.


  1. Iran is nothing more than a 3rd world front of China’s and now also of Russia’s.
    Rest of Islam has been in tatters since centuries.

  2. After decades of nato/USA ADMINISTRATION (& the EU) interference, manipulation, bribery, DESTRUCTION and corruption around the world, ANYWHERE THEY COULD, AND BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, this time around Nato/USA ADMINISTRATION & the EU have come up against an alliance they simply cannot compete with, let alone attempt to win over or destroy, like they are used to. Nato/EU= REAP WHAT YOU SOW, Amen.