VT RADIO: US Empire Meltdowns as Massive Bank Collapses on Zio-Con War Debt with VT’s Mark Dankof

VT's Dankof goes off on SVB Bank Collapse as USA melts under the weight of Zio-Con DeathBlow of Debt


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Host Johnny Punish welcomes the effervescent Mark Dankof, VT’s writer who’s hiding out in plain sight just outside the NSA’s lair in San Antonio, Texas.  Together they discuss the SVB Bank Collapse and its causes including the War in Ukraine and the Crushing National Debt incurred over decades of abuse.

Mark Dankof was the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.

Mark is the host of The Dankof Report for the Republic Broadcasting Network and the London version of The Dankof Report heard on the first Tuesday of each month for ACH and broadcast by RBN, Rense Radio, Free Speech Radio, and EuroFolkRadio.


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  1. that run on the notes started around 3-2-2023.. took about 10 buks off & that site is difficult to navigate….

    here is the murder B4 the ‘Mystiery !

    whe the EU snatched the russian assetts last march.. about 350B$ !.. the last month ! ursla vandercharlatan from the EU [and cronies] stated that they could not find around 300B$..

  2. off the top of my skull ! the reds had been selling US Treasuries -4- close to 8 months. they had a small poket of aorund 300B$..

    the russian dumma chief finance minister – said a few months bak.. they they would target the IMF for DESTRUCTION.. this was an official mouthpiece of the russian dumma..

    here is where boris cam in for the kill aound the first of the month.. they sold – probably around 30B$ of the T-Bills sitting in hong kong/king – outside of auction.. they did not go thru the aution window.. they sinply sold the script in shanghi @ a small discount – aound ten bukaroos..

    that bak collpse was a fake news stories and stories high when the reds pushed the trigger !

    LMFAO !

    it was a juicy orgasm 2 short COIN yesterday; long barneys friends FSB ! Munch – ZION – SCHW and skipped COIN…

    ahw – they essentially nationalized the banks today.. Vlad broke it off and he went deep -2- keep the interest paybak in 8 months…

    these R some slik commies… and wreked the global banking mafia.. IMHO a two way street @ 88 feet a second…

    the reds sold T-Bills outside of the window and SVB wee the dummies or smuks who brought the

  3. I can’t make heads nor tails about what the Sam Hill you are sayin, Seapatch. Please write in English. I don’t understand Jabertalky.