FREEDOM REPORT: Finding Relative Freedom in an Unfree World, Riviera Maya Mexico Edition

Episode 1: Canadian Expat Judi Shaw presents the PROS and CONS of retiring in Mexico and how to live relatively free in our unfree world for 2023


EPISODES:   Riviera Maya – MeridaLake Chapala

Are You Done with the Never Ending Spinning on that Hamster Wheel?

Are You Completely Exhausted by Life in the Perpetual Clutches of The Clampdown

Ready For A Positive Change?

Well, this is your lucky day! So check it out!

As part of our coverage of Foreign Policy Issues, we also want to provide you with actual practical information on how you can live relatively free in this unfree world of 2023.  It’s not so easy, right?  So listen up because I will be doing a series of these shows to help everyone navigate the treacherous landmines laid out by the Government and Corporate Clampdowns!

First, here, I welcome 20-year ex-pat Judi Shaw where together we explore the do’s and don’t s of retiring in Mexico and how to live relatively free in our free world in 2023

Judi Shaw is Canadian but has lived as an ex-pat in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for over 20 years.  She owns and operates her own Real Estate Brokerage in Playa Del Carmen helping others realize their own hopes and dreams of living in Paradise.  She graciously shares her experiences both good and bad to help others navigate the question “Should I Retire in Mexico”?

Enjoy The Show!

To see all Judi Shaw has to offer, visit her at or just send her an email to: