Should USA Breakup? Given the current state of affairs, it is a legitimate question.
Divorce happens when values are unable to reconcile.
India broke up because Muslim Indians could NOT reconcile with their brothers of other religions. So Pakistan was created in 1947.
Is it better now? Many say NO! Some say Yes! Hum? Well, in that case, millions did die in the transition so it was NOT so peaceful. Gandhi was against it but Jinnah pushed and a new religious-based country was born.
See CNN’s Faith, fury and fear: The story behind one of history’s greatest mass migrations
In the USA, it can break up between Trumplandia and the new United States. Those who follow Trump can live in his world and the rest can follow the United States as created by its founders.
If the USA can break up relatively peacefully and Trumpers just do NOT want to be part of the United States of America, then I am for it. However, if any forces want a full out civil war where millions die, I am certainly NOT for such a terrible start to a better world.
Obviously, this was tried before in 1861. It did NOT go so well. About 620,000 human beings were killed in battle with families being destroyed for generations. If you are unaware of the terrible consequences of The Civil War in the United States of America (1861-1865), well, then this article is actually not for you. Seriously, don’t even bother thinking about this issue if you are NOT well-versed in the history of civil war in the USA. Breakup is not a flippant thing you do over pancakes. So just Google it and learn much more first.

Now, as you can see from the map below, break up is NOT an easy thing. Borders create huge problems. In peaceful times, not a big deal. But if either one of the countries becomes hostile, then it creates a huge problem. But negotiating which states secede to Trumplandia and how a peaceful migration of people can be accomplished can be discussed later. Right now, the question is “Should the USA break up into two countries?”.
Anyway, a break-up is something to consider as Trump supporters continue to dig into their trenches for Trump using excuses like “election fraud” when they do NOT get their way.
Or is it better for Trump supporters to respect the US law, and when they don’t get their way, just be part of the democracy by peacefully advocating for the issues they care about without getting butt hurt when democracy just does NOT go their way?
In other words, calm the heck down and chill the heck out already because, in this Republic, democracy, sometimes goes your way, and sometimes it does not. That’s how it works for responsible adults who accept being part of a democracy. Trump supporters need to decide.
I, for one, agree with President Elect-Biden, we can work this out together. But first, you gotta drop this “when we win, it’s cool” and “when we lose it’s a fraud”. That’s just not cool at all. So stop bitching and be part of the United States of America or not! Make a decision! And let’s roll with it.
Aside from the simple reality that this will never happen, the divisions that have come about in the USA have happened in all the states, not just the South. It’s the result of actual trauma: fear of COVID-19, the cognitive dissonance of having gone though an election as bitter and brutal as this one, and finally the fact that much of the Republican party has become a cult. These folks live by a faith-based belief system where the Earth was created 6000 years ago and the Sun is its planet. They will never believe that Trump lost the election because that would remove him from being the answer to their apocalyptic end-times theology. He is their “chosen one” who will bring on Armageddon and the return of their warrior messiah who will smite the unbelievers. Sorry, Johnny, you are never ever going to talk these folks out of that belief.
The word faith has two meanings:
(1) Blind trust and belief
(2) Reasonable confidence on or about something or someone
(1) Faith in Religion, in Trump or in Biden/Harris
(2) Belief in what can be sensed by ear, sight or feeling and what may be logically deduced from facts and proven science.
IT SEEMS TO ME that very many incoherent members of the populace of the lands between the United States of Mexico and the united provinces of Her Majesty’s provinces in Canada have no clue to this kind of “la distinctione”.
Sorry, but the map does not work, unless massive population migrations are subsidized. E.g. take out Madison and the inner suburbs and Milwaukee proper, and Wisconsin is far more “redneck” and evangelically backwards than Iowa. Illinois can be divided into two groups – inner suburbs, Chicago proper, and Downstate cities of about 100K or more population is one group, and small cities and rural areas are the rest.
Pastor John Hagee claims that there are “50 million Bible-reading Christians that all stand with Israel” and all I’m sure voted for Trump in 2020. Yes, there are indeed millions of “incoherent members of the populace” for whom Trump is their ticket to the Rapture and the end of the USA as we know it.
The good news is in new Trumplandia country there already have a White House also, they can use Mar-a-Lago to use as government house
Make civics a required course of study starting in 5th grade, and make sure it takes precedence over history. Agricultural finance must be adjusted also, as many who would be farmers are not able to do so any longer.
We cannot just eliminate a critical skill set to the species because of corporatism. They are still here.
Speaking of corporatism, if that continues to run the red and blue parties, wouldn’t they still run the red and blue “USs”? It would be like the Five Eyes alliance: Countries which “split” from the “British” Empire, yet their intelligence agencies, plutocrats, sides in wars, etc. are now mostly the same.