Behind the Music: Alita Battle Angel “All Or Nothing Girl”


So my son insisted I go see this anime turned into a movie called ALITA BATTLE ANGEL; about a revived deactivated cyborg. Alita, the cyborg, cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is….

Not being an anime fan, I said “What?” But he said that it was produced by James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic) and directed by Robert Rodriquez (Planet Terror) who’s work I love. So yeah, I said yeah I will go see it.

The movie started off with lots of interesting action and amazing CGI. I was into it.  Then came the scene where Alita says when speaking to the boy “I’m an All or Nothing Girl” and boom, it hit me right there.

The song…. it needs to be called All Or Nothing Girl.

I watched the rest of movie; which I loved. But afterward, it rang in my head all the way home. Once home, I ran into the music studio and penned it. Then wrote the music using my acoustic guitar. It was fast, easy, and came to me like butter.

So yeah I loved the movie, got inspired and wrote this song for a possible sequel/video game just in case the producers want to give it a new vibe. Hey, why not right? Now I really don’t have inroads to reach producers or music directors for this movie but I will give it my best shot. So if anyone reading this knows a connection, get his song to them. I am sure they will love it and feel it fits the movie. But if not and it does not make it as intended, then it’s still a great song so I hope you like.

POLL: Does ALL OR NOTHING GIRL fit into the ending credits of the movie?  Watch and Listen Now to original with SWAN SONG and the alternative version with ALL OR NOTHING GIRL.  Then take the poll!

LONG PLAY VERSION AT TOP OF POST:  Written, Performed and Produced by Johnny Punish (Mexico) with special guest vocals by eSoreni (USA) and guest lead guitar by Ricardo (Italy)
Mastered by Blackdog Master Studios (Florida, USA)

Below is my DD Mix version which is a shorter more commercial version. This one is actually produced by Dan and David Cordero with David on lead guitar. It has a more metal vibe than the long play version above.


(Get chords on

She’s the last of her kind
Disrupting the natural order by design
Power wants to see her destroyed
But she’s no little flea Alita wants to be
Just another teenage girl
with a cyborg body built for battle round the world
So don’t underestimate her
She’ll fuck your mercy while she stabs you in the

I don’t standby in the presence of evil!
I’ll kick your ass and my kiss is lethal

She’s an all or nothing girl
She’s a one of kind
They call her 99
She’s an all or nothing girl
With a face of an angel
Gonna save the world

All or Nothing Girl
All or Nothing Girl

She has a heart of steel
I’m not kidding man battle angel is for real
With her big brown atomic eyes
She mesmerizes all the bounty hunter guys
But she loves only me
But I’m gone now that’s the way it’s gonna be
So she stands all alone
Against all odds she’ll kick you in the

I don’t standby in the presence of evil!
I’ll kick your ass and my kiss is lethal

She’s an all or nothing girl
She’s a one of kind
They call her 99
She’s an all or nothing girl
With a face of an angel
Gonna save the world

I’d do whatever for you
I’d give you whatever I have
I’d give you all my heart
Just tell me where I come from
I don’t know who I am
Please tell me, just tell me, please tell me, just tell me
What I am

Who I am?
Tell me what I am?

I don’t standby in the presence of evil!
I’ll kick your ass and my kiss is lethal

She’s an all or nothing girl
She’s a one of kind
They call her 99
She’s an all or nothing girl
With a face of an angel
Gonna save the world

She’s an all or nothing girl
an all or nothing girl
She’s an all or nothing girl whoa oh
She’s an all or nothing girl
She’s an all or nothing