Go to Gaza Mister President and Build a New Middle East Union World

Time is Now for Massive Shift in US Middle East Policy and to End 100 Years War for Future Generations


Save the USA, Israel, Palestine, the Middle East, and the world, and Go to Gaza Obama!

by Johnny Punish

Recently, I received a note saying that Mossad had the goods on Obama. And thus again, yesterday, we saw the open contempt towards Obama and Kerry this week when Extremist War Criminal and Chief Warden of the Gaza Maximum Security Prison Bibi Netanyahu declared in public contempt.

“Don’t You Ever 2nd Guess Me Again on Hammas”

Middle-East-UnionClearly Serial Killer Bibi feels that he can openly insult our U.S. President and then take our taxpayer monies and commit us to his war crimes.  Really?  Wow, that’s beyond ballsy Bibi!

This open defiance made me think about real leadership in the face of really bad actors.   What is missing here?  I mean who cares what they got on you, Mister President?  You are NOT facing re-election.  To hell with extremists whose only aim is division.  It is time for you to make history and save everyone from the bondage that is Occupation.  This is not about you, it is about mankind and our new connected 21st Century.

You see in a perfect world with a leader that sat alone in the oval office contemplating right and wrong looking at the dismembered bodies of the hundreds of children murdered using our weaponry paid for by our taxes, well, a real leader would get off his chair and GO TO GAZA!

Yeah yeah I know….in the USA, the Zionists would crucify him calling him a Muslim, a Terrorist, an Ape, a blah blah blah. But a true leader must face extremists and look them in the eye and say, too bad ’cause I am GOING TO GAZA!

And then, once he gets there, should stand up in front of a destroyed building, hold the dismembered body of a child and declare that the USA does NOT STAND with murdering civilians and children, period!  And that we the people of the USA and our friends around the world will NOT sit quietly while Israelis commit war crimes using our taxpayer monies.   The USA stands for rule of law no matter who or where it is broken!  Period!

Yesterday Extremist War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu lectured U.S. President Obama in an open act of contempt!

Then, in a perfect world, Obama would announce the following to regain leverage and enforce a new moonshot path for Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East in declaring a true end to Extremism in Israel and the Middle East once and for all time declaring;

  1. 100% cancel of all funding for weapons and $$$ aid letting Israel know that the USA is in charge and we do NOT approve of crimes against humanity including the occupation of 6 million people.   Sorry Bibi but “Don’t You Ever 2nd Guess Me Again”  should be his retort back to the megalomaniac in that shameful disrespectful extremist suit. This action forces the weak pathetic extremists within Israel to the table immediately.
  2. 100% sanctions against Israel on all products putting the hammer down on them to send them a real message to their society that you must immediately embrace social justice or face the wrath of a massive economic failure that will bring you to your extremist war criminal knees.
  3. The USA is charging all war criminals with crimes against humanity sending them to court to face proper justice; on all sides. No one is above the law anymore!  Hamas war criminals?  Get in the paddy wagon?  Bibi? You too!  That lady in the Knesset that called for genocide?  We have that special place for you in a cell called the Adolf Hitler Chamber of Shame!
  4. The USA has decided to build a Palestinian State now and back it up with a massive investment of $ 100 billion dollars to create a new paradigm in Palestine and Israel that will build a new world for all of our children. There will be new construction, new institutions, new schools, and new parks, and the wall between Israel and the West Bank is coming down like the Berlin Wall. We are putting a Wal-Mart in Rafa and a Costco in Ramallah.  There will be Starbucks in Hebron and Zionist owner Howard Schultz will be there serving all Jews, Christians, and Muslims coffee and donuts for FREE!    There will be NO more Jews-only roads in Israel but just roads for all people.  In short, we are ending this 100 years war NOW for all Jews, Christians, and Muslims.


By doing so, Obama will immediately end extremism in Israel and the Arab world. There will be no need for it.  Why protest and go extreme when the world stands with you and the people win?

Obama will immediately become a hero not only to Palestinians but to Israelis, Arabs, and the world.

Yes, there will be backlash from those who make money off the division of people and selling weapons of war.   They are going to be livid and besides themselves.  And can you imagine the extremists over at Fox News?  I think Comedians Ann Colter and Sean Hannity will go nutzo and they will lose their jobs because they have nothing to bitch about except. “God dammit, there is peace in the Middle East!  Dam those Mexicans!”

And truthfully, there will be extremists who cannot stand for peace.  They will take violent action against Obama because big money has a bad history of paying for assassins.  And let’s hope Obama would not get the Gandhi, Rabin, or Sadat gift, but really what is one life worth to save the billions of us from the bondage that is Occupation?  After all, everyone is suffering under this terrible 20th-century dogma.  So I say Mister President, get on the right side of history and Go to Gaza and Build a New World