Apple Attacks BitCoin Amid Russia Ban

A Bankster Conspiracy?

Bitcoin cryptocurrency background. A bunch of golden bitcoin, Digital currency

Fearful Panicking Government and Companies take aim to prohibit BitCoin as the Jedi Masters of the Crypto-Currency World Strike Back!

by Johnny Punish

Recently I binge-watched HBO’s Boardwalk Empire; a 5-season 100-episode saga about the 20th century U.S. alcohol prohibition and the gangsters it created.

Starring Steve Buscemi, this series was amazing and compelling. Notwithstanding the drama, the underlying foundation of the story outlines that, regardless of good intent, the prohibition of morals and the freedom of people to live, eat, and trade is futile.

Fast forward to the here and now in our 21st century. The world is changing super fast as drug war laws not only in the USA but around the world are being usurped step by step in favor of education, freedom, and free will.


Of course, that brings us to crypto-currency and Bitcoins; not exactly a moral conundrum – or is it?

Currently, the world is being traded on government-backed notes. But in reality, what’s really going on is much more nefarious. Governments, especially the world’s reserve currency, the US Dollar, are being systematically devalued by, as they say, “printing” more and more just to pay off the ridiculous growing out-of-control debt.

As a response to the bankster’s global ripoff in 2008, BitCoins arrived on the scene. This is the world’s first truly trans-global currency. It is making history as this spreads around the world panicking governments and central banksters everywhere!

And now here we go again!

Bitcoin Banned in Russia: Russia has announced that BitCoin cannot be considered an asset on the books and is discouraging the use of BitCoin.

Apple bans the final bitcoin wallet from App Store for its iPhone turning Steve Jobs over in his grave as they make they move from the most dynamic tech company in the world to a lethargic antiquated once-in-one fail swoop. Ouch right?

As BitCoin Jesus, the head tech guy at also known as Andreas Antonopoulos basically said and I loosely paraphrase “The only loser in prohibition are the prohibitors because BitCoin goes on and on and cannot be stopped by reactionary temperance movements”.

Well, heck, don’t let me paraphrase him at all! Instead, here’s what BitCoin Jesus actually says along with others in a heavy discussion about BitCoin and prohibition;

The Bitcoin Group #16 (Live) – Apple Bans Bitcoin – Bitcoin 7/11 Mex
Streamed live on Feb 7, 2014

Featuring Andreas Antonopoulos, Davi Barker, Chris J, M.K. Lords, Will Pangman, and Thomas Hunt

Check out the BitCoin Group on >>>