In the wake of the Israeli minister branding U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as ‘messianic’ and the US calling such offensive, it sheds more light on the bizarre dysfunctional relationship the U.S. has with this “unbreakable friend”. In fact, this situation gets weirder by the day. It’s truly bizarre and that’s being super polite!
Nevertheless, the real issue at hand is that the U.S. is being run into the ground paying billions and billions of U.S. Taxpayer monies to pay for this tiny nation built on the quicksand of 20th racist, separatist dogma where myths infect society giving license to kill, murder, push out, oppress, discriminate, and ethnically cleanse a long-standing indigenous culture with impunity at a level never before seen in world history. Yes, even worse than Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany because this has been going on for over 60 years! It’s nuts! Now, that’s messianic!
So what’s the solution here folks? Well, I enjoy the show Kerry is making but the U.S. is Israel and therefore it can’t do peace because peace is very bad for U.S. / Israeli business elites.
What can defeat the un-holy U.S./Israel terror alliance is something that can cave the U.S.A. in from within rendering it truly unable to export its wage slave hard-earned taxpayer monies. But how?
Well, the bad news for the Pentagon causes it won’t come from so-called terrorism. That’s never gonna happen! But it will come in the form of money destabilization whereby the controllers of the money won’t be able to take action against we-the-global peoples.
I mean it’s clear that the military-industrial complex is so attached to Israel that one cannot tell where the U.S. begins and Israel ends. The darn defense contracts are so intertwined that we have American firms coding complex programs for the Israeli Defense Forces and we have Israeli firms providing drone tech to the U.S. military basically giving one another the reach-around! It’s a perverted economy indeed all designed by psychopaths who dream of world domination!
But then comes along our hero. He’s not dressed in anything special. In fact, he’s not dressed at all. Heck, he’s not even a human being. He’s but a mere cyber nothing; an idea; a dream; a byte on a smartphone or a click on a global server in the cloud. It’s Mister Bitcoin, the global savior!
Yes, Bitcoin, that little cyber technology that might be able to finally defeat the central bankster system that funds the mentally ill anti-human short-sided Zionist dream of Eretz Israel. I mean, what was their plan for us anyway? Did they aim to kill all 7 billion of us to make their bizarre mushroom-induced ridiculous dream happen? Come on! Really! Enough with the nonsense! Oi Vay!
But here we are, these Zionist maniacs “print” their own monies whenever they want to prop up their domination not thinking for one second that we-the-global-people would fight back! Oh, the arrogance!
OK, so can Bitcoin do the job and defeat the Zionist dream? Can it force the USA and Israel into a space where leverage reduces them back to dealing with us as human beings and NOT chattel or collateral damage to their mentally ill aspirations?
Well, the outside world is currently running to BitCoin because it’s the people’s revolution against the banksters who’ve dominated we-the-global-peoples. It’s a freedom thing, a new world order by the people, for the people, and by the people. And if this thing takes, well it could destabilize the fiat U.S. currency taking out the legs of the Zionists who control the Federal Reserve; ergo destabilizing the U.S. Congress and their ability to sell off the U.S. working man as a slave to the Zionist masters and boom, the grand plan falls apart quick!
And what we are left with is reality. And the reality is a bitch because it forces the mentally ill to the sane table where their jibberish makes no sense in a modern 21st-century global world. And since they cannot bully their way into the room with guns, they will have to recognize that there are other people in the room with them that don’t buy their “chosen” liquored-up nonsense demanding that they join the human race. Now that would be something right?

Can it happen? Well, yes it can! The U.S.A is about to take a huge hit here if they keep on calling BitCoin a ‘renegade” currency and pretending this will all go away. It won’t.
There is a grand war going on, a revolution indeed, a money revolution, and how the U.S. responds to it will define not only the fate of the U.S.A. but the fate of the Zionist’s psycho-dream of world domination through control of money enslaving where and when they choose to satisfy their bizarre need to feel special or as they call themselves “chosen”.
I think we’re seeing the last mentally ill train leaving the station and the change will come quickly now.
My personal hope is that the new world order will be a peoples order and that all good people can live in freedom; whether they be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or other…in other words, a new world where a new Middle East Union can use Bitcoin to take the greed out of the system by the elite and empower regular peoples to live in a new place of respect, honor, and dignity; multi-cultural, tolerance, caring, loving, and appropriate for a 21st-century world that rejects the pathetic dogmas of the 20th century.
Oh and if you are reading this and are about to pull the AIPAC-induced “Anti-Semite” card, well nice try bozo! You see Bitcoin is also going to change the Kings and Dictatorships in the nasty Middle East countries that currently brutalize their own populations. I mean I am an equal opportunity slammer of racism, hate-mongering, oppression, bigotry, intolerance, and tyranny okay!!
In reality, the 21st century won’t be kind to anyone who is anti-human! So pack your bags and run if that’s you!
Go Bitcoin!