Saudi Arabia Anti-Iranian Position Highlights Need for Middle East Union


by Johnny Punish

As witnessed by Saudi Arabia’s recent rant against a USA deal with Iran on nuclear production, the old Sunni versus Shite battle wages on for hegemony in the Middle East

The battle between Saudi Arabia and Iran, while as old as time, is a complete waste of time in the coming new world.

In fact, it has nowhere to go and only highlights the real need for a new paradigm, a new global perspective on religion, war, and the economy.

I mean, here, check out the acrimony at play during a debate on RT’s cross-talk.

Considering Saudi Arabia is nothing more than an oil corporation for the global elite with imported wage slaves supporting its agenda, it simply has no sustainability in the long run.

As the population of Saudi Arabia grows over the decades and the general population of the Middle East continues to grow forwards, the pressures will continue to rise in an absence of a real vision buttressed by a leadership vacuum that only sees greedy elite anti-humans running around in $ 5000 outfits who pretend to be leaders of a once long gone tribe. It’s silly and they know it.

Because the monetary economic system is such a driver of human behavior, they conveniently ignore their human instincts to feed that beast with bad results. Oh, they will try reform but it won’t work because they are just band-aids on an antiquated ideology that no longer meets the real human needs of all of us.

So yeah, Saudi Arabian rulers will eventually make an effort but it’s NOT expected to reform fast enough to satisfy the needs of the real people because greed will trump humanity in a world where a Rolls Royce is more valuable than a Pakistani wage slave.

Thus, the instability in the region based on a non-human foundation confirms the argument for a fully empowered people’s Middle East Union where the resources belong for the benefit of the peoples union and all decisions for the union are union-wide where the new peoples can take pride in living within a union where freedom, liberty, and justice for all are cornerstones of a new paradigm; where the freedom to practice one’s religion is protected by the union and discrimination and hate crimes are NOT acceptable behavior for caring citizens of the union.

In fact, new people in Saudi Arabia can be valuable assets. But it will have reform in ways that put the value of humans before Rolls Royce’s and join the union as a responsible state within a new nation called the Middle East Union.