Obama Vision: U.S. Middle East Policy


Washington Leadership Struggles with 21st Century Middle East Foreign Policy Vision

by Johnny Punish

In this author’s opinion, what we are seeing is the gradual systematic diminishing of U.S. influence in the Middle East. Whether this is planned by the globalists who control the U.S. or just a consequence of the failed PNAC Bush policies ending with a global recession and the subsequent Obama no plan that caused this loss of influence is actually immaterial. The fact on the ground is that the USA has globally lost its leverage while others have gained ground.

I mean is Washington’s foreign policy completely adrift? Is the current leadership in Washington to blame? Or are we witnessing a paradigm shift in power relations? Is Washington’s influence, particularly in the Middle East, in terminal decline? And, what future can the US carve out in the world in a time of incredible geopolitical shifts?
Check out what RTs Cross Talk says about this issue;

In this new world dis-order, in my view, the actions of Washington reflect their global corporatocracy assigns and NOT the will of the American people and their storied ideals once held high in the corridors of power and around the world. The truth is that the USA has no grand Middle East vision that it can inspire and so the other players are all positioning themselves accordingly.

And so, now what? What is the 21st Century vision of the Middle East?

Well, with Gulf air carrier buying a record $ 150 billion worth of Boeing aircraft yesterday, well, it sure seems that the global corporatocracy will end up having the last word on the vision of the Middle East and the U.S.A. may just be a once important reactionary spectator.

Your comments are greatly welcome…..