20th Century Israel Slams Into 21st Century Reality Wall


Israeli Leadership Puts ALL its Citizens in Jeopardy with a Lack of Vision for a 21st Century Future

by Johnny Punish

Today, Israel again is bombing Gaza and it’s beaten and brutalized population.  As they say in youth land “that is so old school”.  I mean, they have no answer for humanity.  That’s their solution to resolving disagreements with neighbors?  Bomb?

Yeah, let us bottle up a whole culture and population and then call them terrorists.  And when they resist, bomb them into submission.   Wow, what a great idea!  Who’s running that show over there?

I suppose that strategy worked in the centuries previous to this one.  But in this century, we have lights on everywhere!  We, in the global community, can see that reality that they don’t see with their 20th-century glasses.

Now, I know this comment is being read by many in the USA who are saying “What is he talking about?” but hear me out first.

In the USA, we just had an election that exposed the reality that the Christian White Evangelical is losing its luster both in ideology and demographic reality.  The youth of the USA just don’t buy the fanatical non-cents they are selling.  And the Zionist Lobby led by AIPAC and cheered up by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu backed this dying demographic and lost!  This is the 21st century USA and Oldsmobile is no longer a product anymore!  Get it!

The reality in the USA is that its people, especially the youth, just don’t see Israel in the same light as its marketers would like.  They don’t care for its racist policies masked by its promotion as the savior of mankind through its weird bizarre fantasy story that everyone will be saved when that bizarro state survives.  That was the 20th-century sales pitch and, in this century, yes, even in mainstream media brutalized America, it’s just not making the grade.  And that presents a huge dilemma for the Zionist leadership.  Who can they sell to?  What’s left for them?  The US. Congress?  Even those guys are getting braver and rejecting the past.  This past election proved this reality!

In short, their once great Zionist marketing machine is losing its grip on the American people and their leadership.

Now, we still have congressmen mentally held hostage by their intimidation grip but that grip is lifting as they begin to realize that even their Jewish voters are not into this racist and oppressive garbage.  In fact, most young Jewish voters put their interests in the USA and their home politics way before anything going on in a land far far away.  It’s just not working anymore.  And that puts Israel in deep trouble for the coming decades ahead.

Basically, without USA taxpayer funding, Israel will be unable to survive.  They’ve counted on a 60-year bailout from the US Taxpayers to pay for their trail of tears policy of importing 20th-century Euro-Jews and others to step on the heads of the indigenous populations.  And with billions each year, that imperial policy succeeded.

But again, this is the 21st century.  We see the internet in full color and not black and white.  And what the world sees is NOT what Israel sees through its very small porthole of the 20th century “look at us, we are the poor beaten peoples of the Holocaust”.  That sales pitch does NOT work when you have all the guns and the other guy has a bottle rocket, a butter knife, and some string whilst you control the movement of food, energy, and other resources needed for modern life.

Nope, and worse for Israel, like in the USA, the demographics are killing her quickly.  With over 30% of her citizenry non-Jewish and growing much faster than it’s Jewish citizenry, very soon, this demographic shift will topple it’s JEWISH ONLY democracy.  Basically, without genocide or mass deportation of its citizens, Israel will cease to exist in this 20th-century model.

But hold on first!  Let’s not yet celebrate the coming of freedom, justice, and humanity.  The old crusties won’t leave the stage and go quietly into the long dark night.  That’s completely naive.  Extremism in Israel and around the world will have to be pulled out, yanked out, and taken down by us, the global people.   Whether the 20th-century crazies are selling their hate in Israel, Palestine, USA, Afghanistan, Iran, or anywhere else, they must be marginalized by a mobilized global village or they will continue to try and spread their ugly view of the world.  So for those fake leaders who sell the hate, watch out!  You are next on our wall of shame, shammed, and dammed!

Now, for those of you that think I am hating on Israel, wake up and smell the hummus!

This wake-up call goes for all of us.

In the Arab world, 20th-century dictators are falling and the youth want hip-hop freedom.  In the USA, the Latinos are flexing their muscles and saying we want equality too as the old 20th century white America fades quickly into the history books.

We are all becoming one love, one people, and selling the differences in this century and the next will be non-starters as the old crusty 20th-century holdouts die out and the new Facebook youth take over.  Face it, folks, hiding behind 20th-century policies won’t save you from the future.  So you might as well embrace us, the new global demographic, otherwise, history will judge you poorly as they did Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Pol Pot.

Are you listening Israel?  Diplomacy NOT bombs!

Now shut up, lead the way, and end the occupation of our fellow global people or face the wrath of history and a future where you become the Hitler joke in a marginalized future.

PS: I wanted to post Israeli Ambassador to USA Oren’s video comments as he appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgans show last night and Palestinian Authority Representative Hanan Ashrawi’s response but CNN choose to only post the comments from Oren on its video channel while Ms. Ashrawi’s comments were silenced. Sadly, it is exactly what it is! Memo to U.S. Citizens, if you want objective news, watch world news from non-US media. Sucks but that’s the reality!