Can Superman and the Green Lantern Show our Real Life Captain America the Path to Success?
Hey Veterans, I know it can be really tough sometimes and you don’t know where to turn. There are answers and paths you can CHOOSE to take that will take you on a wonderful journey forward if you just know where to look. There are signs everywhere and people like Deepak Chopra and his son Gotham are more than willing to share the knowledge with you. Like you, they are real-life superheroes who wrote this wonderful book about mythical superheroes in order for us everyday Johnnys to find the superhero in us.
Super Heroes are cool, right? Yeah, they are…..
After all, given the volatile state of the world, it is no coincidence that superheroes have captured our imagination like never before. Everywhere you look, superheroes have broken free from their comic book pages and become a dynamic aspect of the culture at large. Superheroes are imbued with magical powers that challenge the laws of space and time, offering us a vision of a world that can change. By exploring the boundaries of energy and awareness, allowing us to better understand ourselves and our potential, superheroes can help us save the planet in a very real way.
Today’s real-life superheroes, our U.S. military soldiers and Veterans, each one is faced with the challenges of survival both on the war battlefield and, upon leaving active duty, in the battlefield of modern life. Everyone is a superhero searching for truth justice and the American way.

From Buddha’s search for truth to Batman’s struggle with his dark side, from Wolverine exposing his greatest fears to Hanuman’s divine gifts of inspiration, New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra with his son Gotham, author and co-founder of Liquid Comics, decode the seven essential laws that govern the realm of superheroes both ancient and modern, cosmic and commercial, and explain their relevance, importance, and perhaps most critically, how to apply them to our daily lives.
These seven new transformative laws will help us all uncover greater happiness, courage, balance, creativity, compassion, and purpose in our lives. Each law has the potential to awaken us to our own superpowers and together these laws offer the potential to change our lives and the world around us.
When Gotham Chopra was young, his famous father Deepak incited his passion for comics by bringing him comics from India about India’s legendary figures. Gotham now has a comic book company and uses writers and artists from India in their goal to reimage these Indian stories and bring them to the world.
In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes, written with his son, Deepak picks up the essence of his earlier book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Sucess, and applies it to the next generation of spiritual seekers using mythology from both Eastern and Western superheroes.
Notwithstanding, the book can be enjoyed by all ages. Even among us Baby Boomers, who wasn’t impacted by Superman and all those other comic heroes we grew up with? (I myself have a nearly complete collection of Lois Lane comics, as she was my heroine!)
Each spiritual law has a chapter, each law building on the preceding law. The laws include balance, transformation, power, love, creativity, intention, and transcendence.
(Interestingly, these are NOT the same laws found in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.) A concluding chapter is entitled, “Activating the Superhero Brain.” Each chapter argues for the principle and includes examples of superheroes demonstrating those ideals.
(Sometimes the applications of the superheroes to the laws are a bit stretched, as in calling it “transformation” when a comic character’s mundane identity changes into his superhero costume.)

Some say they would have liked to have seen more real-life examples of the concepts. But there was one very compelling example from Deepak’s life history: He demonstrated power by knowing instinctively what to do when a pregnant woman came to the emergency room having been shot in the head. He cut open her stomach and pulled out the baby from her womb!
Every chapter ends with exercises or principles for each law. For example, to cultivate power, welcome every day as a new day; be mindful of any tendency to react impulsively; do not give in to the luxury of distraction. My favorite one is on page 47, which has questions to undo beliefs such as in Bryon Katie’s “the work.” This is probably the most important thing we need to do in order to transform.
As usual for Chopra, the book is filled with some interesting tidbits of info (“The body is not a structure; it’s a process.”) and great original quotes (“And fearlessness is, after all, a quality that stems from comfort with uncertainty.”) A quick and easy read recommended for anyone interested in mythology, comic heroes, spiritual growth, and sharing with our U.S. Veterans.