Libya Inc. CEO Gaddafi in Violent Dispute with his 6 Million Slaves, oops Employees!


Employees of Libya Inc. have been rioting in the streets of Benghazi and Tripoli in a bid for democracy, freedom, and justice.   Dam these Unions!

Global Stockholders of Libya Inc. Fear the Stock Value Worst

NYSE, Manhattan – In response to disrespectful unrest in Libya this week, the CEO of Libya Inc. the former terrorist, now respected statesman, Muammar Gaddafi, or as some at Disneyland call him, Gaddafi Duck, has decided that the workers are privileged to have him as their exalted fearless leader for the last 30 years as their boss and svengali.

Gaddafi Duck is so determined to make sure that his employees know how much he cares about their service to his power that he sent his Vice-President, his son, Gaddafi Duck Jr. to threaten his employees by saying that he will fight till the last bullet.

Now, you have to admire a CEO that is willing to completely crush his employees to save his prophets, oops, I mean profits.

This guy is a heckuva guy.  A man of character!  An amazing dicktator among dicktators.  He makes old man Mubarak look like an amateur in the evil Dicktator department.

I mean as I write this, this amazing man in a clown suit is bombing his people with Jets as hired mercenaries from other countries land from the skies of hell to fire on these employees, oops, I mean citizens, oops, I mean slaves…oops, I mean non-humans.

All of this is happening with a backdrop of oil barons who’ve invested in Libya Inc. waiting to make sure their stock investments stay intact while these measely workers get offed by the guns of the Emperor.  And while these people get mowed down by the machine, the western power brokers hail Gaddafi Duck as a reformed terrorist ready to give him the medal of honor for a job well done.

I mean Gaddafi Duck was the anti-Saddam.  Saddam fought his masters in the oil zionist beltway and they hung his ass.  What an idiot!  Gaddafi Duck, for lack of a better word “ducked” from the shrapnel and instead of fighting Ramsees II, I mean G. W. Bush, he made a deal instead.   Smart guy!  Boom!  The Lockerbie killer was freed and Gaddafi Duck was now reformed just like Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan.  “More Coke Please!  Hail to Gaddafi Duck.  Let’s invest” so said the power brokers at the last porno party for oil prophets hosted by BP and Exxon.

Libya Inc. Investor Tony Blair with CEO Gaddafi Duck in Shining Happier Times

But now, just like Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan, CEO Gaddafi Duck is doing bad things again.  Oops! What are we gonna do?

So many questions?

  • Will the Beltway Oil Thugs try to save him?
  • Will Gaddafi Duck go to rehab in Malibu?
  • What will the US do about its slave workforce?  Nuke em?

With all seriousness, Muammar Gaddafi is a thug of the highest order.  He is committing crimes against humanity beyond any reason.  Where the hell is the U.N.?  Obama?  WTF!  He must be immediately removed from his post as CEO and replaced by a human being.   Is anybody home?  Somebody drag him by his legs and let’s hang this SOB before he pulls out the gas chambers.   “Hey, honey!  Go get my gun.  It’s time somebody puts the psychotic predator out of his misery”

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