Hillary Clinton Speaks to AIPAC says “Israeli Building Hurts Peace”


Today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to AIPAC.   She made bold statements and outlined a path to success for both the Palestinians and Israel. peace-maker-clinton

New Israeli construction on land claimed by the Palestinians threatens peace efforts and undermines America’s ability to help end the Arab-Israeli conflict, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told a leading Jewish organization Monday.

Israel’s recent announcement of new housing in east Jerusalem exposed differences between the U.S. and the Jewish state that others could exploit, Clinton said. Her remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee were friendly, but contained a blunt account of a severe diplomatic breach between the close allies over what the United States sees as the provocative and shortsighted expansion of Jewish settlements and other housing on land claimed by Palestinians.

Clinton defended the Obama administration’s strong criticism of a recent large housing announcement because she said it hurt attempts to launch peace talks in which the United States will be the intermediary.

“We objected to this announcement because we are committed to Israel and its security, which we believe depends on a comprehensive peace,” Clinton said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the group Monday evening, and was seeing President Barack Obama on Tuesday.