Ex-DHS Chief Links Politics to Terror Alerts, Commits Treason!

Ex-DHS chief links politics to terror alerts



Advancing Political Agenda at the dangerous expense of the public good is a criminal act

by Johnny Punish

Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge claims in a new book “The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege…And How We Can Be Safe Again” that he was pressured by other members of President George W. Bush’s Cabinet to raise the nation’s terror alert level just before the 2004 presidential election.

Pressured?  Is this a bad joke?

Ridge says he objected to raising the security level despite the urgings of former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, according to a publicity release from Ridge’s publisher. He said the episode convinced him to follow through with his plans to leave the administration; he resigned on Nov. 30, 2004.

While these Machevellian acts are NOT unexpected by this terror group, what is unexpected is watching the American public continue to be hypnotized into thinking this is just some news story that is quaint to be read in a book.  It’s not. This is freakin scary!

In fact, Tom Ridge needs to be indicted immediately for crimes against the American public.  Taking this action to put the American public in danger for no reason is criminal.  And like a Manson follower, he needs to go to jail even if he’s too stupid to know what’s right or wrong!  As for “Manson” himself, the leaders of his cult need to get the death penalty.  How dare these F&*king assholes do this to our public!  OMG!  I am going to scream!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!

Bush’s former homeland security adviser, Frances Townsend, said Thursday that politics never played a role in determining alert levels.

Two tapes were released by al-Qaida in the weeks leading up to the election — one by terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and the other by a man calling himself “Azzam the American.” Terrorism experts suspected that “Azzam the American” was Adam Gadahn, a 26-year-old Californian whom the FBI had been urgently seeking.

terrorwarningfakeTownsend said the videotapes contained “very graphic” and “threatening” messages.

Townsend said that anytime there was a discussion of changing the alert level, she first spoke with Ridge and then, if necessary, called a meeting of the homeland security council comprising the secretaries of defense and homeland security, the attorney general, and CIA and FBI directors. The group then made a recommendation to the president about whether the color-coded threat level should be raised.

“Never were politics ever discussed in this context in my presence,” she said.

Asked if there was any reason for Ridge to have felt pressured, Townsend said: “He was certainly not pressured. And, by the way, he didn’t object when it was raised and he certainly didn’t object when it wasn’t raised.”

Ridge’s publicist, Joe Rinaldi, said Ridge was out of town and was not doing interviews until his book, “The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege … and How We Can Be Safe Again,” is released on Sept. 1.

In 2004, Ridge explained why he didn’t feel the alert should be raised. “We don’t have to go to (code level) orange to take action in response either to these tapes or just general action to improve security around the country,” he said then.

In 2005, months after he resigned, Ridge said his agency has been the most reluctant to raise the alert level. “There were times when some people were really aggressive about raising it, and we said, ‘For that?'” he said during a panel discussion in May 2005. But his book appears to be the first time he publicly attributes some of the pressure to politics.

The Homeland Security Department, which Ridge was the first person to lead, faced criticism in 2004 from Democrats who alleged that raising the alert level was designed to boost support for the Bush administration during an election year.

Johnny PunishRidge, a former Republican congressman and governor of Pennsylvania, was widely named as a potential running mate to John McCain in 2008 before the GOP candidate choice Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

By all accounts Ridge is actually a nice guy…….that’s nice!  Nevertheless, what he did was to commit a crime of Treason against the American people.  TREASON!  ARREST HIM NOW!  AND THEN GO AFTER HIS BOSSES!  BUSH, CHENEY, RUMSFELD……ETC… HANG THEM ALL FOR TREASON NOW!