by Johnny Punish
So recently, my poetic son wrote and shared some new amazing lyrics with me, To me, they rang of oppression, racism, and poverty. I said, “hey let me put those words into music”. As I developed the song, it started to become clear to me that was about a forgotten man; you know, that man who lived during the Depression Era of the 1930s?
That forgotten man, a returned World War I Veteran who was down and out on his luck, was expressed like no other in the classic film Goldiggers of 1933 whereby the last scene is called “Remember My Forgotten Man” sung by Joan Blondell and Etta Moten. This song turns that movie into an unforgettable everlasting homage to the reality of that terrible poverty-stricken era in America; a classic that should be on your list of 100 movies to see before you die. So if you have NOT seen this movie, go watch it. It’s amazing! Anyways….
Like I said see, this Forgotten Man could be any one of the millions of us living today in poverty in America where so many at the very top are wealthy beyond the stratosphere yet millions live paycheck to paycheck, one step away from living on that mean street the sultry Joan Blondell and great Etta Moten so eloquently describe in Remember My Forgotten Man.
Anyways, in my research, by accident, I ran into an article about this cat named Robert Johnson, a bluesman who lived in the early part of the 20th century. It was titled “The Devil’s Music: The Life And Legacy Of Robert Johnson” (see below).
I had no idea of the importance of this forgotten man. So I explored more. My eyes wide open ears going crazy I found out that there would be no Rolling Stones without this man! What? Whoa! I had to learn more. So I read and read and read.
Anyways, to honor my deal with my son and this guy who many call the grandfather of Rock N Roll I came up with this insane rock opera which I titled “The Forgotten Man”. To honor Robert Johnson and to express that he was our first forgotten man, I added the lyrics as follows;
“You hear every Robert Johnson
Howlin’ in the Wind
They put them out to die
Under the poverty skies
Who cares if they were
An honest guy
Forgotten men and minstrels
They gonna die”
My epic song features the amazing vocals of Jamila Thompson from Atlanta, Georgia. Some of you may know here from the music TV Show, The Voice. She is something else boy! It also features vocals from the angelic eSoreni and some really cool extra guitars by Stefano Andrigo from Milan, Italy. Here, you can watch and listen to my song on
Anyways, I hope you like it. But more, importantly, I hope that you, like me, are actually interested in knowing who this Robert Johnson guy really was? If so, read below and watch all the videos below. Enjoy the history of music, which is actually, the history of America!
The Devil’s Music: The Life And Legacy Of Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson influenced everyone from Muddy Waters to The Rolling Stones, and shaped the future of rock’n’roll. We celebrate his life and legacy.
By Richard Havers,
“Robert Johnson – the root source for a whole generation of blues and rock and roll musicians.”
“The most emotionally committed of all blues-singers.”
“The greatest singer, the greatest writer.”
“The greatest folk-blues guitar player that ever lived.”
“The most accomplished and certainly the most influential of all bluesmen.”
“He is a visionary artist.”
These are just some of the descriptions offered by musicians and writers that have been awed by the music of Robert Johnson. Little wonder then that the man’s life and work have become the stuff of legend.
Even the facts of his life are confusing. He was born in Hazelhurst, Mississippi on or around 8 May 1911 and died 27 years later, on 16 August 1938, at Three Forks, near Greenwood, Mississippi; even at a time when life expectancy was shorter, Johnson’s was a short life.
Robert’s mother, Julia, had ten children before Robert was born, all ten being born in wedlock, with her Sharecropper husband, Charles Dodds. Julia was probably around forty years old when Robert was born illegitimately; his father was a plantation worker called Noah Johnson. Charles Dodds had moved to Memphis as a result of problems he was having with some prominent Hazelhurst landowners. Robert was sent to live with him when he was around three or four years old, by which time all of Dodd’s children had moved to Memphis.
Robert Johnson grew up in Memphis and learned the basics of the guitar from a brother. Then, aged around eight or nine, Robert moved back to the Delta to live with his mother and her new husband Dusty Willis. He became known as Little Robert Dusty. By all accounts, Robert was more interested in music than he was on working in the fields, which put him at odds with his stepfather. By the time he was nineteen Robert had married Virginia Travis on February 17, 1929, in Penton, Mississippi; she was sixteen and died in April 1930 as she was giving birth. Around 1930, Son House, considered by many to be the most gifted of the Delta bluesmen of this time, moved to live in Robbinsville, which is when Robert first heard him play.
Son House recalled many years later “he blew a harmonica and he was pretty good with that, but he wanted to play guitar.” It was from House and his friend, Willie Brown that Robert learned. He would watch them play and when they took a break he would use one of their guitars, according to House he was not good at all, “…such a racket you never heard!…get that guitar away from that boy” people would say, ”…he’s running people crazy with it.”
In May 1931, Robert married Colleta Craft in Hazlehurst, Mississippi but continued to travel the Delta, improving his guitar playing and playing at Juke joints and picnics. By 1932 Robert played for Son and Willie; they were staggered by his improvement. “He was so good. When he finished, all our mouths were standing open.”
Robert resumed his Delta wanderings, as well as visiting Chicago, New York, Detroit and St Louis that we know of. The story goes that he would often concentrate his performance on just one woman in the audience; a risky business in a world where men were happy to fight when they felt aggrieved.
Johnson traveled and played with Johnny Shines, who later recalled that Robert was always neat and tidy, despite days spent traveling dusty Delta highways. Johnny also recalled that Robert was just as likely to perform other people’s songs, as he was his own. He sang songs by everyone from Bing Crosby to Blind Willie McTell and Jimmie Rodgers to Lonnie Johnson. Robert, like many others, performed the songs that earned him money, songs his audiences requested.
On Monday, November 23 he cut ‘Kind Hearted Woman Blues’, the first of thirteen takes of eight different songs. Three days later he was back and cut ’32-20 Blues’ and then the following day he cut nine more takes on seven different songs. He was paid possibly no more than $100 and Johnson was soon on a train back to Mississippi to resume the life of an itinerant musician, temporarily richer having pocketed money from his recording session.
His first release was ‘Terraplane Blues’ coupled with ‘Kind Hearted Woman Blues’; it would be the only one that sold in reasonable numbers at the time. Next came ‘32-20 Blues’ coupled with ‘Last Fair Deal Gone Down’, followed by I’ll Believe I’ll Dust My Broom’ and ‘Dead Shrimp Blues’. While his sales were not prolific they were clearly good enough for Johnson to be summoned back for some more recording. This time he went to Dallas and recorded three more sides on 19 June 1937, the following day he cut thirteen more takes of ten more songs.
After his recording session, Robert played around Texas, accompanied by Johnny Shines. They played Jukes, parties and dances, just as they had always done before heading back to Mississippi via Arkansas. Details of the rest of this year are sketchy, although it is known that Robert spent some time in Memphis and Helena, Arkansas.
Gayle Dean Wardlow, a Mississippi journalist, went in search of Robert Johnson’s death certificate and found it in 1968. It confirmed that Robert had died in Greenwood on 16th August 1938 aged 27 years-old.

Was Robert Johnson murdered?
We have only hearsay as to precisely how he died. It is believed that Robert was playing a juke attached to The Three Forks Store near Greenwood, Mississippi. According to David ‘Honeyboy’ Edwards he was poisoned at the store, He got so sick that he had to be taken the three miles into Greenwood where he died. The supposition is that Robert had an affair with the wife of the owner of the Three Forks, and it was he that poisoned Robert.
Through the research of Gayle Dean Wardlow, it has come to light that on the back of the death certificate was information that points to the fact that Johnson may have been born with congenital syphilis. According to a Doctor, it is possible that he had an aneurysm caused by syphilis and his love of drinking moonshine.
Where is Robert Johnston buried?
Just where he is buried is just as confusing as how he died. There are three headstones erected in separate cemeteries around Greenwood. One has a headstone erected by Sony Music, at another location a headstone paid for by the members of ZZ Top. In the summer of 2000, an 85-year-old lady called Rosie Eksridge said that her husband helped to bury Johnson in a graveyard about 3 miles from Three Forks; this has now had a headstone placed in the graveyard.
Just how did Robert Johnson become such a brilliant guitarist?
The most famous myth surrounding Johnson’s life, one that has inspired, fascinated, and taxed everyone, is the one that tells of him selling his soul to the Devil.
People living in the Delta today roll their eyes when asked by eager blues tourists to tell them where they can find the crossroads. Others, of course, do not bother asking, they just go to the junction of Highway 61 and Highway 49 and have their photograph taken. The current crossroads of the two highways is at least half a mile from the one that would have existed in Johnson’s lifetime.
The point is there are no actual crossroads. In ‘Cross Road Blues’ Robert is singing of man’s need to make choices and the fundamental choice between good and evil.
“I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees/I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees. Asked the Lord above ‘Have mercy, now save poor Bob, if you please’ ”.
There was a long-standing Delta myth that talks of a bluesman waiting by the side of a deserted country crossroads in the dark of a moonless night, for Satan himself would come and tune his guitar.
It’s a story made more relevant, in the construction of the Robert Johnson myth, when coupled with Johnson’s frequent references to the Devil. In his songs including, ‘Me And The Devil Blues’, in which he sings, “Me and the Devil, was walkin’ side by side”.
‘Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped The Devil)’ and ‘Hell Hound on My Trail’ help mythologize Johnson’s supposed to deal with the Devil. Johnson was far from the only bluesman who sang about the devil, Skip James, Tampa Red, Lonnie Johnson, Joe Williams and Peetie Wheatstraw all sang of Satan – the latter even nicknamed himself The Devil’s Son-in-law after one of his 1931 recordings.
Was Robert Johnson a genius songwriter?
His music is brilliant, his delivery and his guitar playing were unique and rightly revered, but the songs he recorded are often derivative of other earlier recordings. These records are probably derivative of other blues songs that were passed around from one blues singer to another.
‘Kind Hearted Woman Blues’ – Influenced by Leroy Carr
‘I’ll Believe I’ll Dust My B’oom’ – based on Kokomo Arnold’s ‘Sagefield Woman’ Blues and an even earlier recording by Carl Rafferty, ‘Mr. Carl’s Blues’
‘Sweet Home Chicago’ – based on Kokomo Arnold’s ‘Old Original Kokomo Blue’s
‘Come on in my Kitchen’ – melody based on ‘Sitting on Top of The World’ by The Mississippi Sheiks
‘Phonograph Blues’ – similar to Cliff Carlisle’s ‘That Nasty Swing’
‘32-20 Blues’ – based on Skip James ‘22-20 Blues’
‘If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day’ – based on Hambone Willie Newbern’s Roll and Tumble Blues’
‘From Four Until Late’ – similar to ‘Four O’clock Blues’ by Skip James and ‘Tom Rushen Blues’ by Charley Patton
‘Hell Hound on My Trail – based on Skip James’s ‘Devil Got My Woman’
‘Malted Milk’ – inspired by Lonnie Johnson
‘Travelling Riverside Blues’ – based around ‘Roll and Tumble Blues’
‘Love in Vain’ – based on Leroy Carr’s ‘When the Sun Goes Down’
‘Milkcow’s Calf Blues’ – inspired by Kokomo Arnold’s ‘Milkcow Blues’
Robert Johnson has influenced just about everyone that picked up a guitar and played blues and rock. Eric Clapton has been one of the most vocal to pay tributes to the King of the Delta Blues, including recording a complete album in his name – 2004’s Sessions for Robert J.
Source: The Devil’s Music: The Life And Legacy Of Robert Johnson on
Lyrics – The Forgotten Man
A modern rock opera that dives into the realm of The Forgotten Man; a beaten, broken and neglected soul devoured by an economic system that only works for the profiteering wolves in $ 20,000 suits!
Featuring special guest vocalists Jamila Thompson from Atlanta Georgia, the angelic eSoreni, Stefano Andrigo from Milan, Italy on lead guitar and poetic lyrics by writer Charles Javier Bivona III. Available on Spotify and all digital platforms.
Tell me a story of darkness
Tell me a story without light
Take me to places where I will see faces
Without bones
It’s a fight for truth
It’ll last forever
Make yourself strong
An endless endeavor
Step in the mine field
You’re not feeling fine field
In the United States of America
You wanna feed your family
A structural calamity
It’s an octopus effect
With the tentacles stretching out
Around your neck
Yes they mind you coming here
They’re wasting all our time time
Building walls around their fears
They’ve lost their freakin’ minds, yeah
Cause it’s the color of our skin
Ignorance don’t want to let us in
They mind you coming here
That’s them talking in their sleep
Rocket to the sky gonna get me high
Rocket to the sky just a simple guy
Searchin’ for the sun it moves across the sky
My rocket takes me further to the end of Pi
Life’s just full of make-up
A hellava cover-up
No one to witness honesty
No one tells you the truth
Cause that’s the policy
You see that roadside junkie
He’s a caged off monkey
They put him out to die
His brain was fried
His brain was fried
His brain was fried
Gelatine spines corrupting my mind
Gelatine spines corrupting my mind
Gelatine spines corrupting my mind
Gelatine spines corrupting my mind
You hear every Robert Johnson
Howlin’ in the Wind
They put them out to die
Under the poverty skies
Who cares if they were
An honest guy
Forgotten men and minstrels
They gonna die
Like them you got a dashing suit
Ooh Ohh broken underneath the boot
I hear you cry
How’d you ever become that guy
That guy
That guy
How did you ever become that guy
How did you ever become that guy
Tell me a story of darkness
Tell me a story without light
Take me to places where I will see faces
Without bones
Lyrics by Charles Javier Bivona III
Music by Johnny Punish
Performed and Produced by Johnny Punish
Special Guest Vocalists: Jamila Thompson (Atlanta, GA), eSoreni
Extra Lead Guitar: Stefano Andrigo (Milan, Italy)
I liked the story, Johnny. I always loved rock’n’roll, jazz, blues, rock music and it was very interesting to read your story. Sometimes i watch American movies of 30s-60s, there is also old cool music.
Thank you.
I listen to WTMD that prides itself on music discovery. I will forward this to the program manager. Thanks.