Political Arsonist Trump Burning Down GOP



by Johnny Punish

Who saw this coming? Political Arsonist Trump is now threatening the GOP to get inline or he will burn down the whole dam thing. Down Ticket Republicans are freaking out. No one in GOP is sure what to do. They are all running for their political lives whilst Arsonist Trump has a Hitler-esque stranglehold on his TrumpBot followers creating an epic massive confrontation that will change everything forever!

In an effort to run away from Trumps “Grab Em By The Pussy” immorality and protect house seats, the poor kindly gentle amiable House Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing back against Trump in half measures.  He is NOT defending him but still NOT un-endorsing him. Apex Predator Trump takes that action as a sign of weakness and immediately attacks in expected fashion.  Predictable!

Remember Arsonist Trump is an apex predator and a master of the Art of War.  Poor unprepared weakling Ryan will  quickly find out what “B” personality fools like Ted Cruz discovered, what Marco Rubio got and what everyone gets when Trump no longer finds their “friendship” useful.  Death by Hanging!

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hitler-trumpRemember T-Rex Saddam Arsonist Trump has NO friends.  No, not even you.  He has never had any friends; just partners when convenient who he easily discards when no longer useful to the cause.  He’s an apex predator!  Get that through you thick skull before he eats you!

This is no longer about Hillary Clinton. She is nothing in this scorched earth big picture strategy; at least not yet!

The election for President 2016 is already lost to Hillary. Real scientific polls show that Clinton is ahead by an average of 10 points; post 2nd debate. And Arsonist Trump has NO path left to court the undecided voters he so desperately needs to win the electoral votes. But that does not matter at all to Arsonist Trump. He does not care about going after votes that will win him the election.

You can see it clearly in his “Jail Her” and “Bill is Rapist” yelling at his Trump Hitler rallies.

Polls show that going after Hillary for what Bill did in the 90’s is absolutely what voters don’t care about yet there he goes.   Why?  Because he does have a reason.  It’s just not the reason you think.   He has no intention to win the White House!  None!  He has a completely different agenda.

  1. So what is he doing?
  2. What’s his strategy going forward?

Well, you’re NOT going to want to hear this but here goes;

WARNING! War coming to USA in 30 days; one way or another!

Trump will lose election for sure! He’s a political Dead Man Walking!  But we all see that now!   Not news anymore!

But his TrumpBots are rabid followers who will die for the cult leader. They are primed. So he has two choices now. Which one he takes is NOT yet clear. But let’s outline the (2) choices.  He will;

  1. Cry rigged system foul on Nov. 8th (he’s been setting this up for months) and then call TrumpBots into the streets causing a real violent civil war for which they have been preparing as they heil the new Fuhrer Trump Hitler ;    —–OR—–
  2. Start a new Trump Branded Media Network with fellow sexual assaulter and opportunist predator Roger Ailes creating a new branded Trump Tea Party.  Then he will spend the next 4 years being the Anti-Clinton network making billions of the fools gold followers probably with Bill and Hillary Clinton as a silent partner!  LOL!  He will hire aware the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill “Pay Me” O’Reilly away from Murdoch and others and boom;  meet the new Fox News for the next 4 years complete with a 50 million person political party as loyal fans!  Hey, much bigger than Game of Thrones!

Either way, everyone will lose!

So no, this is actually not funny.

If he goes full Trump Hitler than millions of people in USA and around the world will die and/or get hurt.  The economy will get hurt. This is more than disruption. This is revolution!

But is it the kind we need? Is it a Trump Gandhi revolution based on principles or a Trump Hitler revolution based on power and greed; a replacement of one power group in favor of another?

Let us remember, Arsonist Trump is NOT Mahatma Gandhi. He’s a mentally sick power hungry political arsonist apex predator; a megalomaniac.   Never forget who you’re dealing with!  Never!  So let’s be careful what we wish for because we might just get it.

Personally, I am warning my family living in the USA to pay close attention here.  No Joke!

Remember, I said 4 years ago, a person will show up selling themselves a political savior. But he won’t be a savior at all. He will be the guy that burns down the house. Well folks here we are! Now keep listening ….

Now I know many of you reading this are cheering for the house to burn. I get that! You believe this government is broken and we need to destroy it to fix it. I get that! Fundamentally, I agree with you.

  • But do you really know what that actually means?
  • Do you really understand the suffering involved in a violent civil war?
  • Do you really understand that this is NOT 1861 and the US Military does not fight with muskets?

Now I am hoping calm cool headed Businessman Trump overcomes Hitler Trump and he merely makes billions off the fools gold followers who will gladly watch his network like a religion and take him up to Warren Buffet rich status. I am seriously hoping Hitler Trump does not show up because that’s a serious disaster for everyone. No one wins that war. No one!

There is one more alternative! And ya’ll know what that is…..

I mean as the Arsonist Trump gets closer to really threatening the global elite, as everyone knows, they wont’ get the joke. There are trillions at stake with global power around the world in the balance. The USA is an integral part of the global system that controls the worlds resources for the elite.

  • Do we really think Arsonist Trump can take them down as well?
  • Do we really think they would allow that?

Use your head here!

There is a long history of men that tried to take them down and many ended up dead in airplane crashes, car accidents, and more. Do I really need to make a list for you?

Check Out Johnny Punish's latest POLITICAL song record
Check Out Johnny Punish’s latest POLITICAL song record

BTW, I have NO insider info on this. I am just a political observer with no ties to the insiders. I am a global activist for humanity not a globalist to control resources and the human farm.  So let’s make that clear before some of you start lobbing non-sense that I am selling everyone the globalist agenda.  Calm down please!

I am merely reading the signs here and reporting the findings! Its up to you to do what you think is right for you and your family, your city, state, and country.

So yeah, this is NOT funny.

In my view, we need to stop cheering the Arsonist on because the real consequences are getting deadly serious unless you are ready to die for Emperor Nero Trump as he burns down Rome D.C. and die for whatever noble cause you think he represents?

Before you say yes just remember he will turn on you like everyone else once you no longer serve purpose. That’s a guarantee!  This is the M.O. of all megalomaniacs.

So pay attention because something huge is coming in the next 30 days.  Get out your fire suits!  Trump is burning!

Hold on tight because this is about to get very very dangerous!  NO JOKING!  You’ve been warned!

About Johnny Punish: Former punk rock lead singer from 90s underground band Twisted Nixon (1996-2002) Johnny Punish is now pushing his artistic boundaries into the 21st century creating diverse music that matters. In addition, he’s also engaging around the world as a global social justice political activist, eco-activist, socially responsible businessman, and syndicated writer. Since 2000, Punish has produced his own music from his home studio using the latest technologies that allow for expansion of ideas and new directions exploring the tough themes that pop artists have to run from.

To share his music, Punish has created the record trilogy “The Strange Story of Johnny Punish, Volumes 1,2, and 3?; a collection of his solo music from 2000-2016. His music is available on on Itunes, Amazon.com, bandcamp.com and all digital platforms. As a cyber journalist and activist, Punish has penned over 300 articles on freedom, liberty, and justice around the world writing opt-eds for VeteransToday.com and other truth telling web sites.

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