NSA Spying: Time for U.S. Population to Check-In at Crazy Hospital


Free Head Examinations Offered at the Constitution and Bill of Rights Offices of our Founding Fathers!

by Johnny Punish

Ok, so how many deaths have we had in the USA due to terrorism in the last 20 years? How about 5000 or so? Agree? A bit less? A bit more? Hum, whatever that number, while truly tragic and deeply sad, with a population of over 300 million people, this number is actually quite minuscule. In fact, more people die each year from the flu than all the deaths caused by terrorism over the last 20 years.

My fellow writer at VT Sami Jadallah provides further perspective “…the government to gain total and unconditional control over citizens, have created and imposed a sense of fear among citizens… the boogie man is out there to get you… when in fact there are close to 80,000 deaths annually from gunshots and accidents… the government has created a terrorizing atmosphere making sure the people have no choice but to acquiesce and accept the lies… that this total invasion of privacy thwarted several and for sure False Flags terrorist events”

Hum? Okay, so according to the corporate-sponsored government-induced mainstream media, 60% of Americans support the NSA Spying program because stopping terrorism is more important than privacy. Really? So 60% times 300 million, that’s what? 180 million people are worried that terrorists are going to get us and so we should allow the all-knowing protector to have complete control over our lives? Really?


Okay, you know…..I thought those bizarre Euro-American settlers posing as Israelis who cite the all-loving god giving them land the holy land 5000 years ago thus justifying their killing and expulsions of indigenous peoples marginalizing their humanity was psycho! But you know the more I think about it, the collective American psyche is far more deranged than those lunatics! Hear me out…

I mean, the world is moving on and leaving the USA in the dust right now and the majority of Americans are so consumed by fear that they allow globalists posing as American Nationalists to remove the nation’s wealth and shift it to parts unknown! Is that crazy or what?

Americans should be investing in their society…spending not just money but good positive energy on building bridges all over the place. Instead, the consumption of fear over the last 12 years has killed the soul.

Now, we have the latest NSA Spy revelations simply highlighting how far gone the collective society has gone. And it appears that the fear machines at Foggy Bottom and their mouthpieces at the mainstream media outlets won’t let up. They are raping and pillaging too easily. There is nothing to stop them.

In short, they are playing a global game while the American citizen plays a national game. And so there is no synergy. To make it plain, we are not on the same team. In fact, we are not even in the same field of play.

So while Americans willingly and gladly give up their privacy to the all-knowing centralized proverbial HAL 9000 computer in some weird space odyssey room, well, the globalists are running around, investing everywhere,  pillaging, collecting profits, and going on vacation on many of their isolated islands in the stream.

And you? Well, let’s hope you don’t take a dump today cause I heard that will get you on the NSA’s shit list!

For me, I say screw ’em! I legally protest!

As a hack songsmith, allow me to do it in song and share! So check out my new punk rock crazy tune “NSA Agent” made in honor of the criminal act of spying on the American people in violation of the law.

I did it fast quick style. I will get it mixed up and mastered this week and post it as a free download on my music site. And yes, I will send the song directly to the NSA Director’s office…Wait! What am I saying? He already has a copy! Oops! I forgot! Prism! Geez us!
Oh, btw, did you see mainstream national news today…nothing on NSA spying!  Dead!  MSNBC is talking about the Clinton vs. Christie 2016 election!  Capitulation Sucks!