Time to Abolish the IRS


by Johnny Punish

Recently, we have seen the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) go after political groups to see if they are in fact living up to the standards of their legally filed missions. These actions have caused political stirs on all sides of the political spectrum causing many to think the IRS is choosing sides in political battles.

Whether that’s true or not is up for investigation and resolution. Truly we don’t yet have enough information to make that valued judgment. However, I suspect, over time and investigation, I am sure we will have good answers as to what really happened and why.

Whether some at the IRS actually have a political agenda is not the point here at all. But the fact that this is an issue is the point.

What I mean is why the hell is the IRS even auditing anybody? What for? Are we not in the 21st century? Is our government still using typewriters? Come on people! Hear me out!

The whole system is lame-ass stupid. You mean, we have to inform them how much money we make, and to limit the tax liability that we have to figure out, we have to read 80 bazillion pages of tax code that we simply can’t even understand. Really?

And if we screw it up we are liable?  WTF!

Worse, if we hire a learned professional with a CPA license and trust them to figure it out on our behalf, and if they screw up we are liable!  WTF!   How much shit do we the people have to know to live in this society!   It’s too complex making it impossible for anyone to get it right.  Worse, it makes no cents!

Come on! Are they serious? Who made up this system?  Talk about stacking the deck against ja people!  This system is ass-backward!  It sucks!  Period!

But that is not even the point here.

The real issue is why is anybody getting audited in the first place.  For what reason?

With today’s technology, the IRS already has access to how much money we earn, how much is in our investment accounts, bank accounts, etc… Hell, cash has been virtually outlawed already. Everything is traceable and accountable. So why demand that we the people tell them how much we make and then have to justify expenses and figure out how much we owe?  And then force us, because working stiffs have no time to read their nutzo laws, to hire pros that are not liable for jack squat!

Yeah, that’s right…they are not liable for anything!  We sign off on their work not even knowing what the hell it says and we’re liable!  Come on!  Oh and don’t tell me ignorance is not an excuse…you jerk off!  Who the hell has time to read their volumes of tax law…hell, even the tax pros don’t even know what the hell law says…so piss off on that argument!

I mean, do credit card companies make us file with them to tell them how much we owe them? No! Each month, they send us a bill. They already know! They bill us. We pay! Done! No audits or living in fear that they will confiscate our lives if we don’t bend over for them.
Look, every good American I have ever met always feels good paying their fair share. Reasonable people understand that good government must be funded. But reasonable people hate being ripped off and put into an adversarial position with an entity they morally and tacitly support.

In this light, why can’t smart people design a system of reasonable accountability that takes away this ‘us versus them’ disposition and replaces it with a “we are them?

There are many ideas on how to do it. For this article, I won’t go into the specifics of the many ideas floating out there except to say that this one we have today is anti-American, anti-liberty, and anti-success for the United States of America and her people!  Time to Abolish the IRS!