OBL IS DEAD and the Terror ConMen Rejoice in Chorus of Kumbaya


The bigger the lie, the more they will believe it

by Johnny Punish

My professional con-man sociopathic dad always said, “Son, the bigger the lie the more people will believe it” as if he were preparing me for life as a witness to a George W. Obama Bush CIA Crime.

As Las Vegas’ most enduring and infamous con-man running the numbers, believe me, he told some big ones for sure. But has there ever been a bigger lie than 9/11 and the whole Osama Bin Laden non-cents? This is the biggest con in the world making Mr. Vegas look like a chump at the 1 Dollar Blackjack Tables.

This morning when I heard that the US Military dumped the body out at sea I fell off my chair laughing. Yeah, even more than when Colon Powell showed us those cartoons of Saddam’s Trucks with WMDs. Really! That was the funniest thing I’ve heard in years.

I said to myself “did they really just say that?”. I had to make sure they were not pulling a joke. But there it was, right there on the TV, the CNN anchor saying it with a straight face. Wow!

And after reading the eye-opening “PRESIDENT OBAMA ANNOUNCES: BIN LADEN STILL DEAD” by VT’s Chief Editor Gordon Duff, well, what is there to say?

My goodness, Mr. Vegas was absolutely right; the bigger the lie, the more they will believe it. Just look at the good people dancing for joy on main street USA! I am so happy for them and really hate to burst that TV-induced trance called the BelieveTheStoopidNewsBubble. Wow!

In honor of this great and wonderful PT Barnum day when the American peoples dance up a “Freedom From Terror” jig in their mind-numbing streets, I offer this outrageous song called OBL IS DEAD.

Enjoy and Pass around the love.



by Johnny Punish

Shoot him in the head
OBL is dead

WTC was not a game
But Washington Bullets are completely insane
The sheeple needed someone to blame
Osama (bin Laden)
Another CIA Name

Buried at Sea
No DNA for you and me
a faked photo
and lovely memory!

Obama the hero
Not Bush or Cheney
I killed Osama (bin LADEN!)
Ya Betta Re-Elect Me!

The sheeple needed someone to blame
Osama (bin Laden)
Another Zionist Name

Shoot him in the head
OBL is dead

Eaten by a shark
They keep us in the dark

Where’s the body?
What’s really going on?
We’ll never know!

Hey, at least, it’s government-stamped official now…OBL IS DEAD right?
Live it up, people!