Vatican documents show secret back channel between Pope Pius XII and Adolph Hitler


The Pope At War: The Secret History of Pope Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler

A series of recently opened Vatican archives are shedding new light on the relationship between Pope Pius XII and Adolph Hitler as he led Nazi Germany during World War II. A new book takes a deeper look at these revelations. Historian David Kertzer, author of “The Pope At War: The Secret History of Pope Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler,” joins Amna Nawaz to discuss.

Based on newly opened Vatican archives, a groundbreaking, explosive, and riveting book about Pope Pius XII and his actions during World War II, including how he responded to the Holocaust, by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Pope and Mussolini.

“Splendid . . . The Pope at War ends much of the debate about the pope and surely makes any lingering apologia for his stance implausible.”—Ian Kershaw, author of Hitler: A Biography

When Pope Pius XII died in 1958, his papers were sealed in the Vatican Secret Archives, leaving unanswered questions about what he knew and did during World War II. Those questions have only grown and festered, making Pius XII one of the most controversial popes in Church history, especially now as the Vatican prepares to canonize him.

In 2020, Pius XII’s archives were finally opened, and David I. Kertzer—widely recognized as one of the world’s leading Vatican scholars—has been mining this new material ever since, revealing how the pope came to set aside moral leadership in order to preserve his church’s power.

Based on thousands of never-before-seen documents not only from the Vatican, but from archives in Italy, Germany, France, Britain, and the United States, The Pope at War paints a new, dramatic portrait of what the pope did and did not do as war enveloped the continent and as the Nazis began their systematic mass murder of Europe’s Jews. The book clears away the myths and sheer falsehoods surrounding the pope’s actions from 1939 to 1945, showing why the pope repeatedly bent to the wills of Hitler and Mussolini.

Just as Kertzer’s Pulitzer Prize–winning The Pope and Mussolini became the definitive book on Pope Pius XI and the Fascist regime, The Pope at War is destined to become the most influential account of his successor, Pius XII, and his relations with Mussolini and Hitler. Kertzer shows why no full understanding of the course of World War II is complete without knowledge of the dramatic, behind-the-scenes role played by the pope.

“This remarkably researched book is replete with revelations that deserve the adjective ‘explosive,’” says Kevin Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard University. “The Pope at War is a masterpiece.”


  1. Marshalling automata for the clockwork world…

    HISTORY AS A WEAPON – Edward Bernays (Freud’s nephew)
    “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.”
    Bernays wrote in his book Propaganda: “If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” He called this the “engineering of consent” and proposed that “those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. . . . In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

    The rhythm of excitations rhythmical sounds assists in the formation of habits and their automatism.
    In conformity with the laws of suggestion the higher mechanisms enter into a state resembling sleep.

  2. “Sartre once observed, to those who like Lévi-Strauss challenged the very idea of history as a single entity of some kind, that this entity is itself historical, that History must itself gradually come into being in the course of history. In the beginning, he tells us, there was no history, or rather, there were many: the local histories of innumerable tribes, the vanishing histories of the peoples without writing or stable collective memories, the autonomous dynamics of states as isolated in space as so many galaxies. A single history begins to come into view only with the destruction of these multiple collective temporalities, with their unification into a single world system. That unification (or totalization) is what we call capitalism, and it is not yet complete in current globalization but will only be completed by universal commodification, by the world market as such”.
     Even if this account suffers from a somehow undialectical bias – ‘history’ also entails its share of disjunctive forces – it is possible to relate this idea of the ‘historical emergence of history’ to the clustering of clock-time, the Gregorian calendar and the Christian era, at the very least at the level of the historicity of a unified temporal system which itself brings about the possibility to speak of a unified ‘history’”.
    Extract from Time, Capitalism and Alienation A Socio-Historical Inquiry into the Making of Modern Time By Jonathan Martineau

  3. David Kertzer’s book is categorically fraudulent. In Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism (Vol. I), I addressed this whole issue. I challenge readers to pick up David G. Dalin’s The Myth of Hitler’s Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis. It’s a scholarly treatise. By the way, Dalin is also a rabbi.

  4. Yeah right, whoever wrote this is a raving supporter of David I. Kertzer……sounds jewish to me.
    the shoah is plugged once again….the same old drivel….we all know the “truth” of that!..
    Any article or author who mentions the “poor suffering jews”…immediately lacks credibility…play the bloody violin again Eli….

  5. Lutherans in Germany during that time had the choice between Ludwig Müller, a Nazi collaborator who was appointed as Reich bishop by Hitler, and anti-Nazi dissident and key founding member of the suppressed Confessing Church, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was imprisoned and finally executed at Flossenbürg concentration camp in 1945. I’m sure Catholics in Germany faced a similar choice.

  6. See if you can find any information that portrays Hitler, the Pope and Germany as wanting peace. That side of the issue used to be easy to find. Germany was hated mainly because it was producing better products and was recovering faster from that great Depression. Its enemies hated that competition. Millions of Christians were killed by Communists for a similar reason and that is part of why Russia is a target.

  7. Shame on VT for publishing such garbage. Kertzer, eh? Brandeis U, eh? He wouldn’t by any chance be Jewish, would he? Jews have been lying about Pius XII, the last good pope, for decades. Abe Foxman, who dedicated his life to this lie, was saved by a Polish Catholic family despite the risk. The facts are these:
    1. Israeli journalist/diplomat Pinchas Lapide credited the Catholic Church under Pius XII for saving as many as 800,000 Jews, more than all other world agencies combined.
    2. The NY Times in 1943 published an editorial crediting Pius XII as a lonely voice exposing the situation in Europe.
    3. When Pius XII died he was eulogized by Golda Meir, then Israel’s UN spokesman.

  8. Comments from Darrell Wright:

    “Pius XII was surrounded by enemies of Christ and of His Church, a good example being his secretary, the homosexual Msgr. Giovanni Battista Montini, the future antipope Paul VI (1963-78), who oversaw the destruction of the traditional Church, creating a new counterfeit church which one sees today headed by the NWO Globalist asset, antipope Francis. Pius XII was the last visible pope, his legitimate successor, Giuseppe Siri (Pope Gregory XVII) being threatened into invalid abdication 2 days before the obese Freemason and Globalist asset John XXIII appeared before the world to the acclaim of the international media and of Jewish and Masonic organizations. Siri was sent back to Genoa under the watchful eye of new “secretaries.” The research done on the takeover of the visible structures of the Catholic Church can be seen and heard at whitesmoke1958. com.”

  9. Comments from Darrell Wright (Part II):
    “Pius XII was in a very unenviable position, given false intel re- Hitler and National Socialist Germany, like everyone else, since we all know who controls the media, even back then, and all the governments that were allied against Germany. There is evidence that he was poisoned in 1958 by his Jewish physician, the corrupt Dr Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi, since he had to be taken out in order for the “chosen candidate” Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII), who with cancer had only 5 years to live, to be put in place, to call and initiate the false Vatican II Council (1962-65), and to make Montini a cardinal so that he could be invalidly elected in 1963 and put the destruction into overdrive. The traditional Catholic Church now exists “underground,” so to speak, in groups such as SSPV, CMRI, and others independent of apostate Rome.”

  10. And who passed the envelope stuffed with cash across the table? Nothing personal, just business, my friend.

  11. Az egész történelem HAMIS !
    A zsidók hamisították.
    Újra kell tanulmányozni dokumentumok alapján a múltat !