NFL Ignores Coming North American Union, Fumbles Growth Ball

Huge 21st Century Growth Opportunity Bypassed


NFL Ignores 130 Million People Market as Latin America Sets Up For A Dynamic 21st Century

by Johnny Punish

Today, the NFL hosted a regular season game in Toronto Canada when the Buffalo Bills played the Washington Redskins.  Being that the NFL continues to toy with expansion into other countries, the event in Canada makes cents.

Canada is the USA’s 2nd largest neighbor with over 30 million people. The national language is English and they already have a small established pro league with fans that are knowledgeable about the game.   I say kudos as it makes economic cents.

From a hidden point of view, it makes even more cents as the Trilateral Commission inches itself towards a North American Union over the next 50 years, but that’s another point of discussion.   What’s pressing is the next 20 years….and how will the NFL expand its reach and go multi-national as its leaders who’ve embraced the future want it to go.

A few weeks ago, the NFL was back in London England (U.K.) which does NOT have a history of American football that is prevalent.  Moreover, it’s on another continent and in a time zone that is NOT anywhere close to North America.  The only thing that makes cents for this foray into the European zone is that the national language is English.  Is that good business?

But to this author, what really does NOT make cents is that if the NFL truly wants to expand it’s audience, the obvious is staring them in the face and they either don’t see it or have judged it to be a non-starter, which would be completely misguided.

What am I talking about?  Mexico!  That’s right Mexico!

Consider the facts and not the current xenophobic atmosphere promoted by certain political agendas currently infecting the USA……..

  • Mexico’s current population is 111,000,000 people.  That’s more than the U.K. and Canada combined.  By 2030, the population is expected to be over 135,00,000.  And 50% of its population is below 25 years old. This is in deep contrast to the reality that the Canadian and worse, U.K., populations are growing older super fast.
  • Mexico’s economy and middle classes are growing much faster than the USA, Canada, and the U.K.
  • Mexico has a built-in long-standing college system that plays American Football. This feeder can be a long-term asset.
  • Mexico hosted the Arizona Cardinals and San Francisco 49ers with over 115,000 people at the first regular season game outside the USA in 2005.  At the time, it was an NFL record for attendance.  It was beaten only later in 2009 when Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys opened up his stadium having people stand in tunnels to take the record back.  My guess is that he did NOT want Mexico to hold that record any longer and wanted it back in the USA.
  • Mexico City at 25 million is almost the whole population of Canada.  Mexico has the numbers!
  • Mexico’s population lives in North America – not central America as some try to say.  The population is speaking English more as each year passes with the invasion of American pop and business culture.
  • Mexico has more Costco’s, Wal-Marts, McDonald’s, Burger Kings, Applebees, Home Deports, and Subways, than Canada and certainly more than the U.K.  Being in the 21st Century Mexico is just like being in Southwestern U.S. – The differences between the 2 countries are fading fast.
  • Mexico is in the same time zones as the USA.
  • Mexico City is only 3 hours by plane from Dallas.  Monterrey just 1 hour!  London?  From Dallas?  OMG, try at least 10 hours and jet lag to boot!
  • Mexico and the USA have a huge trading relationship with goods going back and forth each day.  Mexico is the USA’s # 3 trading partner at 12.5% of total business just behind Canada (16.5%) and China (13.5%) and growing faster than the two leaders.  (Source: US Census)
  • Mexico is a gateway to the rest of Latin America.  Succeed in Mexico and the market opens up in Latin America as well.  For big thinkers, the global expansionist NFL would be served extremely well getting into this 1 billion-person Latin American market in the next century.

All in all, Mexico simply makes more cents than the U.K. by far, and by sheer numbers, it makes way more cents than Canada.  So why the blackout?  I contacted the NFL Office to ask and got ignored.  Apparently, they don’t want to talk about it.

So hey NFL!  Consider this!

If the Mexico City Jaguars got into the Super Bowl, can you imagine 100 million extra people watching on TV rooting for their team?  And if by chance, they win it all can you imagine the massive party in the streets?  From a business standpoint, that translates into huge dollars; both from TV revenue and merchandising!  It would effectively increase the revenue for the NFL by at least 20% on the low and probably 40% on the high.  These is absolutely astounding numbers!   Huge by any measure.

From a business standpoint, this makes cents folks!

Now, what’s the con?

Well, I have heard the vitriol about drug dealers, war on drugs, dirty people, brown this and short that, blah blah blah……. but really, that’s hyperbole and boarding ignorant racism and it has no place in a serious intellectual discussion the issues.

For those of us that have actually been to and lived in Mexico, we know the truth that it’s safe life there and frankly, it’s safer than many of America’s most celebrated cities.  But of course, we are dealing with an extremely negative perception dealt to the public by a media and its assigns that have an agenda.

So if the NFL wants to capitalize on the market demographics, then it must make a move against the forces that perpetuate the lies about Mexico.  In short, they would need to lobby and get the US news leadership to stop creating fear without reason and stop scarring the U.S. citizenry.

Those of us in the blogosphere know that this is a herculean job as we’ve tried to put a cork in all the fake threats invented to rile up the masses by the powers that be.  We’ve had to endure fake WMDs, fake terrorists, fake threats from everybody and his mother, and watch as our Presidents presided over fake wars and the fake killing of Osama Bin Laden who’ve been fed to the sharks without any evidence.

In short, we’re dealing with a huge complex of powers that control our media and heretofore, the masses and their “public opinion”.

So of course, if the NFL wants to really win the market share, it will have to overcome this systemic targeting of its largest neighbor by the globalists who control our media.  But the good news is that they really have the money to do it….they can buy this perception and create a new one; hopefully a real one and not this fake one we all have to suffer through.

Now the only real argument with evidence against Mexico’s expansion that I have heard is that the NFL players don’t want to live in a culture that’s not the USA.  But that argument goes for the U.K. as well – Canada not so much as Canadians, in the eyes of U.S. citizens, are really Americans without the politics!

Now wanting to live where you are comfortable is completely understandable.  But when a player is being paid $ 5 million to play, he goes where the job is period!  Whether that’s Canada, U.K., or Mexico.  So really that argument does not suffice or take precedence over a business decision that makes cents.

For all you anti-North American Union in the crowd, don’t panic!  The NFL is leaning towards the U.K. and Canada and Mexico is completely off their radar now.  But really, it’s a huge business missed opportunity and that’s sad because Mexico has way more fans of the NFL than both Canada and the U.K combined.  More, the real truth is that the North American Union is coming like it or not.  It’s already been decided by the powers that be.

Now, you can argue with me all you want and pretend I or you have a say.  We don’t!  We are just working for the man.

So from a business standpoint, you can either fight the coming wave and get crushed by its power or ride it in smooth like a surfer on a longboard.

Me?  I am no dummy.  I am an activist but even I know that when a 350 lb NFL lineman comes at me with 4.5 in the 40 speed, this old man steps aside and rides his back to the touchdown.  There ain’t no way I am getting run over for dead with my principles buried deep into my arce!    Some call that cowardly..some call that practical.  I call that common cent!

Here’s a fact!  Latin America is on the move and if don’t embrace it, our struggling and decrepit economy will continue to suffer.   Dam the Xenophobia!  It’s not working!

In closing. let me just say that the future is on its way and there is no stopping it.  Put a cork in it and it will explode in our faces. Embrace the reality and we have a real chance of competing and being a viable vibrant economy where our tribe will be successful.  It’s all about leadership.

So NFL, reconsider your strange attempt to tame Europe and embrace North America instead because this is where we all live!

My advice?  I say get your Mexico City Jaguars jersey and root for constructive success on our continent.   It’s important to our 21st-century success.  And don’t worry….you won’t’ turn into a tequila-laced fish taco!