Renee and the Drug Squad


SONG: The Story behind “Renee and the Drug Squad”

This song is dedicated to a true hero in the fight for good, right, and humanity – Renee Boje – while souless forces are at work against her we hope that this song can contribute to the awareness that will defeat the hate. Fight all the way – we love you Renee! Johnny Punish and the Shabbab

Renee Boje was seen watering plants for medical marijuana patient Todd McCormick and indicted as a co-conspirator. Todd was not allowed to raise a medical use defense in federal court and pled guilty for a sentence reduction of 5 years. Renee fled to Canada and faced 10 years if she was forced to return. While Renee Boje played a very minimal role in her case, conspiracy laws will punish her for the activities of everyone involved, even people she’s never met. We have an important opportunity to help shape the relationship between Canada and the US regarding victims of the Drug War, especially cases involving cannabis for medicinal purposes. So learn more and get involved!

In 2006, after 8 years of war, the DEA finally agreed with Renee’s lawyers in a plea agreement whereby Renee took probation and returned back to Canada. She is now in Canada with her family and free!

Recorded on July 5, 2005 at Rock Agent Studios at the undisclosed and clandestine sound cave only known by those who are kewl and have the secret password.Produced by Daniel Cordero and Engineered by David Cordero.Lyrics by Johnny Punish and melody and song taken from The Clash’s “Julie’s Working for the Drug Squad”. Lead Vocals by Johnny Punish with background vocals done by the sweetest young people who care – Maya Barker, Lily Barker, and Keren-Ha Chavez Atkinson.. Great Job Girls! and let us not forget Joel “Bad Man” Barker, Kristina Morgan Barker, and Marcos “Madman” Cordero who added their voices as “The Shabbab”. Lead Guitar licks by David Cordero with Bass and Drums by Daniel Cordero.

  • Written by Johnny Punish in 2005 based on the melody of “Julie’s Working for The Drug Squad” by The Clash
  • Album “A Daring Escape from the Empire” (2011)
  • Produced, Mixed, and Mastered by Daniel Cordero with lead guitar David Cordero
  • Lead Vocals by Johnny Punish and with background vocals by Maya Barker, Lily Barker, and Keren-Ha Chavez Atkinson, Joel “Bad Man” Barker, Kristina Morgan Barker, and Marcos “Madman” Cordero


Renee and the Drug Squad (Punish/Clash)

It’s Dylan in the Sky nothin’ left of apple pie
We stare at the screen cause cancer go mean
And Renee’s in the rain
Ganja heals the pain
But sooner or later the Cannucks will realize
Renee’s been fighin gainst the drug squad
Renee’s been fighin gainst the drug squad

Well it seemed like a dream too good to be true
The weed grows high so the patients can live
In their millions
Don’t ya know you gotta give
But there’s someone looking down
From that mountainside
Renee’s been fighin gainst the drug squad
Renee’s been fighin gainst the drug squad

It’s 10 years for you
19 for you
May get us for 25
That is if we’re all alive

And then there came the night of the greatest ever raid
They arrested all Renees that had ever been made
But she’s not there
Off to Canada to fight what’s fair
But they didn’t halt the pull
Cause those jails are all full
Renee’s been fighin gainst the drug squad
Renee’s been fighin gainst the drug squad

Well they put her in court in the land of the snow
And Cotler said Renee that it’s time that you go
You’ve gotta face the man
You’re a thorn in our plan
But she’s gonna give a fight
Cause Renee stands alright


It’s 10 years for you
19 for you
Try to get us for 25
That is if we’re all alive


  • 7/13/05 – Thank you so much! Your song brought me to tears I was so moved! It was really sweet of you to put it together. I appreciate it more than my mortal words can express. Thank you with all of my heart! It rocks! My son and I danced to the whole thing! Right on…. thanks again! Wow! I am so touched by this. Thanks for making my day brighter and inspiring me with your words and creativity. Keep on rockin’ in the free world! Love & freedom, Renee Boje
  • 7/14/05 – That f*&%$ing rocks! Philippe, The VICS,