
  • With the lyrics written by an Arab-American Poet, Peacemakers was derived from an original poem written with devotion to the word and a committment to peace. 
  • Album “A Daring Escape from the Empire” (2010)
  • Produced by Johnny Punish



Mahatma Ghandi won’t do, he was a Peace-maker
Killed by a Hindu too he was a Peace-maker
Yitszak Rabin yes he Knew he was a Peace-maker
Killed by a crazy Jew he was a Peace-maker

God’s enemies in
Let the soul search begin
When those Peacemakers fall
No one left to answer the call – of the Peacemakers

Martin Luther King he was a Peace-maker
Killed by a Christian’s sting he died a Peace-maker
Anwar Sadat’s fate was made to be a Peace-maker
Killed by a Muslims hate of the Peace-maker

God’s enemies in
Let the soul search begin
When those Peacemakers fall
No one left to answer the call – of the Peacemakers

One day we’ll see
Mankind make a plea
For humanity……..

The all mighty creator
God’s not a separator
Is he for the peacemaker
or the fundi fanatical faker when

God’s enemies in
Let the soul search begin
When those Peacemakers fall
No one left to answer the call – of the Peacemakers

Religious by the Day, Peacemakers
Extremists in the Night, Peacemakers
They killing off the peace, Peacemakers
One day we might be …
Peacemakers, Peacemakers, Peace