AMERICAN IDOL: Siobhan the Geek Turns into the Magnus the Fearless Predator


Watching tonite on America Idol, there was so much blah blah blah.

I mean, just put Paige Miles, Andrew Garcia and Tim Urban at the bottom three now and get it over with.  Does it really matter which one leaves?  Because all 3 of them are the next to go anyway.

Siobhan the Geek, Magnus the Fearless Monster Rock Chick

Paige was horrible.  No Charistmatic power whatsoever.  Good voice?  Sure, but she’s reached her peter principle where she’s reached the level of her incompetance.  Moreover, she’s does NOT have the star quality disposition.  It’s simply not there and thus, she must go

Andrew Garcia…..same thing.  Nice guy, good story, no rock star here.  He’s like Danny Gokey super light.  Not gonna make it.  

Tim Urban?  That Crazy little thing called love was funny.  He’s really doing his best.  But he’s not in the rock star class. But, someone get a casting director for teen show and put this guy on now.  He’s a TV star not a singer.

The middle of the pack remain led by Aaron Kelly, Casey James, Katie Stevens, Lee Dewyze and Didi Benami.  Of these, Casey will get a country recording contract and Lee will be a front man for a rock band.  Aaron and Katie could have a solid music careers and Didi, not sure yet.   Maybe a model!  She’s hot!

Okay but the one’s to beat are Michael Lynche, Crystal Bowersox, and Siobhan Magnus.   

Simon is gaga for Bowersox.  But if she can’t get over the “I’m indie” thing, then watch out for Siobhan. 

This girls is a straight up geek.  She’s odd and out of place.  A misfit.  When not singing, I would swear she belongs in the back of the class somewhere under a lab coat and pocket protector.  But when she gets on stage, she’s another person.  A Dr. Jekyl and Misses Hyde.    OMG, she’s a monster rocker on stage.   She turns it on and with some more practice, experience, and a bit of guidance, this one will be a superstar.

It will be Siobhan vs. Bowersox in a battle royal.

My money is on Siobhan


  1. I really enjoyed the top 5 American idol group song last night. It was moving to see Aaron Kelly got rid of but I believe the other singers were better singers so he had to go!