Indie Recording Artist Delivers Amazing Christmas Card for the Troops


Angela Alegna Delivers Music Christmas Card for the Troops

My America’s New Music Hero for 2010 is Angela Alegna

by Johnny Punish

After living twelve years in Ireland, Angela Alegna has come home to America in order to campaign on behalf of our returning Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who are finding it difficult to reintegrate back into society.


With, Angela just delivered her lovely Christmas Card for our Troops.

This video blew me away. And when I checked her out, I was even more amazed to learn how deeply Angela is dedicated to the cause of our Veterans.  She’s an unbelievable talent with the heart of a lioness.  Who is this lady?     Her songs stand so powerful that they are haunting, you know the kind that gives you goosebumps and lands you on the floor because you know what she’s saying is true and from the heart.  Angela stands for our Veterans and troops at the highest level of artistic consciousness.

Anglea says “Veterans are faced with a host of problems and need the support of their fellow citizens when they come home just as much as when they are fighting the kind of daily battle that none of us could ever imagine”.

As Angela tours the country, she is working hard to make people aware of the plight of our returning troops; her goal is to make sure this new generation of Veterans does not suffer the same fate as those from Vietnam.

Angela hopes to inspire everyone across America to do what they can for this worthy cause.  She is convinced that the reason these brave young men and women are faced with hardship is the greater population is unaware.

Angela has pledged ALL of her earnings in the next year to our returning Veterans.  She has complete determination and resolves to make a difference in this issue.

“This is NOT a political issue. It is a moral obligation to be there for these young men and women when they come home. If the community had gotten involved 30 years ago following Vietnam there wouldn’t be 300,000 homeless Veterans on the streets today.  If we work together now we can spare this generation the same fate” says Angela Alegna.

I urge you to check out her music. Please contact her. Invite to play concerts wherever she can.  Get the freakin mass media involved.  Heck, someone call Simon Cowell and get American Friggin’ Idol to get her on the biggest stage ever!

I am sick and tired of watching mindless lip-syncing artists give us canned garbage.  Its’ time for America to change its own culture now!  And with artists like Angela, we can do it.  Angela is a true American Idol indeed and we need to give Angela and her the microphone now!

Thank You, Angela, we all truly thank you.  From my military family, we all wish you a Very Merry Christmas. And God Bless You!